Chapter 535

When Lin Qiao woke up.

There is no water around.

It's on a boat!
She breathed a sigh of relief, but when she turned around, she saw Hua Wuhuan sitting in front of the case.

Lin Qiao quickly turned his eyes away and took a look around.

I found that I was indeed in the warehouse just now.

It's just that this place has been cleaned up, and all the sundries have disappeared.

The grounds have also been cleared.

Tables, bamboo rolls, etc. are placed on the table, and the smell of incense also wafts in the air.

Faint, not strong.

It has a woody fragrance.

Seeing her enter, Hua Wuhuan only raised her eyelids and quickly retracted them.

Just said one sentence.

“The lobby is so dirty!”

The disgusted expression on his face was undisguised and obvious.

This can be regarded as explaining why he appeared here.

Killers have been here before.

Except for the unattended warehouse at the back, the rest of the place was covered in blood.

A strong smell of blood filled the ship.

Just smelling him makes me feel evil!

Lin Qiao didn't know the reason.

Glancing down.

He found that the dart on his shoulder had been pulled out.

Immediately shocked!
"System, have I been exposed?"


Lin Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

But I heard the system say, [...that's weird! 】

Lin Qiao's breath of relief was suddenly stuck in his chest, forming a ball of depression.

"W-what, you, you say it again!"

The system is expressionless.

Seriously lying!

[Ah, something is wrong with this system, it needs to be rebuilt, 3, 2, 1...]

"Hey, system, what are you running, system..."

Lin Qiao continued to call the system.

But this kid didn't respond to her life and death.

On the contrary, her expression changed too quickly, which caught Hua Wuhuan's attention.

From the corner of the eye, intentionally or unintentionally, he glanced over her.

If a poisonous snake is waiting for an opportunity.

He didn't speak, just observed silently.

Lin Qiao murmured inwardly.

In terms of being suspicious, this person in front of him is definitely one of the best.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have approached him in such a laborious way.

While thinking about it, Lin Qiao had already made a choice.

He half sat up with his good hand propped on the ground, but accidentally touched the wound.

The throbbing pain made her entire face contort.

Still struggling.

With his left hand facing forward as a palm and his right hand clenched backward into a fist, he knelt down in front of Hua Wuhuan.

"Villain thank you for your mercy!"

Hua Wuhuan finally raised her head.

His eyes fell on her two hands, and his brows were slightly frowned!

"Who taught you to salute like this?"

Lin Qiao buried her head lower.

Even if he accidentally touched the wound again, he could only bear it silently.

The voice is disturbed!

"The villain's family has practiced martial arts for generations, and grandpa also served as a centurion in the army. This way of saluting was taught by my grandpa!"

This era is called Daliang.

Literati respect literature, warriors respect martial arts!
It was originally a scene of a thriving and prosperous age.

But since the previous dynasty, the emperor was fatuous and incompetent, and eunuchs were in power, controlling the court.

By now, the situation is getting worse.

Today's biggest eunuch leader Dong Zhong holds a heavy army, and the fatuous and lustful emperor on the throne is nothing more than a puppet.

This also led to.

All officials, especially generals, had to kneel and lick Dong Zhong if they wanted to get a chance of promotion.

Many generals can't stand the smoky court today because they can't stand it.

Most of them chose to disarm and return to the fields.

Looking at it this way, Hua Wuhuan's eyes were a little less sharp.

"Okay, if you don't want to die, just lie back obediently!"

Lin Qiao obeyed obediently.

Hua Wuhuan also withdrew her gaze, and gave a rare word of advice.

"From now on, this way of saluting is no longer allowed!"

 Good afternoon~ There is an update at noon, I didn't expect it, (#^.^#), ahem, I found that yesterday's subscriptions have decreased, is it because I don't like the new plane?Aww, the same old way, ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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