Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 318 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 318 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (5)

On the balcony on the second floor.

A group of people roared with laughter!

This Lu Li is still so stupid!
Do you really think that if the Lu family spoils her, she can be lawless?

Every time she publicly confessed her love downstairs in Nangong Zhe's classroom.

But in the end, what they got every time was not the result of being bullied by their class!

Nangong Zhe also stood among these people.

Regarding what happened to Lin Qiao just now.

He has been watching coldly, never said a word.

Every Monday Lu Li would come to confess his love, this has become a routine!
And the same.

Every Monday, people in the class, regardless of gender, are proud of being evil.

Although he felt a little inappropriate.

But after a long time, he also acquiesced to their approach.

Who made this woman so difficult!
But now, these people are no longer satisfied with the original method of threatening her with cockroaches and rats.

The more you play, the bigger the game is, and there are many tricks!
Every time I have to see her showing her embarrassing side before giving up.

Lin Qiao had a gloomy face.

Wipe away the water stains on the face.

Hearing the laughter above his head, he only felt that it was getting harsher.

The anger in my heart also came one after another!
Cheng Xue stood aside, covering her nose in disgust.

"Lu Li, you stink, why don't you go back and change your clothes before going to class!"

Lin Qiao raised his head upon hearing this.

He glanced at her indifferently, but did not respond.

And the other friends of the original owner also showed disdainful eyes.

She quickly rubbed her ankle and stood up from the ground.

Lifting his lips, he sneered silently.

"Lend me your coat!"

She said borrow.

But the hand had already been peeled off from the person next to him, and was wrapped around himself.

Covering his embarrassing upper body.

The school uniform of the attached middle school is more British.

The men's version is white shirt, black jacket, and black trousers.

The girls' version is only T-shirts and plaid skirts.

The original owner was not short.

It's just that they are thinner because they are more picky eaters.

Today, the baggy boys' school uniform jacket is draped over her body.

It not only covered up the previous embarrassment.

It also made her look thinner and weaker, with that delicate porcelain doll-like face and sparkling eyes.

Simply, every minute makes people feel overwhelmed with a sense of protection!

It is a pity.

Lin Qiao himself didn't think so.

If you really want to use a flower to describe her.

She is not a weak little white flower.

It is a briar growing stubbornly among thorns.

Grow wantonly and bloom freely!
At this moment, she suddenly raised her head coldly.

He looked directly at the group of guys who were still laughing on the balcony on the second floor.

Roaring, "Who did it?"

Her voice is full of energy!

Can't hear the slightest grievance and weakness.

If you listen carefully, you will feel like an extremely powerful aura, shocking people's hearts!

It's a pity that her words didn't calm down those people on the balcony.

Instead, he mocked even more.

"Hey, don't you pretend to be virtuous and virtuous in front of our school grass now?"

"The pheasant also wants to become a phoenix, so you deserve to go out and meet people with this appearance!"

"Hey, you made a mistake. It's not about seeing people, but being cheap! Hahaha!"

"Look at her expression, do you want to hit us?"

"Come on! Come on! Hurt each other!"


A line of sarcasm like this followed.

What's more, a whole box of unopened chalk was thrown directly from the balcony.

A piece of chalk may not weigh much.

But if it is a whole box of chalk, the weight adds up to a lot.

Not to mention throwing it from the second floor!
The people on the second floor were ready to wait to see Lin Qiao make a fool of himself again.

However, at the moment when the chalk box fell.

Their eyes widened involuntarily!

 Cover your face~ Rory Bar has been rambling for so long, Beibei is finally going to be on the shelves!The time to put it on the shelves will start from next Friday, and those who are still raising articles should hurry up~
  The launch event has been confirmed. Because the author's words cannot exceed 500 words, Beibei opened a separate post in the book review area, which contains the details of the event. If you have any questions, you can leave a message below the post.

  This event includes red envelopes for recommendation tickets, accessories for long comments, exclusive avatars, cups, pillows for Love and the producer or the founder of the Demon Dao, and a gift pack of mysterious snacks. call! PS: Book Friends Group 635272921, all award-winning babies at that time, please join the group and contact the group management.

(End of this chapter)

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