Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 358 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 358 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (46)

Hearing this, Lin Qiao raised his leg and was about to get into the car, but was grabbed by the wrist by Tang Xinyi beside him.

"do not go!"

Tang Xinyi's expression was solemn and worried.

"Lu Li, these people don't seem to be good people, I'm worried, what if..."

Lin Qiao let go of her hand.

Laughed twice, "It's okay, this is my family."

Tang Xinyi looked embarrassed.

He lowered his head, hiding the disappointment in his eyes.

Say goodbye to Lin Qiao, turn and leave.

Lin Qiao didn't realize that there was something wrong, so she got into the car directly and got straight to the point.

"Is there a problem?"

said before.

The relationship between the original owner and Lu Boyan is not good.

She even disliked Lu Boyan a little, fearing that other students in the school would know that she had a disabled brother.

Therefore, Lu Boyan would not easily appear in the middle school.

But if it does appear.

That must be something important!
"Father is back, let's go back to the old house for dinner."

After listening to Lin Qiao, he glanced at Lao Gao in the driver's seat in front of him, and suddenly understood.

The last few days.

The territory of the Lu family expanded to other places.

Lu's father has been away from home all year round, so sometimes even the original owner doesn't know where he is.

Sometimes, I didn’t even come back once in a year for Chinese New Year!
This also indirectly led to the bad relationship between their father and daughter.

Every time, the original owner would only take the initiative to call Father Lu when he asked Father Lu for pocket money.

"Cake for you."

Lin Qiao recovered and saw that Lu Boyan had already handed over the cake.

The cake is not that big.

Only the size of a palm.

Like a small, fat mushroom house.

The base is made of off-white cake pieces, with a layer of white cream in the middle.

On the top of the 'Mushroom House' is a red, fudge-like top, which is crystal clear and has an attractive luster.

The faint fragrance gradually drifted over.

Not very full-bodied, but enticing.

In front of food, Lin Qiao has always been very honest.

Immediately, I took a spoonful and put it in my mouth.

The sweet breath filled the lips and teeth for a while, and it lasted for a long time!
Seeing her eating deliciously, Lu Boyan's eyes flashed a momentary pampering.

After a while, he put the thread away.

He hurriedly turned his head towards Lin Qiao.

He looked nervous, "Lu Li, help me quickly, what's wrong with my eye?"

Lin Qiao looked up.

One of Lu Boyan's eyes.

It was blinking at a fast and anxious speed.

Probably too anxious.

The eyelashes around his eye sockets were all wet, sticking to them one by one.

"Don't worry, I'll see if your eyelashes fell out of your eyes."

The eyes are a particularly delicate and sensitive place.

Not to mention falling sand or something, even if an eyelash accidentally falls in, it will be very uncomfortable.

Lin Qiao immediately put down the cake.

Supporting Lu Boyan's head with both hands, he helped him get up.

"Ah, have you come out yet?"

"Didn't you see it?"

Lin Qiao moved closer, almost sticking to Lu Boyan's body.

Still haven't seen anything out of the ordinary.

And she doesn't know.

From some angles outside the car, the posture between her and Lu Boyan is quite ambiguous.

It looked more like... kissing!
Attached to the entrance of the middle school.

A teenager who just ran over with a basketball in his arms stopped immediately when he saw this scene.

Clenched fists!

He stared blankly at the scene in the car ahead.

Then, he finally made up his mind and made a phone call.

 Before twelve o'clock, there are two more~
(End of this chapter)

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