Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 441 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf

Chapter 441 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf (6)

At that time, Lin Qiao's first reaction was.

"System, are you having another convulsion!"

System: "_(:з"∠)_"

[This system has been shot dead, please contact Drift Bottle if you need anything! 】

Lin Qiao, "..."

It's been said before.

This is a plane of RPG word games.

And the so-called RPG word game.

In fact, when the plot develops to a certain extent, a dialog box will automatically pop up for the player to choose.

For example, right now!
Lin Qiao glanced at the three options above.

Silently ignored.

Just turn around and leave!

But I found that my body couldn't move at all.

[Friendly reminder, host, you need to make a choice before you can reuse the original owner's body. 】

"What if I don't choose?"

【Then you will always stand here! 】

"it is good!"

Lin Qiao didn't force it.

Just stood there blankly.


Consume it!

Let's see who can beat who!

Although this world is a game world.

But after all, it is different from the real game experience.

Besides, the old designer who originally designed this game world has long since died.

Time has passed so many years.

It can be said.

The rules of survival in this plane.

It is self-evolving and growing out.

The same reason.

During the time when Lin Qiao didn't move.

Time here is not standing still.

Yes, didn't wait a little longer.

Lin Qiao regained the initiative of his body.

Pick up the basket and leave.

in situ.

Jiao Taro was still eating his banana cake with a happy face.

How come the more you eat, the more you want to eat!
He must let his second uncle marry him back!

In this way, he can eat and drink in a legitimate way!

Boiling Yangyang still maintained the idiot face just now.

Roar~ How, how could there be such a perfect wolf!

Good looking!

The name is also nice!
Also very good at hitting, especially when hitting him.

That strength is simply... amazing!

next to.

Pleasant Goat actually looked at Lin Qiao's disappearing back.

Well known.

There are three powerful races in Qingqing Grassland.

Goats, wolves, and eagles.

Although the sheep family is weak.

But thousands of years ago, the sheep people have always been united and positive.

All the way to the present, it also has a certain status and strength.

However, among the three clans, no matter which clan relied on the power of their own blood to pass on the great monster power of the ancestors, and then deepened their cultivation on this basis.

In the family of sheep.

The blood of Pleasant Goat is the purest and the least amount of magazines in the sheep family.

His cultivation talent is also the highest.

As early as several years ago, he was able to cultivate a real human form, transforming his goat horns and sheep ears into a human appearance.

The hair is no longer curly wool either.

But straight white long hair.

At the same time, he is also the appointed patriarch of the sheep clan!

Before meeting Lin Qiao, he also thought that he was good enough.

But the moment Lin Qiao took off his hat.

He immediately changed his face.

It wasn't because he was attracted by Lin Qiao's beauty after taking off his hat.

that is because.

Originally on the prairie, people have always been regarded as a weak chicken and a submissive red wolf.

After taking off the hat.

It's not the state of a person with a lower body and a wolf ear with an upper body.

Instead, it has completely turned into a human appearance.

That cascading black hair!
Many wolves have practiced for a lifetime and have not cultivated!

What shocked Pleasant Goat even more.

Lin Qiao's physique was not inherited from his own cultivation or blood.

It's a one-in-a-million atavistic physique!
Lin Qiao has gone far.

Pleasant Goat also put away his gaze.

It's just a smile on the corner of the mouth, the meaning is unknown!

(End of this chapter)

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