Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 387 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 387 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (9)

Two days later.

The Ching Ming Festival holiday is over.

As usual, Su Yican rushed to the Chinese Academy of Art with his backpack on his back.

different people.

Everyone else is going to class.

And he was teaching in the past!

In the eyes of some outsiders.

All the students who can enter the Chinese Academy of Art are very good!
It is not an exaggeration to call them the pillars of the future art world.

But you'll only understand once you're inside.

It's nothing to come in.

It is even more difficult to draw a new world through art here!

Because, the most indispensable thing here is genius!
Even a stupid bird is a genius who has to work a hundred times harder!

Su Yican is such a person.

At the age of 16, he made an exception and was not admitted to the Chinese Academy of Art.

Only 20 years old this year, he is already a visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Art.

There is an independent studio as a dedicated classroom.

I never speak in class every time, and I never personally teach students any skills.

Once I entered the studio and sat down, it took most of the day.

But when the students really finish his class with their hearts, they will always understand something.

When Su Yican arrives.

The huge studio was full of students.

When the students saw him, they immediately stood up consciously, and did not dare to sit down until he walked to his seat.

Actually, at the beginning.

Many of them have the same thoughts as outsiders.

He thought Su Yican was just a dull boy who was about their age.

Not good at speaking, not even good relationship with them.

What qualifications do you have to be their professor?

In addition, Su Yican is the only professor who never rolls his name before class.

Gradually, more and more students skipped classes.

Even in the end, it gradually became that there was not a single student who went to class.

But Su Yican still went to class as usual!

I have never spoken, and I will not go to the principal to make a small report.

For a while, Su Yican was once regarded as the most bullied teacher at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, not one of them.

This state has continued until the end of the final exam.

Wait for the moment when the results come out.

Almost every student who signed up for this class taught by Su Yican collapsed.

All the usual grades, no one can get full marks!
At that time, a student even approached Su Yican for his theory.

His academic performance was good at the time, and he was often praised for his high talent.

In addition, his parents are also professors at the Chinese Academy of Art, and other professors will be more or less lenient.

However, Su Yican is a different kind!

He directly gave the student zero points!
He never knew what it means to talk about human feelings, and he never liked to talk!
When that student approached him for a theory.

Calmly write down all the records of the student's absence from class, including which day, which class, and even how many minutes he was late!
Then put out the grading criteria for the course.

In front of the principal, other professors, and students, calculate his remaining marks according to the standard.

The result of the calculation is a negative number!
In other words, in fact, Su Yican was merciful and only gave him a zero point!
Since then.

The student went abroad to study.

Many people thought that he probably felt ashamed and humiliated!
As for those students who failed their subjects.

After the semester started, they all went to class honestly.

Because, even electronic monitoring can't compare to Su Yican's powerful memory!
They still want to graduate, and they don't want to fail their studies forever!
Daylight gradually became stronger.

Su Yican's class time is relatively long.

The students were getting bored, suddenly, someone noticed a hairy black head protruding from Su Yican's shoulder.

 Thank you Panda Baby for your reward, okay~ PS: Today's sixth update, do you want to watch the seventh update?
(End of this chapter)

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