Chapter 931

Chapter 72 Sovereign Level Monster Beast
When the pseudo-terrorist fell, Wu Ming also took away the treasures under it. Although this is not a precious thing, but casually refining a revenant vessel is worth hundreds of millions To earn a collection of 100 billion first is to start from a young age, from a little bit, Wu Ming will never lose his strength bit by bit. Sometimes, the qualitative change produced by quantity is awesome.

"Xiran, let's go, it's time for you to practice your hands, hehe, your hands are itchy." Li Xiran, who was calmly stroking a strand of blue hair, said with a smile, this is a big guy, a monarch-level monster, but it is equivalent to a super-level magician, but it is worth playing.
"Well," Li Xiran also responded softly, and then, Qingfengqi followed Wu Ming's footsteps and began to go towards the depths of the city. There is the place where the final boss hides and the most The challenging place is also the place where she began to lead the resurgence of this deserted city, the First World War, here. .

As for Wu Ming and the group of people under her feet before, they took a rest out of breath and talked for a while.

"This monster has almost reached the level of a high-level magician, and it is much more dangerous than the previous missions."

"That's not it, the stigma. The wild ones can't be compared with the ones at home. One grows in the city, and the other grows in the wild. The wildness in the wild is more vigorous."

"Hey, have you noticed that we seem to be being watched all the time, and we can't find out..."

"Silly X, that's naturally the boss. Let's take a break and continue. Explore every corner of this city. I really look forward to the rise of a huge power, ha ha!!"


After a few minutes of rest, these people had a lot of "jokes", and they were keenly aware that they were watched by their boss, so they didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. The students looked at it, and naturally there was no problem. With a few orders, Wu Ming still believed that they could handle it, so that the barnyard wouldn't be messed up.

In addition, there is still Zhang Dafu, the sales director, who is supervising. This one is comparable to an intermediate magician, but he didn't realize it himself, and he still suffers from not having cultivated the legendary internal force. Of course, His physique is still obvious, and he knew from the life with his wife that learning martial arts still has such great benefits. If he knew it earlier, he would not have made any choice, and it would be better to practice martial arts directly.

As for the problem of entering the middle level, these are all arranged. What is important in martial arts training is step by step. Otherwise, after directly transferring some spiritual energy to Zhang Dafu, you can enter the Houtian martial artist level. Everything is so easy, but , is not conducive to the long-term development of a warrior. As for the realm of a warrior, hehe, Wu Ming has never thought about it.

After resting for a while, Hu Xueyan and the others began to continue their actions. The next place was also headed for the depths of the city. As for the other people who participated, they also followed this pair of excellent teams. Almost all the monsters were snatched away by people like Hu Xueyan, because the soul of a warrior-level monster is tens of millions, which is not a small sum. As for the commander-level monster, it is Take one step at a time, take one step at a time,

In the depths of the city, the huge city has lost its former glory, and there are ruins everywhere, which looks particularly vicissitudes. .

When these people stepped into the depths of this city like this, after seeing the vicissitudes of life, they were also regretful, and then their expressions became serious, because next, there were patches of black evil insects, and a group of The giant lizards appeared and surrounded them. Behind these monsters, four huge figures like kings appeared together as if they were summoned by something.

"Damn!!" Among Hu Xueyan and others, Zhao Mingliang and Jiang Chong couldn't help but say something rude, because the three guys who appeared here are really scary.

"Monitor lizard and pseudo-dragon!!" "Swamp poisonous thousand pededee!" "And the leader of evil insects!"

These three are all at the commanding level, and their strength is far from comparable to that of ordinary high-level magicians. This lineup requires at least a super-level magician to defeat them. However, if you want to kill three of this level that appear at the same time Even super-level magicians dare not [-]% guarantee that they can kill the commander-level monsters, because the gap between monsters and magicians is also irreparable.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Xueyan said, "Fight, it must be a bloody battle."

"Hehe, it can sink to the bottom and explode," Zhao Mingliang also added, because in a lineup like this, all the magicians must be dead. Of course, if the strong school doesn't take action, the entire army will be wiped out , because there are no less than a dozen warrior-level monsters. Such a lineup can consume more than half of the magic energy of these people.

As for Zhao Mingliang and the others, they can magically change such a heaven-defying forbidden technique, but if they explode with all their strength, they can fight a bloody battle.

"Look, when they make a move, Xiao Ran, it's time for you to stab other people's bosses," Wu Ming looked at this lineup, and smiled calmly, and then turned to Li Xiran With a smile.

"Can they bear it? However, it's hard to have such a devil's boss at the booth," Li Xiran also said humorously, and then smiled lightly and covered her mouth, as if she had seen the boss of the devil. Zhao Mingliang and his party were hanging and beating, because besides the warrior-level monsters, there were countless slave-level monsters. In the end, there were three commander-level monsters staring at them. As for the last monarch-level monster The monster, it was Li Xiran who made the move,

"Thunder!" "Shuiyu!" "Guangyao!"...

Afterwards, there was a series of gorgeous magic, which started the scene of bloody battle and massacre. These monsters have been entrenched and multiplying here for many years. It is conceivable how difficult it is to face them.
Seeing Zhao Mingliang and his group who were doing the fighting, and the experienced students who followed from the academy, Li Xiran also started to make a move. Facing the big monster wrapped in silver armor that was lurking and seemed to be dormant, Li Xiran began to cast ice. There are three types of magic, three types of magic, and the ice type has some powerful attacks.

After Li Xiran's ice rope, the monarch-level monster also opened its hallucinatory silver eyes, looking at a small human being who provoked it, in an instant, a silver light flashed. Flashing, it appeared directly behind Li Xiran, a monster like a tree demon with many armors like silver mirrors appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Monarch level monster..."

(End of this chapter)

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