Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 306 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love

Chapter 306 Fa Hai, You Don’t Understand Love (50)

This time, Fa Hai was really serious about it.

Not long after that day, someone came to propose marriage in person.

She wasn't there at the time, and Xu Jiaorong didn't even ask her if she agreed to go behind her back and agreed.

At the same time, he took a roundabout route, pretending to be sick at home every now and then.

He kept Lin Qiao at home in different ways.

So, when Lin Qiao realized something was wrong.

This marriage has been prepared in sevens and eighties.

Xu Jiaorong first put on a look of being good for her, and then put away her acting skills after seeing that she was not fluctuating at all.

"Ahem, sister knows that it was wrong for her to force you to marry Bai Suzhen before, but she didn't know you were a daughter at the time!"

Lin Qiao didn't know until he came back.

Bai Suzhen left after helping Xu Jiaorong regain her soul five years ago.

As for Xu Jiaorong's soul, she has no memory during the period when her soul left her body.

Of course I don't know.

The man in white who sent her soul back later.

In fact, they were her younger siblings whom she had been thinking about before!

Therefore, she often talked about Bai Suzhen's ruthlessness and ruthlessness in front of Lin Qiao, abandoning her husband and family!

After Lin Qiao found out.

Very empathetic with no explanation.

Because...she didn't know how to explain it.

Let Xu Jiaorong continue to misunderstand!
Thoughts drift away for a moment.

Xu Jiaorong had already brought up the topic of Lin Qiao again.

"Well now, you have finally met your beloved.

My sister is relieved!

It can be regarded as worthy of our dead parents! "

Lin Qiao, "..."

Why do you always feel that such lines are familiar?

After opening the skylight this time, let's talk bluntly.

When Xu Jiaorong succeeded, Lin Qiao stayed at home, euphemistically saying that she was preparing for the marriage.

Lin Qiao tried to escape.

But this time, Xu Jiaorong can be said to have lost all her money.

A large number of people were personally selected to guard every corner of the house.

She also bought a maid to follow her.

Like a shadow, personal escort!
There are also three or five nuns who are responsible for teaching her etiquette, tea ceremony, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting...

It made Lin Qiao almost bewildered.

Perhaps, what she entered was not Xu Xian's body.

It was the body of a daughter of a wealthy family.

After another failed escape.

Lin Qiao was helpless.

"Sister, if you want me to marry so much, it's because you've set your sights on my property!"

Xu Jiaorong hummed proudly.

"Oh, you found out so soon!"

"I'm just waiting for you to marry, and all these properties will be mine!"

"Anyway, this time, you have to marry if you marry, or you have to marry if you don't!"

Lin Qiao, who watched the play silently, "..."

This sister is real leather!

Don't think she doesn't know.

The medical center and family business of the Xu family were initially funded by Bai Suzhen.

But these years, Xu Jiaorong was the only one running and managing it.

This time, when she came back, she handed over the account to her hand in hand.

As for her last words.

If coupled with vicious expressions and exaggerated makeup.

She really looked like an arrogant bustard in a brothel!


No matter how Lin Qiao struggled.

The wedding day is still here.

Lin Qiao was picked up from the bed early in the morning, and then he had a lot of trouble.

After finally tossing and turning, the others left.

After listening to no other movement around.

Lin Qiao tore off the red hijab with a swipe, and quickly took off the large Xifu coat.

This marriage is absolutely impossible!

Don't say she is still unwilling, even if she is really willing, the plot master will not let her go!

Lin Qiao changed into ordinary clothes and prepared to escape through the window.

But as soon as the window was opened, two streams of light, one blue and one blue, flew into Lin Qiao's room.

 Good night, tomorrow is Monday again, please recommend a wave of tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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