Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 404 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 404 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (26)

Every Monday is the day when Su Yican goes to the Chinese Academy of Art to teach.

Before, Su Yican had discussed with Director Wang.

Due to the requirement that he must accompany him throughout the journey.

In other words, every Monday Lin Qiao could not participate in the filming.

The role of the black cat does not have a lot of roles in the script.

The intensification of shooting in the past few days is just because it took a long time to shoot.

Intensifying the shooting now is also to replace the previously shot clips!

And these days are busy.

When Lin Qiao was brought back into the Chinese Academy of Art by Su Yican.

There is quite an illusion of trance.

It seems that in just a few days, it seems that several years have passed!
At the same time, the students on the campus saw Su Yican's gaze changed a little bit.

Walk from the school gate to the classroom.

There were people following with their eyes all the way.

To be more precise, their eyes all fell on Su Yican's backpack.

The Chinese Academy of Art said it was not big, but it was not small.

And last Monday about 'Professor Su's cat' spread quickly around the campus.

Everyone knows that Professor Su is so cold that he doesn't even give face to the principal.

Now he would go all the way to buy cat food for a cat.

And a certain cat is not only ungrateful.

How dare you slap him mercilessly!

From the classroom to the cafeteria again.

Unknowingly, screenshots of Lin Qiao's various actions have become emojis and spread.

But for these.

Su Yican didn't care at all.

In the eyes of everyone, he walked to the classroom where he was teaching as usual.

Sit down quietly and start painting.

Lin Qiao crawled out of the backpack, and obediently lay down on the table to watch him paint.

This time, he drew a sketch.

On the clean white paper, smooth lines emerged one after another.

He also gradually expressed the idea in his heart.

Lin Qiao is not interested in drawing or anything, and cats are more tired during the day.

Therefore, it didn't take long to fall asleep on the table.

Su Yican didn't speak either.

It's just that when he was painting, he would glance at him from the corner of the eye, with soft and doting eyes.

One person and one cat, quiet and beautiful like a landscape painting.

And everyone else in the classroom.

But like a splashed ink painting, the chattering sound never stopped.

In itself, Su Yican's way of teaching is of an open nature.

That is to say, no matter whether the students have chosen his class or not, they can come to attend the class.

Because, he belongs to and will not pay attention to these at all!

Because of this, an unprecedented number of students came to the classroom this time, and the entire classroom was already filled.

In addition to curiosity.

They also want to be lazy and come to see what the legendary "the most wonderful human-cat combination in the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts" looks like.

After all, these days, news about them spread everywhere.

"Hey, looking at it this way, Professor Su doesn't seem to be so cold and unreasonable!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's all appearances, have you forgotten how we failed last semester?"

"Come together! People are hard to tear down!"

"You are all wrong! It's not that Professor Su is not cold, it's just that he is not cold to his cat!"

"So... we are not as good as a cat!"

"Ah! Make me a cat, the one in his arms!"


Most of these people are girls.

In addition to being curious to come to watch the cats.

A large part of it was attracted by Su Yican's extremely rare doting smile in the video released by the students last Monday.

Nothing but temper.

Su Yican was among the teachers and students of the Chinese Academy of Art.

The face value is great!
It's just that he keeps a straight face all year round, expressionless.

It's easy for people to ignore his original appearance and only remember his temper.

But gradually, among these voices of praise, a different voice appeared.

"Cut! Ignorant people, you probably don't know that in traditional mythology, black cats are ominous things!"

Everyone questioned this statement.

Someone even stood up and refuted that girl!
The girl didn't care, got up and left.

The moment she walked out of the classroom, Lin Qiao, who was sleeping on her stomach on the table, opened her eyes, and the sneer on the corner of her mouth disappeared in an instant!
 The next update is before twelve o'clock~
(End of this chapter)

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