Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 188 Explosion!The national male god is a girl [update]

Chapter 188 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (19) [update]

The car went all the way.

Finally, it stopped in front of a private villa.

Lin Qiao frowned slightly.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Along the way, Lin Qiao asked Ji Huainian more than once.

But Ji Huainian insisted on not answering half a sentence.

At this moment, he just raised his eyebrows.

"You'll know when you go in."

Lin Qiao subconsciously didn't want to go in.

Unable to bear it, Ji Huainian has already come over to take the initiative and forcibly pulled her out of the car.

Even with it, they were pulled into the villa all the way.

And this way.

It also successfully attracted the attention of the surrounding servants.

They rarely saw their young master take the initiative to bring friends to this villa.

You especially dragged it in personally!
They are not very moved on the surface.

But after Ji Huainian left, they gathered in twos and threes to discuss their guesses.

Ji Huainian pulled Lin Qiao to the living room before letting go.

Lin Qiao rubbed his wrist which was a little red from being stretched.

The black eyes kept looking around, cautious and cautious.

"Ji Huainian, you can talk now! What do you want to do?"

Threatening her to get into the car from the school gate.

All the way here without saying a word, just caring about driving forward.

She really doesn't understand.

Is this season of nostalgia really crazy?
The system despises faces.

[Host, you are the one with a crazy brain! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

It's a damn little system.

Will help outsiders speak!

The system sighs.

[Hey, host, is this system helping you? 】

[Boss Ji is in a bad mood, so just coax him! 】

Lin Qiao pouted secretly.

"It's none of my business if he's in a bad mood?"

Counting this time, Lin Qiao only met him three times.

But every time, Ji Huainian would only leave a bad impression on her.

【Ding!Activate random tasks to untie Ji Huainian's knot! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."


this moment.

She had a feeling of beeping the dog.

"System, come out for me, what the hell is it to activate a random mission?"

[This is automatically activated by you as the host, and has nothing to do with this system! 】

After speaking, the system curled up into a ball.

Roll back to the corner.

Play dead!
Lin Qiao's expression was indescribably ugly.

I really don't know whether she should cry or laugh at this moment.

On the side, Ji Huainian remained silent.

He is sitting on the sofa.

The slender palms rest on the knees.

The index finger tapped up and down rhythmically, not in a hurry.

His deep eyes kept falling on her, without saying a word.

It seems to be thinking about something.

After a long time, he opened his mouth to break the silence in the room.

"Stay with me for one night, what do you want, I will give it!"

Lin Qiao didn't expect it.

I waited for a long time.

The answer Ji Huainian said was actually this.

Subconsciously refused.

"I don't want anything, since you have nothing important to do, then I'm leaving!"

Lin Qiao turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, Ji Huainian immediately reached out and grabbed her.

"You have no right to refuse, if you don't want your secret to be announced..."

Lin Qiao's face became more and more serious.

What she hates the most is when others threaten her!


Threat after threat!

Lin Qiao shook off Ji Huainian's hand and said coldly.

"Whatever you want, at worst, I can change places, and I can still live a wonderful life!"

"Don't even try to threaten me with the Xia family. I don't have any attachment to the Xia family. You can do whatever you want!"

Lin Qiao finished speaking.

Without any more nostalgia, he turned and left.

The more scruples a person has, the easier it is to be restrained.

But everything has been said like now.

Instead, she felt relieved.

It's just that she might not be able to complete her task.

When Lin Qiao walked to the gate.

Ji Huainian behind him spoke.

"If I say, I exchange my secret with you, will you stay?"

His voice lacked some of the strength it used to have.

But a little more expectation.

Paired with his deep voice.

It's really hard to say no.

Lin Qiao did indeed pause.

But it's not that he can't bear to refuse.

Instead, there are other plans.

"I can stay, it depends on whether your secret is strong enough."

Ji Huainian smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

 [Update at noon, just ask, are you surprised or not? 】

(End of this chapter)

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