Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 218 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 218 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (49)


To everyone's surprise.

Luo Chen, who was supposed to fall into the water, stood still on the rock.

And Lin Qiao who was supposed to be standing on the reef.

But fell into the sea!
Mu Lianyun was the first to find out and quickly stripped off his clothes and jumped into the water.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zibai also jumped into the icy sea with a plop.

Probably too anxious.

He even forgot to take off his coat.

Such a result will only cause him to consume more energy in swimming in the water.

Soon, only Luo Chen was left on the reef.

I saw his eyes widen!

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiao replaced his role in advance!
For this, he is really... grateful!

But since this is the case, he can't just stand on the shore and wait for them!

With a plop!
Luo Chen also jumped into the water.

Invisibly peeked at all the system representations.

Can't tell, it turns out that Xiao Luozi is also an actor!
Which of his eyes could see that its host was the kind of person who sacrificed himself and helped others.

It's clearly... ahem!
Lin Qiao stared silently, forcing the system to shut up immediately.

speak up.

It was really an accident for Lin Qiao to fall into the water this time.

She just accidentally saw a person who looked like Ji Huainian in the crowd of the shore program group.

But I was worried that I was wrong.

Unexpectedly, she just moved to take a closer look.

But accidentally stepped on the moss on the surface of the reef.

He slipped on his feet and fell into the water with a splash.

Think about it now.

It was extremely depressing!



The assistant director in charge of this filming task just wanted to lament that these young people are more open-minded.

A black figure suddenly broke into the camera.

plunged into the sea.

Among the sea water.

Lin Qiao held his breath.

It is difficult to maintain the balance of the body and swim upward.

But at this time, the system is still talking sarcasticly.

[Tsk tsk tsk, host, you are so pitiful! 】

Lin Qiao stared silently!


I really want to beat this little brat to death!
The system is smug!
[Host, express excitement, save yourself first and then clean up the system! 】

Lin Qiao was so angry!

But as the system said.

She is indeed in trouble now.

This is a shallow sea area, although there are no sharks.

But the water and grass are lush!
During the swim just now, her legs were entangled in aquatic plants.

No matter how you solve it, you can't solve it.

Instead, he was unable to breathe because of the prolonged delay underwater.

A lot of salty seawater entered the nasal cavity, choking her whole body very uncomfortable.

Her mind also began to become groggy!

Could it be...she is really going to die here?

The system spread its hands extremely calmly.

[No, host, season boss is already on his way! 】

Lin Qiao smiled speechlessly.

She was about to suffocate to death, how could she wait for someone to save her?
Lin Qiao blinked.

I don't know if it was her illusion.

at this moment.

She seemed to see a black spot appearing in front of her eyes.

But gradually, this black spot became two.

And continue to intertwine.

In fact.

Lin Qiao was not mistaken.

Someone was indeed rushing in her direction.

And there are two of them!
One is Mu Lianyun, and the other is Ji Huainian.

Ji Huainian's skills are more vigorous.

He rushed to Lin Qiao's side as quickly as possible, quickly untied the aquatic plants wrapped around her feet, and pulled her upstream.

And pry open her mouth, and give her the air in her mouth.

At the same time, I have strong expectations in my heart.

"At the end of Xia, don't die! I won't let you leave me!"

 [Exposure to the fifth wave, this bet, I feel that Beibei is going to win, hehehe~]

(End of this chapter)

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