Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 357 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 357 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (45)

a day ago.

A big incident broke out in the city.

The Ye family’s daughter’s night and party in the store were exposed!

The media police then entered, and soon after found the bodies of several girls and a disabled man in the basement of the nightclub.

This matter was quickly suppressed by the Ye family.

But because of this, the Ye family was found out with other evidence, and it was difficult for them to protect themselves.

Even if the Cheng family's family background is not very good.

But as an insider, he is still well-informed about these news.

Cheng Xue always thought that the opponents of the Ye family wanted to mess with the Ye family.

And now it seems...

It's Lin Qiao!
she knows!She knows it all!
She knew that she was the one who approached Ye Jiajia on the night of the masquerade party to expose Qi Yan's curiosity about Lin Qiao.

Afterwards, it was Ye Jiajia who gave Qi Yan a guarantee that he could feel at ease and act boldly.

She didn't know that Ye Jiajia wanted Lu Li to die so much.

She never thought that Qi Yan would be such a change of state!
And now...

Cleaned up Ye Jiajia and Qi Yan.

Is she the next one to be cleaned up?
don't want!She doesn't want to die!She really doesn't want to die!

The more I think about it.

Cheng Xue's body trembled uncontrollably.

Talk to yourself like crazy!
Lin Qiao naturally didn't know about Cheng Xue's appearance.

She left after speaking.

As for the full details of that evening's masquerade.

On the second day, Lu Boyan found someone to come over and explain all the details to her.

And it wasn't her who actually did it.

She doesn't have that much ability!
Just got to the stairs.

Lin Qiao saw Tang Xinyi walking down.

"Hey, what a coincidence!"

Lin Qiao nodded, putting on a smile.

Tang Xinyi also smiled friendly.

Silently followed her downstairs together.

Lin Qiao didn't care about it.

Naturally, she didn't notice Tang Xinyi's gradually blushing cheeks.

After going downstairs.

Lin Qiao saw Qin Haoyu again.

This time he was not as absurd as he was in the morning.

It's just that the whole person looks haggard.

Clothes are wrinkled.

There was also a smell of smoke on him.

When I saw her, it was as if there was a light in my eyes suddenly.

Lin Qiao spoke before he spoke.

"Stop it, if it's still that thing in the morning, you don't need to talk about it!"

"Because the answer is the same!"

Qin Haoyu really showed a disappointed expression.

However, this was within his expectations.

After hesitating for a while, he spoke again.

"Then...can we still be friends?"

Lin Qiao stretched out his hand friendly, "Of course, as long as you don't have lumps in your heart!"

He looked at the light-white fingers stretched out in front of him.

Qin Haoyu's heart surged.

After all, he still didn't reach out to hold it, and just turned around and left!

As Lin Qiao said.

He could trick himself into making the two of them friends.

But I can't do it, so that I don't have any lumps in my heart.

Watching the back of his departure.

Lin Qiao sighed.

Even the throbbing of youth is wonderful.

But in the end, not everything goes smoothly.

And she didn't notice at the time.

Behind her, Tang Xinyi also breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes fascinated.

Lin Qiao walked out of the school together with Tang Xinyi.

Not long after she walked, a black extended version of Lincoln stopped in front of her.

Several men in black quickly got out of the car.

Standing on both sides of the car door, please gesture to her.

In the car, Lu Boyan turned his head towards her.

"Get in the car and go home!"

 The babies who asked Qiao Qiao to give Qin Haoyu to you before, come, come, leave your name, Beibei will see if you can satisfy your wish in the later stage, haha~
(End of this chapter)

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