Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 305 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 305 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (49)

When Fa Hai said this.

Lin Qiao's eyes were wide open, and his expression was so resentful that he could almost eat him!
She smiled and apologized to Xu Jiaorong.

With everyone stunned, Fa Hai was forcibly dragged to a corner.

"Fahai, are you trying to find fault?"


Fa Hai lowered his head.

"The poor monk, the poor monk just thinks that the poor monk has to be responsible for you!"

Say this.

He seemed to use a lot of courage.

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head again like a little daughter-in-law who has done something wrong.

He stared at his toes without squinting, quietly waiting for the coming Lin's storm!
Lin Qiao took a deep breath.

Try to let go of this weird idea in your heart.

He paused every word, "Fa Hai, listen to me!

You don't owe me anything!That night..."

Reminds me of that abrupt kiss in the Red Dust Inn.

Lin Qiao's ears turned red, but she still held back her words.

"That night...the accident that night was not caused by you, you don't have to feel guilty!

Not to mention being responsible! "

"So, do you think what I said that night was also an accident?"

Fa Hai still lowered his head.

It was hard to see the emotion on his face.

But invisibly, he no longer called her benefactor and poor monk.

Lin Qiao's face was suffocated.

Immediately said, "I, I don't know what you're talking about!"

In fact, she naturally knew that he was referring to the phrase 'I love you! '

But since she chose to escape at the beginning.

Then this time, she will never admit it!

At the moment she didn't notice.

Silence flashed across Fahai's lowered eyelids.

Or... do you want to pretend you don't know?
He raised his head suddenly.

Pushing Lin Qiao into a corner, he quickly kissed her on the lips.

"Now, do you know what I'm talking about?"

Lin Qiao blushed with anger.

For a while I didn't know what to say.

His feet couldn't move and he wanted to escape.

Not to mention anything else, just the eyes of those people around here who keep looking over.

It made Lin Qiao feel embarrassed!
She never expected that this guy Fa Hai didn't play his cards according to the routine!
Could it be that the big devil came out again?

Fa Hai blocked her.

And took her fleeing hand to her chest.

"I said, I like you! Now, do you feel it?"

The pink color on Lin Qiao's face had spread to the base of her ears.

The hand that was grabbed by Fa Hai and placed on his chest was extremely hot at this moment.

It made her feel trickier than touching the hot coal!

There was almost no squeak.

It took Lin Qiao a lot of effort to control his emotions.

Gritting her teeth secretly, "Hey, can you stop being so willful!"


So many people are watching!Please don't make trouble!

"I also hope that this is just my willfulness!"

"But I hope to see that one day, I can bear my surname in your name!"

Lin Qiao, "..."

She, she, she... Has she been confessed?

And the person who confessed to her was Fa Hai?
The system silently picked its nose.

[Host, you are quite proud of this point! 】

[After all, in this regard, you are No.1! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

Can she not have this No.1?

After Fa Hai finished speaking, he turned around and saluted Xu Jiaorong.

Confessed his identity.

And announced in public that he would return to vulgarity on a certain day, and that he would send someone to marry Lin Qiao on an auspicious day!
It is not uncommon for monks to return to secular life.

But it's really strange that a monk at Fahai's level of cultivation still wants to return to vulgarity.

What is even more rare is that Fahai himself admitted that he wanted to return to vulgarity.

The reason was to ask to marry Xu Xian who was originally a daughter?
If there is such a thing as news and media in this era.

Then this matter can definitely make headlines!

Xu Jiaorong was also greatly stimulated today!

Numbly looking at Fa Hai's leaving figure, he felt that the more he looked, the more pleasing he was.

After recovering.

This fact has been very happily accepted.

He also grabbed Lin Qiao's hand and said affectionately, "Don't worry, my sister will definitely make your marriage a beautiful one!"

Lin Qiao was dumbfounded, "..."

 Sorry, this is even later, the next correction is working hard~
(End of this chapter)

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