Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 374 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 374 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (62)


The main residence of the Lu family.

Row after row of bright incandescent lamps.

Shine the entire garden used to hold the birthday banquet as bright as day!
Flowers, wine, and all kinds of exquisite food are arranged in rows.

The waiters in professional attire shuttled among them, with Hexi's smile on their faces.

Determined to provide the most exquisite service to the guests tonight!
And the guests in the venue were all dressed up to attend.

Suits and leather shoes, exquisite dresses.

Even the children who were brought were deliberately dressed up.

It looks so exquisite!
The ancients said.

60 years a reincarnation.

The [-]th birthday is often considered a very important day by Chinese people.

Therefore, Lu Zhiguo invited many people this time.

Even the old opponents for many years sent people to send birthday gifts on this day.

It can be said that he has given him enough face as a birthday star.


Only his wayward daughter.

The birthday party was almost over halfway, and there was no one in sight yet.

If Lin Qiao didn't even show up when it was time to blow out the candles and share the cake, it would be a joke of the Lu family if word spread!
"Forget it! Ah Yan, go make a phone call and ask what's going on with that girl!"


Lu Boyan nodded in response.

Follow Lu Zhiguo all the way and accompany him into the house.

However, at the moment they just walked into the main house.

A group of people broke into the main house of the Lu family suddenly!

This group of people did not break in directly.

Instead, he rode a motorcycle with full horsepower, and rushed in directly from outside the Lu family's main house with the help of a slope!

These guys are obviously professional bikers.

Every motorcycle lands smoothly.

Then continue to increase the horsepower, crazily rushing towards the guests in the garden!

These guests were able to guarantee exquisite elegance just now.

But in the face of reality.

What is elegance?
Can you eat?
So much so that, at this moment, you will see a lot of rich businessmen with big bellies being chased to the ground and retreating again and again.

There are also couples who were very affectionate just a second ago.

The next second, for survival.

He used his wife and children to stand in front of him, hoping that the other party would show mercy.

Not to mention the elegant, intellectual beauty that was still in the eyes of many people before.

Now I am so scared that I am screaming!

Messy clothes and crying loudly!
Among them, some people tried to resist.

But they were wearing tight uniforms, and they couldn't use their fists or feet.

Not to mention that the other party came prepared!

Another motorcycle as a powerful weapon!
After a few hits, he was hit by a motorcycle and flew out!
The door of the main house.

Lu Zhiguo looked at the scene in front of him and roared heavily.

"Who are you, dare to cause trouble on our Lu family's territory!"

"The person who took your dog's life!"

The moment the words fell.

Then a black motorcycle rushed towards Lu Zhiguo.

Of course, right now!

A group of masked guards in gray suddenly appeared around Lu Zhiguo.

These gray guards are extremely fast!

Like a black lightning bolt.

Immediately formed a group around Lu Zhiguo, escorted Lu Zhiguo into the main house.

Lu Boyan was also followed closely behind.

The moment they closed the door!
The black motorcycle rushed in with a bang!
Hitting the gate, the people on the motorcycle were thrown out.

And the motorcycle fell to the ground, and the gasoline was splashed and left on the ground.

And in the main house.

A group of people just feel shocked.

However, Lu Zhiguo drew out his gun at this time, aiming at Lu Boyan!

"My good son, all of this is led by you!"

 Thank you for the reward of blood dyed 姽 觽 落韵 baby~ I wish you a happy Ching Ming Festival holiday in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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