Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 371 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 371 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (59)

After an accidental car accident.

Lu Li escaped by jumping off the cliff, but he was lucky enough to survive.

She met a group of people.

She thought that Xiyi was just ahead, so she asked them to send her back to Lu's house, promising to give them a lot of money.

But these people will never listen to her at all!
And after that, the nightmare of her life began!
They cut off her limbs.

Cut out her tongue!

But her life was spared, and she was pushed to beg in crowded squares and shopping malls every day.

Turned into a complete beggar!

She tried to escape.

But she has no limbs.

She asked passers-by and the police for help, but the end result was the same.

No one will trust a beggar.

What's more, he is a beggar who can't speak and has all his limbs broken!
In those endless dark days.

She split each day into many, many seconds.

I deluded myself into thinking that it would pass faster this way.

Sometimes, looking at the birds flying by in the sky, she would show envious and hopeful eyes.

Once upon a time, she was as free as they were!

She waited and waited, hoped and hoped!
Finally, on an ordinary night, she finally met Lu Boyan.

At that time, he was wearing a dark and restrained suit.

Standing next to her was a very carefree woman.

Wearing a gorgeous scarlet dress, she smiled and shared the joy around her with him.

And she, across the crowd far away, saw his beautiful peach blossom eyes at a glance.

There is pampering and tenderness in the eyes.

Perhaps her gaze was too hot.

Lu Boyan looked towards her discovery.

She lowered her head.

She wanted to run away, but she had no hands or feet.

I can only pray that Lu Boyan didn't see himself.

She didn't want him to see her ghost like this!Even she despises herself!
Lu Boyan still found her.

He brought her back in her painfully entangled but eager to return eyes.

But he left her to live alone in the Lu family.

Suffering all the white eyes, contempt, ridicule and calculations from the former Lu family servants.

The most painful thing was that she heard it with her own ears.

Lu Boyan admitted that he had personally designed the accidental car accident!

After that, he took down the Lu family easily.

As for what happened to her afterwards.

He more or less knew about it, he was the one who personally ordered his subordinates to give Lu Li a taste of his life back then!
At this point, the last belief in Lu Li's heart that supported him to live also disintegrated and collapsed!
She fell from the upstairs of Lu's house and committed suicide!
This memory ends here.

Completely over.

Lin Qiao also sighed slightly in his heart, feeling indescribably melancholy.

Probably because of her series of encounters.

In the end, the system released this task, asking Lin Qiao to help her fulfill her wish.

She wanted Lin Qiao to help her find the one who belonged to her.

So, for those dark memories.

Automatically choose to close and forget.

But she also forgot that she actually had her own heart long ago!
It's just that fate tricks people!
And just now in the private room, Lin Qiao's abnormal signs and those few words.

It wasn't her words, and it wasn't her emotions.

It's all about the recovery of the original owner's memory.

Now, all the memory of the original owner has been completed, and Lin Qiao also heard the sound of the beating heart.

"System, is your wish fulfilled?"

Lin Qiao has not heard the system's answer yet.

Instead, the elevator in the corridor suddenly opened at this moment!
With a ding, Tang Xinyi in the elevator raised her head.

With a professional smile on his face.

But in an instant, the pupils dilated!
The documents in his hand fell to the ground.

Almost subconsciously.

She rushed up immediately, trying to tear Lu Boyan away!
"Hey, what are you doing!"

 I found that I am not suitable for writing sadistic texts, as far as Lu Li was writing the paragraph earlier in this chapter, my eyes were blurred, (╥╯^╰╥), woo, the next chapter promises not to be like this

(End of this chapter)

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