Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 219 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 219 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (50)

When Lin Qiao woke up.

In the hospital again.

"System, I always feel that such a plot is similar to honey!"

The system spreads hands!
[Blame me?This system doesn't memorize it! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

Ignore the boringness of the system.

She moved her body and found that her right hand seemed to be grabbed by something.

I found out when I sat up halfway.

Ji Huainian sat by the bed.

Her right hand was held in his arms.

Do not let go!
Lin Qiao tried to loosen up, but unexpectedly woke up Ji Huainian.

He raised his head, staring at her with deep eyes.

The body also kept approaching her like a beast that was about to explode.

Lin Qiao subconsciously wanted to back away.

But her back is a cold wall.

Where can she retreat to?

On the contrary, it was Ji Huainian who got closer and closer.

There is no thought of retreating at all!
Instead, he clasped her head, and pressed his cool forehead against hers.

Eyes drooping!

Lin Qiao covered his mouth instantly.

He said in a muffled voice, "That... I didn't brush my teeth!"

Saying this sentence was completely a subconscious reaction in her brain.

You can say it.

She regrets it!
Simply, shame to death!
[Hey hey hey!Host, don't be shy! 】

[Mouth dislikes body integrity!The mouth says no, but the body is very honest! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

Mud play Kai!
Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long.

Ji Huainian quickly let her go.

With a faint smile on his lips, he stretched out his hand to scratch her nose.

"What are you thinking, I'm just trying to see if you still have a fever?"

at this moment.

Lin Qiao's expression was a little dull.

She always felt that Ji Huainian's action just now was inexplicably familiar.

However, such thoughts are only fleeting.

Maybe she is a little too sensitive!
Lin Qiao's body is not unusual.

So as soon as Ji Huainian left, she went through the discharge procedures and was discharged.

When I returned to the program group, I was just in time to shoot the cover of the MV.

Before Lin Qiao got into the mood, he was dragged to shoot the cover.

As for the last knockout round that just passed.

No one was eliminated.

The reason is that the director thinks the picture of the four of them together is quite good.

Each has its own characteristics!

There are no duplicates, and each has its own strengths.

Gu Qinghuan also half-jokingly suggested that the four of them simply form a group and make their debut.

It was only later that Lin Qiao found out.

There was an episode after she fell into the water!

Li Zibai did jump into the water.

But everyone didn't know that he couldn't swim.

In the end, he was dragged ashore by Luo Chen's small body, and was ridiculed by everyone.

After shooting the cover.

The recording of the program "Tomorrow's Star" can be considered to have entered the final stage.

Next, the team members led by the three instructors will submit their own works.

Put it on the Internet for a period of network evaluation.

The rankings of the three groups will be determined based on online voting and judge voting.

In other words.

After tonight, Lin Qiao and the others can also go back to their respective houses to play.

Just wait for the results of the evaluation to come back.

Only, only Luo Chen didn't want to leave at all.

Put a large bag of snacks in front of Lin Qiao.

A look of anticipation.

"Master Xia Mo, this time, you must help me!"

The corner of Lin Qiao's mouth twitched.

Although Luo Chen hadn't spoken yet.

But she probably, maybe, maybe guessed something...

This guy, he won't look back until he hits the south wall!

 [The sixth wave of exposure, if there are any comments, comments or rewards, come and beat me to death! 】

(End of this chapter)

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