Chapter 533

Where the dart lands.

There was a low cry of pain.

Hua Wuhuan frowned slightly, but there was not even the slightest wave on her face.

Withdrawing his gaze, he only said one sentence about the situation in front of him.

"Quick fight!"



The person who hit the darts was none other than someone else.

It was Lin Qiao.

Originally, she was completely sure to avoid this dart.

But at that moment, she hesitated.

In the end, it just avoided the vital parts, and the dart plunged into her shoulder.


Still careless.

Some kind of drug was quenched on the dart.

Similar to the anesthetics of later generations, although the effect of the drug is not so strong, the effect of the drug is not weak.

Even if the mind can stay clear.

But the body can't move!

It's even hard to even open your eyes!
She only listened, and the sound of the clash of swords and swords outside gradually weakened until it disappeared.

There was a series of footsteps coming towards him.

Immediately afterwards, swipe!
The bamboo canopy above the sundries she was in was cut open with a knife.

Under the bamboo canopy, there was only a thin, yellow-faced boy covered in water.

The guard withdrew his knife and retreated behind Hua Wuhuan.

"Eunuch, do you..."

The person next to him made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Qiao was unlucky. Normally, these people might still have some sympathy for her.

But this time, they just experienced the robbery of the grain ship.

Seeing Lin Qiao appearing out of nowhere, it would be considered kind to kill her immediately without a single blow.

After all, for those who rashly break into the ship where the officials are.

They can completely regard her as a rioter!
Hua Wuhuan is silent.

There was also no trace of pity or intolerance in his eyes.

He had killed more than one person, and he didn't care about one more.

Get up, want to leave.

But one of the guards of the two people caught by the guard just now ran over suddenly.

Kneel before him.

"My lord, those two people committed suicide!"

"Didn't they already drop their jaws?"

this era.

Human life is like a mustard.

In order to prevent the killers from being tortured to extract confessions after the mission fails, most of them will hide drugs in their bodies.

The most common is hidden in the back molars.

When necessary, one bite will be poisonous!

In order to prevent this, Hua Wuhuan had someone lower the jaws of those two people just now.

But did not expect ...

Hua Wuhuan's face was gloomy, and the air pressure on her body suddenly rose!

The kneeling guard lowered his head even lower.

The voice trembled.

"My lord...they took Wudusan!"

As its name.

After a person takes Wudusan, his gong power will increase greatly in a short period of time.

But it will also enter a state of almost bewildered!
Once the killing is turned on, it will enter crazy mode.

Because... stop, what awaits them is death!

Hua Wuhuan's eyes darkened.

Looking down, the river is wide and messy.

For a while, the mood was complicated.

In the end, he didn't blame the guard and turned around.

At that time, the guards had picked up Lin Qiao, ready to throw him into the river.

There was enough blood on board.

Hua Wuhuan is a clean person.

The guards followed them all the way, and they had a deep understanding. Of course, throwing Lin Qiao down was the most pleasing way.

But at this time, Hua Wuhuan walked over.


"grown ups!"

The guards let Lin Qiao go after hearing the words.

But the doubts in my heart are gradually increasing.

I saw that Hua Wuhuan not only walked over, but also squatted beside Lin Qiao himself.

The voice is indifferent.

"If you don't want to be thrown into the river now, then don't pretend to be dizzy!"

(End of this chapter)

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