Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 187 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 187 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (18)

bell bell bell...

With a burst of rapid bell rang.

The gate of Alice Academy also opened at the same time as the bell rang.

Students came out of the campus in groups of three and four.

Or depressed, or bright smile.

Lin Qiao was also one of these students.

The tired deaf pulled his head.

With a slit in his eyes, he looked around for the Xia family's car.

In order to save time, these days she goes directly to and from school in Xia's car.

But oddly enough.

Xia's car was not seen.

Instead, she saw a face she didn't want to see again.

Ji Huainian?
How could he be here.

What surprised her even more was what was behind.

Ji Huainian moved his long legs and approached her step by step.

He didn't stop until he was in front of her.

The deep color in his eyes was like a cold pool.

If you don't pay attention, you will get caught up in it.

In the astonishing eyes of the people around.

He smiled.

He took the initiative to hold her hand.

"Come with me!"

He didn't discuss it with Lin Qiao.

Instead, he directly took Lin Qiao's hand and left.

Lin Qiao clapped his paw on his hand.

The tone was cold.

"Let go!"

This time, he didn't slap his hand away, but was held even tighter by him.

Ji Huainian turned around.

The smile on his face disappeared.

Instead, there was a sense of oppression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"I can let go, and your secret..."

He hesitated to speak.

But it worked successfully.

Lin Qiao's face turned blue and white.

The eyes looking at him became more and more fearful.

"Are you threatening me?"

Ji Huaiyou laughed.

"That's it!"

within a certain range.

He could pamper her a little.

But he never allowed her to have half the right to refuse what he decided.

Lin Qiao gritted her teeth secretly in anger.

But there was really nothing he could do about it.

His threats are damn effective!

No matter how much her secret Ji Huainian knows.

She couldn't refuse.

Because, she can't afford to lose!
Take a deep breath.

Lin Qiao was under everyone's astonished gaze.

Together with Ji Huainian, they got in the car and left.

in situ.

People talk about it.

The center of discussion is not only around Lin Qiao.

Most of them were talking about Ji Huai Nian.

The Ji family, that is the number one existence among the giants in the imperial capital.

Especially Ji Huainian himself.

His existence and life experience.

What a miracle!

Many people in the small family have only heard the name.

But never saw him in person.

Not only can I see it now.

Actually saw it with my own eyes.

He came to find that upstart Lin Qiao himself?
For others, don't even look at it.

Those who want to take the opportunity to come forward and talk to people.

All were expelled.

Even more annoying.

That upstart Lin Qiao still wants to refuse?

I really don't know who gave her face!

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

Such a strong gap caused everyone to feel a little unbalanced.

Even if people have gone far.

Discussions continued one after another.

Just like the water of the Yangtze River, it flows endlessly!
Mu Lianyun stood there.

His eyes were fixed on the direction where Lin Qiao disappeared just now.

For Xue Yuning who was on the side.

From the beginning to the end, it was as if she had never discovered her existence at all.

Xue Yuning's eyes were like fire.

The nails, as beautiful as cardamom, firmly pinched into the flesh and blood.

Late summer, late summer, and this damn late summer again!
Don't know when it started.

Mu Lianyun's dislike for her had disappeared.

There are always inexplicable loss of consciousness!

This time, it was even more obvious.

She stood beside him for so long.

But his eyes never stayed on her for half a minute!
Xue Yuning secretly gritted her teeth.

At the end of summer, let you be proud for a while!

When the half-term exam results are announced on Monday.

That is, you will never turn around!
 [Thank you Furong and Time for writing the two cuties~PS: Sorry, there is only one update tonight, Beibei is stuck, and I am not satisfied with the changes after several times, I promise to make it up tomorrow! 】

(End of this chapter)

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