Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 242 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 242 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (73)

Lin Qiao's words successfully made the media turn their attention to the rostrum of the press conference.

On the stage.

Xue Yuning looked embarrassed.

The darkness in his eyes flashed past.

But soon she came to her senses and smiled softly.

Under the lens of the media, the posture of sitting on the stage made her look generous, decent, dignified and elegant.

Regarding this, Lin Qiao just smiled indifferently.

With a gesture of raising her hand, the bodyguards hidden in the dark immediately appeared in front of her and escorted her all the way to the stage.

These bodyguards were all kindly sponsored by Ji Zibai after he knew she was coming, and now it seems that the effect is... very good.

At least, it's a lot of hate value!
Look at the eyes of those people around her looking at her, as much contempt as you want.

On the stage, the director of Shengshi International's public relations department had already seen everyone, and read out the manuscript in his hand in a businesslike manner.

At the end, he paused.

"In view of the various performances during the contract period at the end of summer, the company now announces the termination of the contract!"

As soon as he finished reading, Lin Qiao raised his hand.

"and many more……"

"I disagree!"

The previous sentence was said by Lin Qiao.

But the latter sentence came from the door of the conference room.

Everyone turned their eyes to the door in unison.

Mu Lianyun was wearing a shiny jacket with heavy makeup on his face, leaning against the door frame panting for breath.

Facing the flashing lights of the media, he unnaturally raised his hand to cover it.

And the media were even more sharp-eyed when they spotted the breaking point of the news, and they rushed up from the chrysalis, pressing questions again and again.

'Mu Lianyun, it is rumored that you and Xia Mo are in the same class. Is this true? '

'Mu Lianyun, why are you here? '

'Mu Lianyun, please explain why you disagreed just now?'

"Mu Lianyun, why did you delete the Weibo post you posted not long ago?"


Mu Lianyun gasped for breath one after another, his eyes averted.

From the moment this incident happened, he was the first witness to stand up and post on Weibo to explain the whole story of the video and testify for Xia Mo.


Not long after his Weibo was posted, the mobile phone was taken back by Sister Wang, who forcibly took control of his Weibo account.

He received a lot of work and arranged for him to film movies and albums in places far away from the imperial capital.

on the rostrum.

Xue Yuning winked at Sister Wang.

Sister Wang immediately knew how to lead someone to forcibly pull Mu Lianyun away.

Mu Lianyun struggled and resisted, but he still couldn't resist the strength of everyone!

The moment he was dragged out of the door, he yelled helplessly.

"At the end of Xia, I believe in you! You are definitely not that kind of person!"

On the stage.

Lin Qiao twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

"System, what kind of person am I?"

【No!You are not human at all! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

Although I don't want to admit it, it is true that she is only a soul body, and cannot be regarded as a normal human being.

The appearance of Mu Lianyun can only be regarded as a small episode.

No matter what he says, today's situation cannot be reversed.

Lin Qiao didn't take it seriously either, when the media in the conference room turned their attention to the rostrum again.

Lin Qiao stood up.

Walk towards the projector in the corner.

Immediately, a staff member from Shengshi wanted to stop him, but was picked up by Lin Qiao's bodyguards and thrown aside like a chicken.

Although Xue Yuning didn't know what the hell Lin Qiao was doing.

But she subconsciously felt that something was definitely wrong, and she winked at Sister Wang.

Sister Wang stood up knowingly, and said loudly, "Mo Xia, what do you want to do?"

Lin Qiao shook the USB flash drive in his hand.

He smiled innocently and harmlessly, "What do I want to do? You'll know after reading it!"

 I planned to spend these chapters quickly, but I found that there are still many things that cannot be omitted...I feel that the quality is not good recently, it is too procrastinating, alas, (╥﹏╥)
(End of this chapter)

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