Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 303 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 303 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (47)

[PS: This chapter is excessive and a little longer. The next chapter will be around 11:30. 】

When Bai Suzhen arrived at Hongchen Inn.

The third floor of the Hongchen Inn has been restored to its original state, and there is no trace of the fight from last night.

Yin Jiuniang sat behind the counter table on the first floor, knocking sunflower seeds bored.

Seeing him, he frowned.

"Why, boy, are you fighting again?"

"Master, I'm not free today."

Bai Suzhen passed her, climbed upstairs and searched one by one.

During the fight last night, the Yaodan kept beating, and it thought it was because it was too excited to fight.

Thinking about it now, his judgment at the time was wrong!
It's not like he doesn't know how willful Yaodan's temper is.

And it will only get excited when it sees Lin Qiao!
Maybe, she's around here too?!

The more Bai Suzhen thought about it, the more excited she became.

Even if he was looked down upon and looked down upon by many inn tenants, he would not hesitate to do so.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

He searched around, but couldn't find any information about Lin Qiao.

Even at the end, it was ejected by a person in a room with demon power.

He fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood donation.

Yin Jiuniang stood there.

At the beginning, she would ask Bai Suzhen what she was looking for.

But since Bai Suzhen didn't say anything, she didn't make fun of that anymore.

"Hey, the one inside, if you want to kill him, remember to throw the body away from me, lest I have to ask someone to clean it."

The person in the room didn't respond, and threw out a bag of silver.

Yin Jiuniang took it skillfully, turned and left.

in situ.

Bai Suzhen still did not give up.

He couldn't smell Lin Qiao's breath.

A voice in his heart told him that Lin Qiao was not here, but he just didn't want to believe it.

In the past five years, he has been thinking of various ways to enter the endless abyss.

But since Lin Qiao fell five years ago.

The endless abyss seemed to be closed automatically, and outsiders could no longer enter.


He heard people say that on the day of the Lantern Festival, it is easy for people from other places to enter the City of Ultimate Bliss.

Yes, he is here.

One wait is five years.

I spent five boring Lantern Festivals alone.

Never heard the slightest news about her.

But he still didn't believe it!

He didn't believe that she would die, and he didn't believe that she would leave so quietly!

He got up from the ground.

He was going to go to that room again.

Not surprisingly, he was bounced out by the opponent again.

But he still didn't give up, got up, and wanted to continue rushing in!

"Bai Suzhen, don't you still understand? She's not here!"

In order to prevent Bai Suzhen from having an accident.

Xiaoqing has been following behind Bai Suzhen.

Naturally, she saw all these crazy actions of Bai Suzhen in her eyes.

But the more this happened, the tighter he clenched his hands on both sides!

Bai Suzhen raised her head upon hearing this.

"How do you know she's not here?"

Xiaoqing was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know how to answer.

I am hesitating.

Suddenly, I heard a lively sound from the street outside.

Bai Suzhen looked down from the window.

Just in time, I saw the Antarctic fairy dodging the chasing of some monsters on the street in a mess.

Immediately, he jumped out of the window, stopped Nanji Xianweng without any explanation, and beat him up wildly.

Who told... the one who let Lin Qiao fall was him!

The Antarctic fairy lost more than half of his mana after last night, and he calculated that Fahai was in the capital of bliss.

I wanted to expose his identity as a monk and use these monsters to make them beat him up!
Who knows, before Fa Hai was found, his identity was exposed.

And after fighting against a few little monsters, the little power left in the first place was consumed a lot.

Some little monsters also found a chance for revenge!
That's what happened now!
Now being beaten up by Bai Suzhen, he was so angry that his old blood stuck in his heart.

"Stop hitting! I didn't come to find you, I came to Fahai to settle accounts!"

Bai Suzhen paused.

The excitement in his eyes was hard to hide.

"You mean, Fa Hai is here?"

He also found out later.

After he left that year, Fa Hai suddenly appeared, hurt the Antarctic fairy, and fell into the endless abyss together with Lin Qiao.

That being the case, if Fa Hai came out last night, wouldn't she also come out with her?

The Antarctic fairy nodded heavily.

"I know you hate him too, why don't you join hands with me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bai Suzhen's punch!
"No need, sir, I'm not interested!"

He has seen too many scenes of sowing discord, this trick is of no use to him!

Turn around and leave in a good mood.

Xiaoqing followed closely behind.

When passing by Nanji Xianweng, he gave him a meaningful look.

As for those little monsters who chased after the Antarctic fairy just now.

If they saw Bai Suzhen leaving, they would rush forward to deal with the Antarctic Fairy.

Why, this old man has always liked to bully these monsters!

 Cough cough, the one who said that Beibei’s new profile picture is flirty, yes, it’s you, stop and don’t run away... (Cough cough, cover your face~ In fact, Beibei also thinks this profile picture is flirtatious, and wants to change it, but it seems that it will take seven days to change .)
  Another digression, seeing the comments in the comment area tonight, I feel super heartwarming, thank you Ye Ye and other babies who silently protect Beibei, okay~
  The work is like the author's child, watered with painstaking effort, you can raise your opinion, but please don't give a low rating, this is a kind of harm to every author.

  Beibei ignored it before, but just didn't want to care about it.

  Besides, Beibei is not the customer service of a certain treasure, so there is no need to smile at you when you leave a bad review? Then obediently write a happy reunion?
  Sorry, that must be a fake Bei Bei!

(End of this chapter)

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