Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 191 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 191 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (22)

If Lin Qiao's previous sentence could win the sympathy of some people.

That last sentence is to die!

Everyone knew that Mu Lianyun was Alice's school girl. It was an ironclad fact.

She said so at the moment.

Undoubtedly, he was against all the fans of Mu Lianyun in the school!

On the contrary, there are a few parents of boys and girls.

The former felt that Lin Qiao finally woke up.

The latter stood on the same stand as Lin Qiao.

He's just a good-looking poor boy.

It is a miracle to be able to enter Alice, and they are trying to abduct their daughter?
Simply, dreaming!
Lin Qiao turned a deaf ear to what these people said.

Does not explain and does not justify itself.

Let them think whatever they want!
Instead, it was Mu Lianyun.

Not only did he not lose his temper as everyone had guessed.

Instead, he tidied up his stool in a super-tempered manner, and sat down on his seat again.

From beginning to end, without saying a word.

As a result, the fans behind him cried and felt sorry for him.

This temper is too old and nice.

Being bullied like this by Lin Qiao didn't even reply.

On the other hand, Lin Qiao felt that Lin Qiao was really disgusting.

They didn't know that Mu Lianyun was in a good mood at the moment.

Excitement flashed in his eyes.

Finally...can't help showing your minions?
Lin Qiao finally noticed the difference in Mu Lianyun this time.

His brows furrowed tightly.

"System, is this Mu Lianyun mentally ill?"

Obviously she has made him worthless.

There is excitement in this guy's eyes?
[Hen, but this plane has indeed undergone some changes invisibly. 】

"What changes?"

[It's not sure yet, host, you have to be more careful! 】

This time the system's voice was a little more cautious than usual.

Lin Qiao's mood became a little heavy for a while.

She suddenly remembered.

Wang Feng said it last time.

The person who instigated him to mess with himself was Xue Yuning.

She didn't pay much attention at the time.

After all, in her impression, Xue Yuning is the heroine of this world.

Possesses the aura of the supreme heroine.

She can't be an enemy of a passerby like herself, can she?
After a hasty class bell rang.

Teacher Wang walked into the classroom holding a pile of test papers.

After saying a few polite opening remarks, the students' grades began to be announced.

The order in which she pronounced it was completely in accordance with the names of the people.

Everyone knows their grades only when they hear their names.

In such an atmosphere.

Lin Qiao, like other students, felt a little more anticipation.

Although, she knew that with her strength, it shouldn't be a problem to be the first in the class.


Until Teacher Wang finished reading everyone's names.

Lin Qiao didn't hear about her grades either.

Can't help but ask out loud.

"Mr. Wang, what about my grades?"

Teacher Wang put away the form in his hand.

Snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Just you? At the end of Xia, thanks to you, you still have the guts to ask, but with your last-to-last result that time, do you still want me to read out laughable generosity?"

Lin Qiao's face darkened.

stand up.

"Mr. Wang, empty words are not proven, I demand that my test paper be sent down to testify!"

In this exam, Lin Qiao finished all the papers.

Even if you can't get the first place in the class.

But no matter what, it would not be the bottom one.

Teacher Wang's expression changed.

A slap on the lecture table bounced off the white chalk dust.

"At the end of Xia, don't you don't know what is good or bad, don't disturb the order of the class, just sit in your own seat obediently!"

Wang Xiangqin took the opportunity to give Lin Qiao a hand too.

"Xiao Mo, since your homeroom teacher said so, you just accept your fate!"

"Don't worry, Aunt Wang will treat you like her own son in the future!"

After Wang Xiangqin.

The other students in the classroom also kindly 'consoled' them.

It is nothing more than that, without that diamond, don't take that porcelain job!
This is the scumbag who is always at the bottom of the class.

Don't think about salted fish turning over.

However, at this time, another person stood up.

"Teacher, all students have the right to know their grades. Isn't it unfair for you to do this?"

 [Thank you 'W Yisheng' for the big reward, ok~]

(End of this chapter)

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