Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 384 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 384 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (6)

after that.

Su Yican found her.

He also offered to help her bandage the wound.

Lin Qiao also got into his backpack.

Thinking that since he was so caring and was bandaged by a wild cat, she would probably be able to break into him smoothly!

The reality told Lin Qiao that she was wrong.

She just remembered.

In fact, it was not because of so-called love that Su Yican bandaged her before.

Just remembering what my mother did when I was a child.

Treat her like a guinea pig and experiment on her.

He himself is autistic.

For the affairs of the outside world, don't pay attention to it, don't care about it.

Even when both Su's parents died in a car accident, he never shed a single tear at the funeral!
Outsiders say that such a person has no heart and no emotion.

Now, Lin Qiao believed it!
But she can't leave right now.

Who let her stand up!
Painting interior.

Su Yican opened a can of Coke.

The moment you open the jar!
The coke can sneered, like a beating note, very beautiful.

But too short to capture.

And this is also the only time in a day when the corners of Su Yican's mouth will rise slightly.

And his heart has always been calm.

This short sound.

It's like a stone falling into the middle of a lake.

Soon, ripples appeared in the lake water and continued to spread.

And this is also the moment when he is most inspired!
He picked up the brush and sketched out a painting that had not been completed before.

But his inspiration was too fleeting and incomplete.

I can only open Coke again and again.

Eager to find that short-lived pitiful inspiration from it.

I don't know if it was because I was too anxious.

This method didn't work at all later on, so he got up and left the studio.

But at this moment, a crackling sound came from the kitchen.

When he hurried over.

Su Yican looked at the broken dishes and sundries all over the floor, as well as a certain Lin Qiao who was still happily waiting for the barbecue on the counter.

This kitchen is full of mess...

Indeed Lin Qiao did it!

And it was on purpose!
In the words of the system.

She is a cat to begin with, so if you want to deal with people, of course you have to use a cat's way!

According to the data, doesn't Su Yican love to be clean and has a cleanliness habit?

Hurrah!Then she will come to brush up the sense of presence!
If you don't agree with each other, you will fall!
smash it!

Needless to say, she felt very comfortable in this way!

Just as Lin Qiao guessed.

Su Yican's eyes were always as clear as an ancient well without waves.

Finally, there was a trace of extremely rare mood swings.

Quickly head towards Lin Qiao!

But this time, Lin Qiao had already prepared himself.

In addition, this time I ate a piece of raw meat first, there was food in my stomach, and even my eyes were full of momentum.

At the moment Su Yican rushed towards her.

She covered the roast with her paws.

Escape while eating and jumping!

Although her body has turned into a cat, Lin Qiao still prefers to accept cooked food in her heart.

Sure enough, even if no seasoning is added, the taste is different!
[Also eat!still eat!Host, he is here again! 】

"Not afraid!"

Lin Qiao calmly swallowed the last bite of barbecue.

When Su Yican rushed over again, he easily avoided it.

Although there was some blood on her body before, it was all skin trauma.

She has her own resistance, so she is not afraid at all!
After replenishing physical strength, the movements are also more agile!
Suddenly, her eyes flashed.

Looking at the seasonings in the kitchen...

(End of this chapter)

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