Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 372 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 372 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (60)

Lu Boyan was unprepared.

Tang Xinyi pushed her away all of a sudden.

And Tang Xinyi, who stood beside Lin Qiao, finally saw clearly the true face of this so-called 'Deng Tuzi'.

Wasn't it the man who showed up at the school gate to pick up Lin Qiao in the afternoon?
But at that time, what Lin Qiao said was that he was her family?

Lu Boyan's gaze was very cold.

Even penetrates tightly.

"Get out of here!"

But at this moment, Tang Xinyi didn't feel scared.

Especially when he noticed the tear stains on Lin Qiao's face.

Subconsciously, she wanted to protect Lin Qiao behind her.

Lin Qiao has already packed up his emotions.

He raised his hand to touch the tears on his face.

Standing in front of Lu Boyan again, Tang Xinyi was blocked behind.

"It has nothing to do with her!"

"Then let her go!"

Lu Boyan's words were spoken word by word, almost every one of them took a lot of effort.

But he obviously forbears it on purpose.

He only looked at Tang Xinyi behind Lin Qiao with a pair of extremely dangerous and angry eyes.

Lin Qiao seemed unaware of this.

She turned around, comforted Tang Xinyi a few words, and advised her to leave.

Tang Xinyi is also stubborn.

No matter how much Lin Qiao persuaded her, she said she would not leave.

"Lu Li, he doesn't treat you well, and there's no need for you to stay with him anymore!"

Kaiwei Hotel cooperates with Golden Age.

Therefore, she will show up to find a place.

Originally, she didn't want to come, but she didn't expect to encounter such a scene today.

I can't help but feel lucky, fortunately, she's here!
Tang Xinyi's eyes were very firm.

Hearing this, Lin Qiao glanced at her, and then turned to look at Lu Boyan behind him.

She swallowed the words in her stomach that she was ready to continue persuading.

Suddenly, she felt that what Tang Xinyi said was indeed reasonable.

Now, the original owner's emotions were mixed with hers.

And she really needs to be calm and calm.

"Okay, let's go!"

She took the initiative to help Tang Xinyi pick up the documents that fell on the ground, got up and left.

"Lu Li, how dare you!"

Lin Qiao turned her head back with a sneer on her lips.

"What am I afraid of?"

"Lu Boyan, don't make any small moves behind your back. If you dare to touch her, I will never end with you!"

She took Tang Xinyi's hand and left.

When passing by Lu Boyan's side.

She paused for a moment.

"Lu Boyan, I remembered, let's calm each other down!"

It is also because of her words.

Lu Boyan froze in place.

This time, it was rare to catch up again.

Regarding this, Lin Qiao sighed slightly in his heart.

Let the memory of the original owner calm down.

Also let her heart that is still beating wildly calm down at this moment!
Until the golden years come out.

Only then did Lin Qiao let go of Tang Xinyi's hand.

Looking at the dark night sky, he tentatively asked, "Well, it didn't affect your work, did it?"

Lin Qiao noticed.

Tang Xinyi was still wearing the uniform of the hotel.

Just now he dragged her out like this.

It was indeed too impulsive.

Tang Xinyi shook her head quickly.

"No, no, I'm already done and ready to go back."

The reddish face looked extremely excited under the illumination of the surrounding lights.

And this time, Lin Qiao didn't miss it again.

I saw it very clearly.

The strange feeling in my heart became more and more obvious.

"Tang Xinyi, can I ask a question?"

Tang Xinyi lowered her head.

Nod vigorously.

But the reddish ears still betrayed her.

Seeing this, Lin Qiao confirmed the suspicion in his heart even more!
" you... like me?"

 Thank you baby XU for your reward, there are at least three more updates tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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