Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 356 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 356 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (44)

far away.

The sun has dipped below the horizon.

The remaining warmth of the red sunset has run out, and it just stays in the sky and continues to consume its own heat.


With a burst of rapid bell rang.

There was a burst of cheers from the teaching building of the attached middle school.

The students scrambled to pack their schoolbags and invited them to leave together in small groups.

Lin Qiao is also one of them.

It's just that she was relatively slow, and she got up and left after tidying up in a leisurely manner.


As soon as she stood up, Cheng Xue blocked her way.


Lin Qiao took a look at her.

He found her with her head bowed.

Two hands were placed in front of him speculatively and uneasily like twists and turns, constantly stirring.

"Well, do you have Qin Haoyu's contact information, can you...give it to me?"

At the end, she finally raised her head.

Two crimson clouds floated on the cheeks.

She looks as shy as a bright peony flower.

Lin Qiao shrugged.

Just interrupt all her fantasies.


Cheng Xue's face suddenly became very ugly.

There is loss in the eyes.

Even more intense resentment!

Cheng Xue didn't really like Qin Haoyu that much.

In addition to the habitual nature of "not getting it is the best" in human nature.

Most importantly, this time, the Cheng family's business plummeted!
Obviously things are starting to get better.

But I don't know why, in the past few days, the originally good projects have been broken one after another.

Asked for help everywhere, but all were rejected!
She also has no choice, if she doesn't ask the Qin family to coordinate.

I'm afraid their Cheng family will never turn around!

Now, after hearing what Lin Qiao said.

He was so angry that he quickly refuted immediately.

"Why didn't you, isn't Qin Haoyu very familiar with you?"

"He personally sent you home, and even confessed his love to you this morning!"

Lin Qiao sneered.

"So what?"

"Between him and me, he has always been the only one who can contact me!"

She wasn't lying.

However, in Cheng Xue's eyes, this was what she did on purpose!
Deliberately showing off in front of her!

The more Cheng Xue thought about it, the angrier she became!

The camouflage just now couldn't be put off at all.

"Lu Li, what are you pretending? Nangongzhe is enough for you, can't you give Qin Haoyu to me?"

Lin Qiao picked out his ears irritably.

"First of all, Qin Haoyu is not a thing and cannot be transferred!"

"Secondly, whether Qin Haoyu or Nangong Zhe, I have nothing to do with them!"

Mentioning this, she sneered.

"Finally, don't think I don't know about the tricks you've been doing behind my back all these years!"

Cheng Xue took a few steps back in a daze.

Right now, there is no one in the classroom, and she has no scruples about speaking.

"Lu Li, what kind of good do you think you are? You're a bitch! You've been thinking about hooking up with men all day long..."

Lin Qiao turned his gaze.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Cheng Xue to the ground!
Cheng Xue grew up spoiled.

To describe it in layman's terms, it's the kind that makes you feel very tired when you carry a bag or go shopping.

Now Lin Qiao slapped her across the face.

His eyes were almost spitting fire with anger, and he got up and wanted to push Lin Qiao to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qiao took the lead!
Kicked her to the ground.

As a result, her body flew out with a jerk.

He bumped into the leg of the desk next to him.

Also because of this collision, the textbooks that were originally piled high on the surrounding desks seemed to be splashed with water.

Falling down!

Smash her in the face!
When he finally regained his sight.

Lin Qiao leaned over and smiled coldly at Cheng Xue.

"I haven't touched you all this time, I just wanted to see how far you can jump!"

"It seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Do you know what will happen to Ye Jiajia? If you mess with me again, you will be the next Ye Jiajia!"

(End of this chapter)

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