Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 302 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 302 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (46)

The original owner, Xu Xian, is just an ordinary mortal.

He loves medical skills, has a gentle temperament, and is also warm-hearted and often helps others. This can be seen in the original version of the original work.

Therefore, the possibility that the other party is the original owner's enemy is extremely small.

What's more, is it still possible to chase after the enemy from the City of Ultimate Bliss?
The face of the man in black was perfectly covered by the black cloth.

Only a pair of eyes stared at Lin Qiao firmly.

Holding the dagger in his hand tightly, he rushed towards Lin Qiao again.

If it was said that time just now, it was Lin Qiao who snatched the opportunity and avoided it by luck.

Then this time, it is the opponent's home field!
And once she was stabbed, she would definitely die!
It's not that Lin Qiao didn't think of running away.

But her body was controlled by the opponent, locked, unable to move!

He could only stand where he was, staring blankly at the approaching black shadow, his pupils dilated...

Lin Qiao closed his eyes.

I was extremely anxious inside, but there was nothing I could do.

She just felt lighter.

When she opened her eyes, her body had already lifted off the ground.

On the side, a faint scent of sandalwood was involuntarily filled into the nostrils.

Lin Qiao raised his head in surprise.

But just right, but just right in such a pair of cold, evil eyes.

Lin Qiao quickly retracted his gaze and lowered his eyes.

"It's you?"

The big devil raised his hand and squeezed Lin Qiao's chin.

Forcing her to look at her!
"It's not my king, don't you think it's that little monk?"

The corner of Lin Qiao's mouth twitched, he slapped his hand away, and turned his face away indifferently.

Is this guy going crazy without looking at the occasion?
There is another unidentified man in black who wants to take her name on the opposite side!
Lin Qiao slapped him away.

It's strange that the Great Demon King is in a good mood.

Turning his head, he glanced lightly at the man in black opposite him.

It was as if he had just discovered his existence.


The eyes are full of sarcasm, disdain and deep evil!
Since the other party has personally delivered it to the door, is there any reason to let it go?
The man in black is also clever.

Seeing that the timing was wrong, he immediately turned around and flew away from the window.

Unfortunately, it's too late...

In the room, the big devil made a move, and the space in that area began to distort.

The man in black was so painful that his face was pale, his veins were exposed, and he was in excruciating pain!
However, he also has certain strength.

When Lin Qiao ran to the window.

It was found that he had disappeared into a wisp of green smoke.

Lin Qiao wanted to go forward and chase after him.

But she doesn't have that strength, the other party has disappeared without a trace after such a short time.

But the Great Demon King with this strength is wayward!

In view of Lin Qiao's attitude just now, he was too lazy to chase him with a cold face.

But... If Lin Qiao said that he wanted to play with him, he could think about it.

Lin Qiao rolled his eyes.

Grab the quilt over your head and go to sleep!

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the city of bliss.

in the sky.

Countless strands of starlight with different colors, like a dense spring rain, are sparse, batch after batch leaving from the city of bliss.

Every time.

There will always be bursts of heated discussions on the street.

People who came to the City of Ultimate Bliss for the first time saw this scene and asked the local people for advice.

And the local people are also willing to tell them the facts, discuss and lament together.

Bai Suzhen was awakened by these sounds.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Xiaoqing's bruised face.

Confused, "What's wrong with your face, who hit you?"

Xiaoqing stared at him resentfully.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you!"

Bai Suzhen looked stiff.

"Uh... sorry!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to suddenly remember something.

Quickly stood up, left Xiaoqing alone, and headed towards Hongchen Inn!

 Aww, ask for a wave of recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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