Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 617 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 617 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (37)

The direction of this person's finger is a passage.

Lin Qiao took Xu Ran's hand, and cuddled away like an ordinary young couple.

And actually.

Lin Qiao leaned against Xu Ran and asked softly, "How did you do it?"


Xu Ran smiled lightly.

His eyes were full of mystery.

Seeing that Lin Qiao was slightly taken aback, she finally regained her senses and realized that this is not a place to talk.

Without further words, we went out of the tunnel together with Xu Ran.

In the capital base, the detection of new entrants and those who go out to perform tasks is separated.

The latter is much easier and simpler.

Therefore, when Lin Qiao and the others walked out of the passage, Su Yan and others were already waiting outside the door.

"Nuan Nuan, brother lives in the military camp, so it's not convenient to take you in, so I asked an acquaintance to find you a room outside, let Xiao Gao accompany you, brother has to go back first!"

Lin Qiao is not a hypocritical person either.

Nodded in response.

"Don't worry, brother, I can take care of myself now, remember to come to me when you're done!"

Su Yan nodded and was about to leave, but Xu Ran who was standing beside Lin Qiao still showed a bit of dissatisfaction.

Especially, this guy is still stuck in place like a stake!

I don't even know how to call my uncle!

It really gets worse the more you look at it!

Almost at the moment when Su Yan had such a thought, a humble smile appeared on Xu Ran's face, and he yelled at Su Yan with a smile on his face.

"Hello, uncle!"

Everyone, "..."

It was the first time we met, and I called him. Is this person really good at it? !

Su Yan looked away arrogantly.

In fact, there is a little more smile in the eyes, hey, this kid is really funny, the more he looks the more pleasing to the eye!

among the crowd.

Only Lin Qiao was a little embarrassed, and two crimson clouds flew out of her cheeks involuntarily.

Hastily tugged on Xu Ran, "I haven't written the horoscope yet, what nonsense are you talking about!"

In other planes in the past.

Although they have done everything they should and shouldn't do, it's the first time that such a scene similar to 'meeting the parents' is happening!
Xu Ran smiled, but did not expose her predicament.

He just retreated quietly behind her, looking at her silently with a pair of dark but extremely clear eyes.

As if she wanted to engrave all her beautiful appearance in her mind at this moment.

And the two didn't know it.

It was precisely because of this small interaction between the two of them that Su Yan abruptly stopped some of the words he hadn't said yet.

That's it!

When my sister grows up, sooner or later she will grow up and leave him.

Instead of letting go, trap her within the range that she can protect.

It's better to watch for her and find someone who can take care of her for life.

Thinking of this, he was relieved a lot.

He stepped forward and patted Xu Ran on the shoulder.

"Boy, for the sake of your 'big uncle' just now, I will let you go today, and I will definitely discuss with you after a few days of free time!"

Regarding what Su Yan said.

Xu Ran still kept a faint smile.

Neither humble nor overbearing, neither sad nor happy, with a calm attitude.

It's just that there is a little more edge in the eyes that is inevitable!


When everyone was sweating for Xu Ran's attitude.

Su Yan suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha... Nuannuan, take good care of your little boy, be careful that you will feel bad if you are beaten up by me in a few days!"

The original owner understood Su Yan's temperament.

Naturally, Lin Qiao also knew that Su Yan's current performance was the only one who really began to agree with Xu Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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