Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 442 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf

Chapter 442 When Little Red Riding Hood Becomes Red Wolf (7)

after that.

Lin Qiao climbed over two hills.

Finally, he arrived at Grandma Wolf's house before the sun went down.

along the way.

The system also obediently explained to her what is called the 'glamorous' mode.

It's not really a heartthrob.

It's the women of the wolf tribe in ancient times, who have an attractive special feature.

After the original owner took off his hat.

One's own atavistic physique will exude this special system.

And the ugly red hat of the original owner.

That is also related.

It was not sent to her by some well-educated master.

It was because the original owner thought that the atavistic physique was very attractive when he was a child.

Instead, it aroused the jealousy of the sisters.

One of them went to the wizard of the wolf tribe and asked for a hat for her.

Said it couldn't be taken off!

Once you take it off, bad luck will happen!

The original owner believed it to be true.

He has been wearing this hat ever since.

The witchcraft on the hat suppresses the original atavistic physique.

No one will notice.

At the same time, it also caused a great change in the appearance of the original owner, the longer and the uglier.

The attitude of the people around her plummeted.

The original owner found the reason.

In the end, I still couldn't understand it, and put the reason on myself.

Gradually feel sorry for yourself.

Personality has also changed a lot.

Eventually it gradually evolved into what it is now.

After hearing the storyline, Lin Qiao blinked.

"System, are you sure that what Red Wolf experienced before wasn't the story of Cinderella?"


Hello, Yaoyao Zero?

There is one more death for those whose minds are too open!
I want to think so.

But Lin Qiao obediently put on that ugly red hat again.

The wolf family is divided into three branches: grey, black and red.

Among them, the gray one belongs to Wu Dalang's direct orthodoxy.

But these years are getting more and more gray!
On the contrary, the black branch came from behind, and the prestige established in the clan became stronger and stronger.

As for the red one.

From ancient times to the present.

Women have always been the majority, and most of them are beautiful and enchanting!
This has led to the fact that the red wolves are often the targets of the gray and black vying for marriage.

The original owner's family belonged to the red branch.

It's not just the parents who are out of control.

It also belongs to the edge of the power in the family.

I haven't even seen the books on cultivation among wolves.

In this situation.

Prematurely exposing the fact that the original owner is an atavistic body is tantamount to suicidal!
As for the automatic pop-up selection dialog box before.

The system also gave a simple explanation.

Only when triggered.

This dialog will pop up automatically!

It's just that Lin Qiao didn't expect it.

My luck is so good, I just arrived at the door of Grandma Wolf's house.

The dialog box popped up again.

'After walking for so long, Grandma Wolf's house finally arrived. Did you choose to go in?Still not going in? '

Lin Qiao glanced at it.

Then decisively chose not to go in.

The dialog box disappears automatically.

Before Lin Qiao realized what was going on.

Immediately, an old she-wolf with gray fur, half man, half wolf ran out of the gate.

Open the door to meet her.

The smiles on his face immediately piled up.

He quickly grabbed her.

"Little Red Riding Hood, you are finally here. Grandma misses you so much!"

Lin Qiao broke free from her hands uncomfortably.

He handed her the basket.

"Grandma, this is the cake Mom asked me to bring you!"

Grandma Wolf took the basket.

Without even looking at it, she still enthusiastically dragged Lin Qiao into the house.

The more enthusiastic Grandma Wolf is.

Lin Qiao became more cautious.

After all, this grandma had never been so enthusiastic about the original owner before.

despite this.

After entering the room, Lin Qiao was numb all over and passed out.

 The next update time period is after 11:30, around twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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