Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 405 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer

Chapter 405 Shit Shoveler, Come, Sing Conquer (27)

Everyone thought what happened that day was just a small episode.

After all, it doesn't matter what it is.

If someone says yes, someone will say no!
And after Su Yican got up.

When everyone looked at the sketched cat on the painting, they instantly felt that the so-called episode just now was nothing at all!

That girl just can't eat grapes and thinks grapes are sour!

But this matter did not end there.

The girl did not go to class directly after leaving the classroom.

Instead, he turned on his computer and posted on the campus forum, listing a series of strange stories about black cats in history!

Basically, where bad things happen.

You will see the figure of the black cat there!

In some southern regions of the country, black cats are even banned, and they must not be kept.

Because it is said that black cats can devour people's souls!

But this is not a feudal society.

As soon as the girl's posts came out, it attracted the attention of other students on campus.

After a while, it was divided into two factions that believe and do not believe!

There's a lively debate about whether black cats are lucky!

Zhang Yan was one of those who chose not to believe this statement.

It's not because she doesn't believe in feudal superstition.

She doesn't understand these things.

She also simply felt that Su Yican's black cat didn't look like a bad cat.

On the contrary, she felt that she was very spiritual!
This is extremely rare!

But not everyone thinks like she does.

It didn't take long before someone posted another 'real hammer post' about Su Yican!
This post not only counts all of Su Yican's cold performances in recent years.

Facing teachers and classmates, they are all expressionless and go their own way.

But at the bottom of this post, the post broke out, and the various performances of Su Yican above were not due to personality reasons.

It's because he is sick!

This is medically known as autism.

To put it bluntly, a person lives in his own time, closes himself, and ignores the outside world.

Su Yican suffers from autism.

Not only the students don't know, even the teachers of the Chinese Academy of Art, except for a few, the rest don't know at all.

Therefore, people who saw the post kept a skeptical attitude and continued to look down.

The post then went on to point out various manifestations of autistic people.

It is very similar to what Su Yican is doing now.

At the end of the post, I quoted a sentence that was used in criminal psychology.

There are some extremely intelligent criminal suspects who appear very ordinary in life.

Most of them have legitimate occupations, gentle or do not like to get close to people!
In fact, it is suffering from certain mental illnesses.

This post seems to just reveal that Su Yican suffers from autism.

But if it is linked to another post that said black cats are ominous.

Many people can't help but feel thin and scared!
Although the authenticity of the event needs further verification.

But in fact, people have subconsciously accepted this statement.

In addition, Su Yican really didn't like anyone in the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts.

More and more bad words one after another.

And those who originally chose not to believe this absurd statement gradually fell silent.

Zhang Yan was also very angry at first.

But she gradually understood that the purpose of the post was to arouse their anger, so as to better target Su Yican and the others.

She guessed well.

Su Yican received a lot of strange looks all the way out of the school gate.

Among them, there is pity, pity, disgust, and even disgust!

However, Su Yican never cared about these things!

As for Lin Qiao?

Ha ha!
 There will be another update after twelve o’clock~ Babes, remember to go to bed early, of course, don’t forget to recommend and monthly pass for Beibeitou~
(End of this chapter)

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