Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 319 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 319 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (6)

What did they just see?

Lin Qiao actually... caught this box of chalk with his bare hands?

Life is not an anime world with unlimited imagination.

And no one can guarantee that they can do it, pure 100% empty-handed and white-handed!

Regardless of the gravity, pressure and other forces that this box of chalk was subjected to when it fell.

Even if it's just a ping pong ball thrown from here?
It is not easy to catch it accurately!

After seeing this scene, many people on the balcony on the second floor quickly attributed it to Lin Qiao's good luck!

any luck

Downstairs, Lin Qiao sneered silently, the disdain in his eyes was clearly visible.

Then, in full view.

With a twist of her wrist, she immediately threw the box of chalk back to the balcony intact.

Raised a beautiful parabola in the air.

Then, be impartial!
It happened to land on the head of the girl Ye Jiajia who threw the chalk box at Lin Qiao just now.

at that moment.

Ye Jiajia seemed to be stupid.

His eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

And on her forehead, the box of chalk she threw out earlier had already smashed the skin.

Bright red blood beads quickly emerged from the top.

It flowed down the forehead.

Her trembling hand touched the blood on her forehead.

When her eyes fell on the blood on her hands.

The disbelief in her eyes has turned into deep shock and anger!
Crazy to pull everyone away.

He grabbed the phone of one of them and threw it at Lin Qiao!

"Lu Li, you should die!"

She is the eldest lady of the Ye family.

This was the first time he was so deflated in the hands of others!

If Lin Qiao heard what she was thinking at this moment, he would definitely sneer with disdain.

This is the first time you've been so deflated?
Ah!That's just because she hasn't appeared before!

in reality.

Lin Qiao didn't know what Ye Jiajia was thinking at the moment.

She staggered her body and nimbly avoided the phone that fell from her head.

Even... once again caught the phone that was about to fall with his bare hands.

On the balcony on the second floor.

Everyone's eyes were full of shock.

This happens, if only once.

It can also be said that she was lucky and the situation was accidental.

But it was already two times in a row that she caught the thing that fell from the second floor with her bare hands!

And this time.

Lin Qiao didn't throw the phone up to the second floor again.

Instead, throw it away.

Throw the phone into the trash can right next to it.

Hear the sound of gasps and surprises from the people above.

Lin Qiao smiled casually.

"What do you see me doing? Didn't the teacher teach you that garbage should be thrown into the trash can?"


Ye Jiajia's chest rose and fell violently.

My heart is even more furious!

At this moment, she felt that what Lin Qiao had thrown away was just a mobile phone.

It even lost all her face!

This is hitting her in the face!

Who doesn't know, she has liked Nangongzhe for so many years.

It can also be regarded as Nangong Zhe's childhood sweetheart.

Which onion is she?

Do you really think you are capable?
Furious, she set her eyes on the box of chalk that just hit her.

He picked it up again and threw it at Lin Qiao!

And called on other girls on the balcony to do it together and join in.

These girls are either Nangong Zhe's admirers or Ye Jiajia's little followers.

They had disliked Lin Qiao for a long time!
It was even more twisted into a rope at the moment.

Roll up your sleeves and keep throwing things downstairs!
These include many people's mobile phones, hair clips, textbooks, chair legs...

 Sorry, Beibei is late, the event introduction post has not been posted, Beibei can only try again tomorrow.There will be updates after twelve o'clock, and those who can't wait can watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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