Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 217 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 217 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (48)

MV shooting is mostly just shooting the screen.

Then the recorded songs are inserted into it, and the production is completed after post-processing.

Therefore, after they finished filming the scenes in the campus.

In conjunction with the newly choreographed dance, the final stage performance and the scene where the respective emotions were expressed were also filmed.

The only bad thing is the excessive scene in the middle.

It mainly shows the scene of several brothers arguing with each other because of love.

However, this scene is quite controversial.

After all, bloody plots such as fights or car accidents are not in line with the theme of this song.

However, the final decision of the program group surprised several team members!
Underwater, live shooting?

When hearing this decision.

Almost everyone peeked at each other.


It's winter!

Although there is no snow in Chang'an City.

But the temperature underwater is really not much higher!
But it's also the last knockout game.

Now there are only Lin Qiao, Luo Chen, Li Zibai, and Mu Lianyun left in the group.

Refusing to enter the water is equal to being eliminated on your own initiative!

Chang'an is adjacent to the coastline.

Therefore, the filming location chosen by the program group is by the sea.

But how do you go about shooting this?
This time the program group did not give a hint.

Instead, let them arrange the plot themselves.

At this point, several people did not have any good ideas, and after discussing for a while, they were all depressed.

Li Zibai pouted even more.

Actively approach Lin Qiao.

"Hey, Brother Xia Mo, I feel like I'm a clean freak, what should I do if I can't go into the water?"

Lin Qiao, "..."

System, look!
This guy is as good at making up nonsense as she is!
The last time he and Luo Chen grabbed a piece of cake that Luo Chen bitten.

Why didn't she see his clean freak?

However, for underwater shooting.

Lin Qiao has always been worried.

It's not because the water is too cold, but because I worry about whether my identity will be exposed after entering the water.

Especially the program group also requested, '**' shooting!
At last.

A few of them couldn't come up with a suitable method until the program group started filming.

Luo Chen said something simple.

In the way of telling about four good brothers.

The four went to the beach, but one of them accidentally fell into the sea during the dispute.

The other three went into the sea to rescue them!

Afterwards, the four of them reunited, so that they could be connected with the scene performed on the final stage.

After saying this idea, it was also approved by Gu Qinghuan!
As for the person who fell into the water first, Lin Qiao and Li Zibai looked at Luo Chen in unison.

Hey smile!
The candidates are self-evident!

Luo Chen refused at first!

But Lin Qiao only said one word, and he obediently obeyed.

What she said was, 'One of the 36 love tricks is called the bitter meat trick! '

After she finished speaking, she turned her eyes to Gu Qinghuan who was at the side.

Luo Chen understood in an instant!

And showed an expression of excitement like beating chicken blood.

The system despises faces.

[Host, you are shameless, bullying children! 】

Lin Qiao spread his hands indifferently!

"From the moment he fell in love with Gu Qinghuan, he is no longer a child!"

The system was dumbfounded.

【what is that? 】

"Chicken chickens about to become men!"


What the hell is this? !
Ask for popular science!
Under the arrangement of the program group.

Lin Qiao and the others simply packed up and started filming.

The four of them gradually walked into the camera.

Standing on the reef by the sea and shouting and cheering like in the past!
Let the sea breeze blow over their young faces!

But gradually, quarrels and conflicts appeared among the four of them.

There was a person who slipped on the soles of his feet and fell off the reef like icy sea water...

 [The fourth wave of exposure, is anyone reading the article right now? 】

(End of this chapter)

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