Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 304 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 304 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (48)

The City of Ultimate Bliss is quite a distance away from Zhenjiang.

Therefore, Lin Qiao came back following Fa Hai's auspicious clouds all the way.

When they came down from Xiangyun, they immediately attracted the eager eyes of many neighbors.

They whispered and discussed in low voices.

The focus of the discussion, apart from Fa Hai, was the sizing up of Lin Qiao.

Some people think that she looks somewhat similar to Xu Xian.

But everyone knows that Xu Xian is a man!
And the woman in front of her was wearing a light green skirt with broad leaves.

While walking, the skirt fluttered with the wind, full of fairy spirit.

The three thousand black hair was pulled back casually, revealing a smooth and fair forehead.

It made her look softer and more beautiful.

Yingying smiled, and many young men around felt as if they saw the arrival of spring.

Come back this time.

Since Lin Qiao didn't wear men's clothing anymore, she was ready to expose her true identity.

The original owner used to disguise herself as a man because Xu's father was worried that women were not allowed to practice medicine in this era.

After all, the folk customs of the Song Dynasty were not as open as those of the Tang Dynasty.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the shackles trapped on women, such as women's bound feet, women's lack of talent, virtue, and chastity archway, became more and more intensified from this era!

But now, it is Lin Qiao who uses this body.

She has no such scruples in her heart.

The life is lived by oneself.

How to live comfortably is up to you!

She calmly revealed her identity, and said a few words to the familiar neighbors.

In the end, with everyone's almost petrified expressions, they walked towards Xu Jiaorong indifferently.

"Sister, I'm back!"

At this moment, Xu Jiaorong's expression was not much better than other people's.

Although they are sisters, they have the same father and different mothers.

After Xu's father died, Xu Xian was entrusted to Xu Jiaorong's care.

Therefore, she naturally didn't know Xu Xian's daughter's secret.

After a while.

Only then did Xu Jiaorong put away her chin that was about to fall to the ground.

He stammered, "So, you... are not my brother, but my sister?"

Lin Qiao looked down.

"Yeah, isn't it like that?"

She had seen it in the bronze mirror before wearing it.

Although it is the first time to wear ancient costumes, she still feels pretty good-looking!

The system silently picks its nose!

[Narcissistic host, shameless! 】

"That's better than you!"

"At least I still have face! Spicy chicken system, do you still have it after leaving the transit station?"


Xu Jiaorong's digestion ability is not bad.

Gradually putting away my surprise, I accepted this fact.

His gaze shifted to Fa Hai next to him.

"This is... my brother-in-law?"

No wonder Xu Jiaorong thought so.

At this moment, Lin Qiao stood with Fa Hai, who had extended his hair.

Men are handsome, women are pretty!
It looks quite eye-catching!

It really feels like a man and a woman, a natural couple!


As the 'Jade Girl' herself, Lin Qiao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood after hearing this sentence!

She looked suspiciously at Fa Hai next to her, quite depressed!
"Sister, what do you look like?"

"Am I like the kind of person who can't get married enough to marry a monk?"

Probably because I realized that my words were a bit blunt.

Lin Qiao eased up a bit.

"Ahem, sister, Fahai is the famous abbot of Jinshan Temple.

I was able to come back safely thanks to his care, let's stop making jokes like this in the future! "

Xu Jiaorong's expression stiffened.

After being hit by one incident after another, she really couldn't bear it.

But at this moment, Fa Hai spoke up.

"Benefactor, the poor monk said that the poor monk will be responsible for you!"

 In the next chapter, we will write about ancient marriages. You say, how will the heroine die this time?

(End of this chapter)

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