Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 375 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much

Chapter 375 Help!What should I do if my brother loves me too much (63)

on a wheelchair.

Lu Boyan raised his head contemptuously.

"Father, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"How can you put your name on me for something I haven't done?"

Lu Zhiguo snorted coldly.

There is disdain and disgust between the brows!

"Except for you, I can't think of anyone else who would dare to do this. You hooked up with my daughter many times because you were waiting for today!"

on a wheelchair.

Lu Boyan smiled noncommittally.

"It was you, not me, who did such a thing as marrying someone else's daughter and then killing the old man!"

"Those people outside are indeed not with me!"

"However, since you insist on thinking that I did everything today, I don't mind making all of this a reality!"

He had an absolutely confident smile on his face.

He was not afraid of the gun in Lu Zhiguo's hand.

Clap your hands calmly!
The moment the applause fell, most of the gray-clothed guards around took off their disguises and masks.

It reveals the black logo belonging to Lu Boyan's direct subordinates.

And those few real gray guards.

Before they could react, they were all strangled by the people in black.

As for the few poor servants in the main house.

At this moment, everyone was trembling with fear.

Hide in a corner.

No matter how scared he was, he dared not make a sound.

I am afraid that I will be discovered and implicated!
Only a moment passed.

All the people under Lu Zhiguo's command were strangled, leaving no one behind.

And Lu Zhiguo's hand holding the pistol was also trembling slightly!
"Do you really want to do this? No matter what, the Lu family has supported you for so many years."

"And Xiao Li, don't think she's hiding it well, I can tell that she has always liked you!"

Lu Boyan smiled lightly.

His fingers rested on his thighs, tapping rhythmically.

"Heh! Play family cards with me? Or..."

His gaze became sharp in an instant!
The other hand firmly stuck the opponent from behind, and gradually took out the hand holding the cold light dagger.

Lu Zhiguo's sneak attack failed, and his face was obviously a little bit troubled.

But soon relieved.

In their line of business, it doesn't matter whether the means are despicable or not, what matters is whether they can succeed.

Win or lose!

History, and only victorious people are qualified to rewrite it!

He no longer hesitated, threw away the dagger in his hand, strangled Lu Boyan's neck, and put the gun on his head.

"Tell everyone under you not to move, otherwise, watch out for your head!"

Lu Boyan smiled noncommittally.

He was not intimidated, but had a very calm attitude.

"Father, hello, it's time to rest!"

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

In the next second, the whole person suddenly stood up from the wheelchair.

Grabbing Lu Zhiguo, there was an over-the-shoulder fall in an instant!

The gun in his hand was shot and flew several feet away!
As Lu Boyan said.

Lu Zhiguo was indeed old, and his reaction was much slower.

When I react.

Has been thrown to the ground by Lu Boyan, and his back hurts a lot.

Like a tortoise on all fours.

Unable to turn over and stand up!
Looking at Lu Boyan who kept approaching him.

The eyes are so angry that they are about to breathe fire!

"You, you, your legs are all right?"

He clearly remembered it.

Back then, Lu Boyan's legs were broken by himself!

And the doctor concluded that he would never have the hope of standing up again in the future!
I knew there would be such a scene today!
He should have stabbed him to death long ago!

Seeing the anger in Lu Zhiguo's eyes, Lu Boyan sneered.

"Sorry to disappoint you!"

As he said, his cold hands went directly towards his neck.

 The sixth update is over~ There should be another update after twelve o'clock. If you can't wait, you can watch it tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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