Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 243 Explosion!The national male god is a girl

Chapter 243 Explosion!The national male god is a girl (74)

Lin Qiao inserted the USB flash drive into the machine.

Soon, a video image appeared on the big screen in the meeting room.

Lin Qiao clicked to fast forward.

It stops after about 5 minutes.

The picture that appears in the video is basically the same as the video on the Internet.

"I just splashed it, why?"

"Isn't it just a piece of clothing? I'll pay for it if it's spilled! Anyway, we have plenty of money!"


For this video, many people present have seen it.

However, compared to the paragraph on the Internet.

The video released by Lin Qiao is farther away, and it looks more like a candid shot in a corner.

Everyone whispered and talked a lot.

I really don't know, what is the meaning of Lin Qiao's release at this time?
Lin Qiao didn't explain.

Just move the mouse position forward to restart the video from the very beginning with zero points.

Compared with the latter paragraph, the opening part is more messy.

The sound was noisy, and the picture was crooked. It took about a minute for the picture to return to normal.

Among them, Lin Qiao, Xue Yuning, Mu Lianyun and others appeared one after another.

Accompanied by the sound of piercing footsteps, the picture is continuously zoomed in, and the movements of the characters in the picture are becoming clearer and clearer.

Everyone saw that Xue Yuning turned his elbow, and the coffee in his hand spilled on Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao's coat was covered with coffee stains, dripping with water, and he had to take it off in the end.

Although she didn't speak, her whole face darkened.

Someone beside her defended her and asked Xue Yuning to apologize.

But Xue Yuning laughed mockingly and contemptuously.

"Did you make a mistake? Let me apologize to her?"

"Bah! Don't you see who I am?"

"She is worthy of my apology as an upstart?"

After Xue Yuning finished speaking, she turned around and left.


She just took a step.

Then a hand grabbed her shoulder.

A strong force pulled her backwards, and the coffee in Lin Qiao's hand fell from the top of her head!

Leaning on one side, still talking in the mouth.

"Didn't you say I'm an upstart?"

"Then let you see how the nouveau riche handle it!"

"From now on, I will buy the clothes you wear!"

"I just splashed it, why?"

"Isn't it just a piece of clothing? I'll pay for it if it's spilled! Anyway, we have plenty of money!"

"If you are capable, take off the clothes I bought right now!"


The video ends here.

Unlike the video on the Internet, the end of the screen did not stay on Lin Qiao's face.

Instead, it stayed on Xue Yuning's extremely embarrassed and extremely gloomy expression.

Watch the video here.

The media probably guessed what happened.

It is nothing more than taking out of context, intercepting a part of an event from a complete event.

Then match it with the text to distort and misinterpret the original thing into other meanings.

Many journalists with a keen sense of smell have already smelled the powerful business opportunities in this.

They surrounded Xue Yuning one after another, and it was impossible to get through!
Regarding this matter, apart from restoring the truth of the matter, the public is probably most concerned about the collapse of Xue Yuning, the lady of the prosperous age!

Many reporters found that they couldn't squeeze in, so they turned around and ran over to question Lin Qiao.

"Mr. Xia, since you have evidence, why didn't you stand up and refute it before?"

"Or, you didn't get this video at the beginning?"

"Mr. Xia, can you explain the source of this video?"


(End of this chapter)

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