Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 192 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 192 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (23)

Even Lin Qiao himself didn't think of it.

The first one to stand up and speak for her would be Mu Lianyun.

However, she will not thank him.

Only more disgusting.

The moment he stood up to speak.

She could already clearly feel the jealous eyes from other girls in the classroom.

Especially, she is still wearing a boy's shell.

This will only make outsiders hate her even more!

However, his words did give her a certain level.

With a sneer, he looked at Teacher Wang on the podium.

"Heh! Teacher Wang didn't dare to take out the test paper. Could it be that he is guilty?"

On the podium, Teacher Wang was very angry.

Immediately, he found Lin Qiao's share among the pile of English test papers.

Lit up right away!

"With your grades, do I need to feel guilty?"

Some students in the front row noticed that it was on the entire answer sheet.

Except for the name and class, there is no place where the pen and ink have been touched at all.

Immediately burst into laughter.

No wonder Mr. Wang dared to say such a thing directly.

The original owner's previous English scores were all blank papers, and the other subjects were similar.

Even if someone saw that she worked hard to write at that time.

But who knows what exactly she wrote at the beginning?
Lin Qiao took a step forward and grabbed the answer sheet.

Staring in disbelief.

She clearly wrote the answer before, no matter what, it won't be a blank paper.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the name on the answer sheet.

He said loudly, "Wait, this is not my handwriting!"

Teacher Wang sneered.

"I knew you would say that, you can ask your classmates to proofread if the name on your book is the same as this one!"

Immediately, other students nearby opened Lin Qiao's book.

Compare with the name written on the answer sheet.

The handwriting is exactly the same.

Lin Qiao gritted his teeth secretly, but he couldn't say a word of refutation.

Everyone's handwriting is different.

Even if he has the memory of the original owner.

But her handwriting still deviates from the original owner's handwriting.

But these, she couldn't say it openly.

"I want to compare it with my other test papers, and then I will know whether the handwriting is mine or not."

Teacher Wang grabbed the answer sheet.

"At the end of Xia, are you going to ask for monitoring and evidence collection?"

Lin Qiao was taken aback.

Shen Sheng said, "Of course, I also have the right to know!"

Teacher Wang smiled.

"Hmph! You didn't dare to say such a thing until you knew that all the school surveillance had problems that day!"


"At the end of summer, your farce ends here!"

Wang Xiangqin also took the opportunity to hold her back.

The image of a good wife and mother is vividly expressed.

The ridicule and contempt of other students around him are also undisguised.

All of them were displayed in front of her without reservation.

And Lin Qiao himself.

At this moment, there has been a quiet general silence.

His fingers pinched tightly into his palm.

She knew that she was designed by someone.

but now.

She can't prove herself!

However, just when everyone thought the matter had been settled.

The principal rushed in hastily.

Tired and out of breath, he leaned against the door frame and panted heavily.

"Wang, Teacher Wang, wait a minute! There is something wrong with your class' grades!"

Everyone in the classroom was taken aback.

Subconsciously held his breath and waited for the principal to finish speaking.

However, he just leaned on the door frame and panted heavily.

The other hand holds the phone.

Nodding incessantly.

His attitude is quite respectful, far from the tall and serious image he usually sees.

After finally answering this mysterious phone call.

The headmaster straightened his body.

Cough a few times.

"Ahem, um, there are some problems in our Academic Affairs Office this year, which caused some deviations in the scores of the students in your class."

"But parents, please rest assured that this problem has now been resolved."

"The teacher will distribute all the test papers to everyone later, and the student ranking list is also being reorganized."

He said all he wanted to say in one breath.

Only then did he face Teacher Wang on the podium with a sullen expression.

"Teacher Wang, please come out."

(End of this chapter)

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