I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 362 Devils Have Plane Support, Lin Xiao Has Anti-Air Weapons!

Chapter 362 Devils Have Plane Support, Lin Xiao Has Anti-Air Weapons!
Although the machine gun team of the Independent Regiment hit the Devil's plane, it's just that the penetration of ordinary machine guns is difficult to cause devastating damage to the enemy plane.

As long as the fragile vital parts of the aircraft are not penetrated, the enemy aircraft can continue to fly and fight even if the outer armor of the enemy aircraft is riddled with bullets.

Lin Xiao was well aware of the vulnerable position of the Devil's plane.

Immediately, he loudly reminded the machine gun crew: "Don't attack the armor of the Devil's plane, concentrate your fire on the engine and the windshield of the enemy plane!!!"

The machine gunners of the independent regiment heard Lin Xiao's call, they quickly moved their machine guns, and then concentrated their firepower to attack the devil's nose position.

"Brothers, attack the front of the plane and keep shooting!!!"

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."

Countless bullets slammed into the Devil's plane, and sparks kept splashing.

Because there were too many bullets flying from the ground, it was impossible for the devil pilots to completely avoid all the firepower.

Some bullets hit the nose, and the plane's engine was damaged by bullet strikes. ,
Even the windshield of an enemy plane was hit by several bullets.

Under the high-speed flight of the plane, the huge wind resistance completely shattered the cracked windshield.

"Baga, the Chinese soldier hit our plane engine, and the windshield was shattered!!!"

"Baga, Lu, damn it!!!"

The Devil's crew on an enemy plane yelled in horror.

The hurricane poured into the cockpit of the Devils plane, and the strong wind swept the two Devils crew members out of the cabin.

"Ugh, ugh!!"

The devil's terrified sound came from the air, and the devil's crew was blown tens of meters away by the hurricane.

The enemy plane was only about 200 meters away from the ground. At such a low altitude, the Devils' crew could not land safely even with parachutes.

The two devil crew members screamed a few times, they fell directly from the air, and their bodies hit the ground like heavy sacks.

The devil fell from a height of hundreds of meters, and his limbs were separated immediately, his face was completely changed, and his death was very miserable...

The devil's pilot was not spared either. Several stray bullets shot into the cockpit, hitting the enemy by coincidence.

The pilot and deputy devil pilot in the cockpit were killed on the spot.

After the enemy plane loses the control of the pilot, it is like a kite wobbling and breaking its string.

In the end, the enemy plane fell to the ground like a meteorite.

The huge fuselage instantly disintegrated and exploded.


A huge explosion resounded through the sky.

The flames of the explosion and the fragments of the wreckage of the exploded plane flew hundreds of meters away.

"Baga, damn Chinese soldier!!!"

Another enemy pilot cursed angrily.

"The machine gun firepower of the Chinese soldiers is too fierce, pull up quickly, pull up quickly to avoid!!!"

The two devil pilots in the cockpit hurriedly operated, forcing the plane to ascend urgently.

The remaining enemy plane, although the fuselage was hit by many bullets.

However, with his skillful flying skills, the Devil pilot still rushed out of the firepower net of the machine gun team.

The enemy plane flew higher and higher, and climbed to an altitude of 500 meters in a short while.

Gradually, the bullets fired by the machine gun team could not keep up with the flying speed of the plane, and it was difficult to hit the devil's plane again.

The independent regiment's machine gun team shot down a plane, which also angered the belligerent Jap pilots.

"Prepare the bombardiers, kill these Chinese soldiers on the ground, and avenge Chief Nakamura!!!"

"Damn Chinese soldier, go to hell!!!"

The devil's plane turned back and flew over the machine gun group of the independent regiment.

Soon, the Devils crew began to throw bombs.

Several aerial bombs swayed down from the bomb carrier of the enemy plane.

"Hurricane, hurricane, hurricane..."

The aerial bomb bombarded the mountain, and the earth was splashed all over the place, the ground shook, and the terrifying movement was like an earthquake.
Within [-] meters of the explosion point on the mountain, flames rose and smoke filled the air.

Although the devil's plane did not carry heavy bombs, ordinary aerial bombs were as powerful and deadly as ordinary aerial bombs.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

Violent explosions resounded continuously.

The blast wave of the bomb blasted some nearby soldiers into the air.

