Fast-passing system: blackening BOSS, seeking light pets

Chapter 618 I Have an Agreement with Zombies

Chapter 618 I Have an Agreement with Zombies (38)

The entire capital base was originally an ancient county with a large area but a sparse population.

The surrounding city walls are built in the same way as the ancient city walls.

And added obstacles such as barbed wire on it.

It's a real bird cage.

The living area in the base is further divided into three main sections.

Area A is where important organizations such as military and base research institutes and command centers are stationed.

Area B is relatively ordinary, but the people who can live in Area B are not those with certain abilities, or some important figures.

In contrast.

Area C is ordinary and mixed with fish and dragons.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a slum.

Most of the people living here are ordinary ordinary people.

In order to survive, they run all kinds of small businesses here, including chaotic markets, arenas, dance halls and other business places.

In the original book, there is a plot that was described.

When the capital base encountered a large-scale siege by zombies, these ordinary people in area C were also allowed to go out as stepping stones to hinder the speed of the zombies.

Newcomers like Lin Qiao and the others have stayed in Area C for seven days after all.

This also means that if there are virus carriers among the newcomers, the first to suffer will be the people in Area C.


But isn't the end of the world itself cruel?
With all kinds of messy thoughts along the way, together with Xu Ran, led by Xiao Gao, they came to a two-story residential house.

This small building is the real estate of a local old man Wang.

After the apocalypse happened.

None of his family members have obtained supernatural powers, and they only make a living by renting out the houses above the second floor in exchange for some crystal cores.

Once, a zombie virus hidden in the body of a tenant who rented a house broke out.

Even killed several people in their family.

Fortunately, Su Yan led troops to patrol the vicinity, killed the zombie and saved his life.

Now, I heard from Xiao Gao that Lin Qiao is Su Yan's biological sister, and she will come to stay for a few nights.

Immediately trembling with excitement!

"No need to pay! No need to pay! If Miss Su doesn't dislike the dirty place of the old man, she can stay as long as she wants!"

"Uncle Wang, you are too polite, you still have to pay the rent that should be paid!"

Several people said a few more polite words.

Old man Wang took Lin Qiao and the others up to the second floor and opened the door for them.

The room he led the way to was the farthest room on the second floor.

The line of sight is wide and the ventilation effect is not bad.

There are also a few simple furniture in the room, generally speaking, it is not bad.

Even after old man Wang repeatedly shied away, he took out the crystal nucleus and paid the rent in advance.

In the process, they heard crackling sounds from the next room.

This time.

Old man Wang's face was a bit uneasy.

"Miss Su, I didn't know you were coming here before. If I knew, I wouldn't let the young couple next door live here any longer!"

Lin Qiao shook his head understandingly.

"It's okay, they're all here to make a living, it's not easy!"

Noisier than Old Man Wang thought.

On the contrary, Lin Qiao didn't think it was important. Xu Ran's spirit had regressed at this moment, and he had already started to doze off.

After that, Lin Qiao quickly sent Old Man Wang and Xiao Gao away.

After closing the door, Xu Ran, who had closed his eyes from exhaustion, was immediately helped onto the bed.

Lin Qiao let go of her hands and was about to stand up, but suddenly a pair of hands appeared around her waist.

Take her to bed.

"Accompany, me, sleep, sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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