Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 385 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 385 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (7)

It turns out.

It's okay to mess with Lin Qiao.

But please don't mess with Lin Qiao who is a cat.

Especially Lin Qiao who has lost his face and integrity.

Otherwise, even if Su Yican has enough confidence and stamina to throw her out of the house.

But Lin Qiao always found a way to sneak in again!
And the shape is getting dirtier every time!

First, the soy sauce and vinegar all over the body rolled and dirty the living room.

Then, with muddy water all over his body, he rolled and dirty the master bedroom.

Then, the black ash and stains all over the body rolled dirty all the guest rooms.

In the end, the last studio left was not passive.

Looking at a certain cat that was eager to try at the door of the studio.

Su Yican finally made a compromise.

Standing at the stairs so tired, he took the initiative to speak to her for the first time.

"I won't drive you away!"

Lin Qiao glanced at him suspiciously.

It didn't move anymore.

Just like that, covered in stains, he sat down at the door of the studio regardless.

Don't leave, don't be afraid!
However, it is only in this short period of time.

Lin Qiao was finally caught by Su Yican again.

She thumped, bit and screamed, her claws flew all over the sky, Su Yican had nothing to do with her.

Finally, he tentatively stroked her head.

Gently, try again.

Then he spoke awkwardly and coldly.

"Don't go! Take you, take a shower!"

Only then did Lin Qiao calm down.

But in the next second, she struggled to jump up and wanted to escape, but it was already a step too late.

Su Yican had already thrown her into the water.

With one hand, he grabbed the back of her neck, and with the other hand, he poured water to wet the cat fur on her body, and cleaned her.

But cats hate water very much.

In particular, Lin Qiao lives in this body.

She has the body of a cat though.

But it's still a daughter's house!

How can there be any reason to let Su Yican bathe her?

Simply, I feel ashamed just thinking about it!
She thrashed vigorously.

But Su Yican grabbed the back of her neck, and she couldn't break free no matter what!

[Oh, host, just relax! 】

[Don't think too much, this kind of treatment is not something ordinary people can experience! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

But she would rather not experience it!

No matter how reluctant Lin Qiao was, the bath was finished in embarrassment.

Su Yican carried her, who was wet all over, back to the study.

Find a hair dryer to dry her hair.

This time Lin Qiao didn't resist.

Instead, I gradually fell asleep listening to the humming sound of the hair dryer.

Her body hadn't recovered yet.

It's a bad thing if you don't get tired if you mess around again.

The sound of blowing wind gradually stopped.

Su Yican glanced at the black cat in his arms.

He moved, and the black cat subconsciously arched into his arms.

Comfort changed position.

Coiled into a ball and nestled in his arms, making whirring sounds.

I heard that cats only purr when they feel safe.

Su Yican didn't know this.

His eyes, which were as clear as ink and without impurities, glanced at the door.

Finally, he retracted his gaze and put the black cat on a soft cushion.

I went back to wash and tidy up again.

at midnight.

The night wind, mixed with rain, blows into the house.

It woke up Lin Qiao who happened to be sleeping not far from the window.

Although she has accepted the fact that she has become a cat.

But her thinking is obviously still human thinking, and she has to close the window when she gets up.

But the big French windows on the balcony on the second floor are really not something she can close with a cat.

Lin Qiao tried several times.

In the end, he put away the idea of ​​doing it himself decadently.

Jumping onto the bed, he slapped the sleeping Su Yican!

(End of this chapter)

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