The moment the aerial bomb exploded, countless fragments of shrapnel exploded, killing nearby independent regiment soldiers.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

A dozen soldiers around the explosion point couldn't dodge in time, were hit by the flying shrapnel, and fell in a pool of blood in pain.

As soon as Lin Xiao saw the devils throwing aerial bombs, he instinctively hid himself under a hole created by a mortar bomb.

Lin Xiao's position was more than 100 meters away from the explosion point.

Even if it is so far away from the explosion point, the shrapnel can completely splash over to kill.

A large amount of blasted gravel and soil splashed down to the bottom of the hole and piled up on Lin Xiao's body.

Although the soldiers far away from the explosion point were not bombed by the aerial bombs.

However, the huge explosion shocked the eardrums of many soldiers.

If Lin Xiao's physical fitness was not stronger than ordinary people, otherwise, his ears would have been shattered.

After the explosion, Lin Xiao pounced on the dirt on his body, then shook his dazed head, and slowly got up from the hole.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao escaped in time just now, otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to be unscathed...


The Devil's plane circled back and forth overhead, looking for targets on the ground.

The enemy planes have the upper hand in the air, constantly attacking the crowd on the ground with firepower.

Although the enemy's firepower was powerful and terrifying, it did not break the fighting will of the independent regiment fighters.

The soldiers of the independent regiment patted the dirt on their bodies, they stubbornly got up from the ground, and then picked up their weapons and continued to fight against the devil plane.

"God's little devil plane, come on!!!"

"Little devil, my father celebrates your ancestor!!!"

A group of independent regiment fighters raised their machine guns and angrily chased and shot the enemy planes in the air.

The fighters of the independent regiment fought bravely, but their machine gun firepower was not dense enough to cause devastating damage to enemy aircraft.

Seeing that the independent regiment's firepower was weakening, the devil pilot boldly lowered the flight altitude and carried out low-altitude strafing.

"Damn Chinese soldiers, let you see how powerful the Imperial Air Force is!!!"

While throwing bombs, the enemy planes used their airborne machine guns to straf and suppress them.

"Tug, chug, chug!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the face of the powerful devil planes, the fighters of the independent regiment were not afraid of life and death. They took up weapons one after another and fought desperately with the enemy planes.

Lin Xiao hid under the hole, watching the enemy planes firing not far away.

He didn't dare to leave the bunker easily, otherwise, he might be smashed into a sieve by the enemy plane.

Seeing the enemy plane and the independent regiment fighters fighting, Lin Xiao immediately thought of a way to destroy the enemy plane.

Immediately, he took out a rocket launcher from the system warehouse and quietly aimed at the enemy plane.

While aiming at the enemy plane in the sky, Lin Xiao calculated the speed and altitude of the plane meticulously in his mind...

"The distance of the plane is 200 meters, the altitude is 180 meters, the plane moves 20 meters per second, and the shooting angle is 35 degrees..."

The bazooka is a flat-firing weapon, and it is not very effective in air combat.

This distance and height have already exceeded the strike limit of the bazooka.

Moreover, the enemy plane is flying very fast, and it is not easy for the bazooka to shoot down the devil's plane.

While the enemy plane was busy dealing with the independent regiment fighters, as soon as Lin Xiao locked onto the enemy plane, without any hesitation, he immediately pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher.

"Goofy little devil, go to hell!"

After the voice fell, I saw that the grenade roared out of the barrel with a "swoosh".

The flying grenade, like a sky cannon, blasted towards the enemy plane in the sky.

At this time, the Devil's plane was exchanging fire with the independent regiment fighters on the ground, and no one noticed that a grenade would suddenly fly from the ground.

When the grenade was about to hit the plane, the Devil pilots realized the danger belatedly.

"Baga, be careful, the Chinese soldiers have anti-aircraft guns!!!"

"Hurry up and maneuver!!!"

They did not expect that the Eighth Route Army with backward equipment actually had the magic weapon of bazooka for air-to-air combat.

The grenade was already in sight, and it was impossible for the enemy plane to maneuver and evade.

"Baga, it's too late!!!"

The Devil pilot yelled in horror, his eyes filled with fear and panic.


Suddenly, there was a resounding explosion in the air.

The grenade hit the nose of the Devil's plane impartially, and the enemy plane exploded in the air, and a huge and dazzling explosion flame rose in an instant.

The high-speed rotating blades in front of the nose were broken into several pieces by the grenade, the burning fuselage disintegrated in the air, and the parts fell from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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