Chapter 534

Of course, there are many threats in this sentence.

But the guards still feel confused and unable to understand.

Along the way, they met more than once.

I know the same fact as blood, this father-in-law in front of me looks weak and extremely feminine.

He is a ruthless character!

Anyone who was hit by his personal dart, no matter where in the body, would not be able to wake up for half an hour.

It has only been a quarter of an hour since the gang of killers appeared.

How could this young man in tattered clothes wake up so quickly?
But in reality, they slapped them in the face severely.

The boy's slightly long eyelashes trembled.

Finally opened his eyes.

Not only that.

She also looked at Hua Wuhuan very calmly, instead of looking directly at her.

"My lord, the villain didn't break in here on purpose, and I'm not in the same group as these people! It's just that my home was flooded and I was washed here unintentionally."

Her voice is powerful.

With this bit of calmness and persistence that ordinary people don't have.

And the vigor that only young people have!

It's just that he rashly broke into the ship carrying officials.

As a commoner, she still has a bit of a guilty conscience after all.

His eyes drooped.

"My home is in Chenjia Village in front of me. I just ask you to give me a ride."


Hua Wuhuan narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"How do you know that we will pass through the Chen Family Village ahead?"

His voice was a little cold.

Everyone knows that this is a sign that he is about to get angry.

But this subtle performance.

Lin Qiao didn't know, she just said what she observed.

"The villain just woke up after being washed up here, and met the adult's boat, and he was holding on to the tail for a long time.

Seeing that the boat was also going upstream, I guessed it. "

She is not lying.

The Huaihe River goes all the way down.

Upwards, that is the territory of Shanyin County.

And there is no diversion on the way, and the boats coming and going must be heading for Shanyin County.

Chenjia Village is on the bank of the Huaihe River.

If it was Shanyin County, it would definitely pass by, which is why Lin Qiao dared to ask Hua Wuhuan to take a ride.

Hua Wuhuan finished listening.

His face didn't relax, but he stood up.

Look slightly angry!
"It's nonsense, when did I say half a sentence, what kind of adult am I? Come on, throw her into the river for me!"


The guards were merciless.

Pick up Lin Qiao and drop it!


Lin Qiao re-entered the water, and the dirty river flowed over the wound on her shoulder, making her want to scold her mother!

What made her even more anxious was that her body could not move due to the effect of the medicine.

I can't even make myself barely float on the river.

Can only float with the ups and downs of the river.

The only hope of survival is still in the hands of the man on board.

"My didn't wear an official uniform...and indeed you didn't say...that your official position...but, but...the bottom of this boat is stamped with the seal of the official family, even...even the purple gold on your body Fringed robes are not something we ordinary people can wear!"

Finish the last sentence in one breath.

A lot of river water had been poured into Lin Qiao's chest.

In the end, I couldn't hold on.

The eyes closed weakly, and the body sank together with the river.

on board.

Hua Wuhuan was silent.

He did not wear official uniform today.

But in this era, the rules are strict, and there are also requirements for the clothing of all classes.

This purple-gold bordered gown is not allowed to be worn by officials who are not above the third rank!
Although Lin Qiao was wearing tattered cloth clothes.

But the tatters on the clothes were not patches, they were probably torn apart by some sharp object, and there were faint red marks inside.

After a moment of pondering, he finally spoke.


 Good night, my dears~ Beibei has done some homework on this plane. It’s the first time I’ve written ancient sayings. I just hope that I won’t crash in the later stage o(≧mouth≦)o, please supervise, and of course I also need various tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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