I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 363 The Desperate Devil Observation Group!

Chapter 363 The Desperate Devil Observation Group!


The plane exploded into countless pieces, and the broken parts were stained with flames and fell to the mountains and mountain roads.

Several devil crew members on the plane either fell to their deaths alive, or were buried in a sea of ​​flames along with the falling enemy plane.

Just now, the two devil planes were barking their teeth and claws. At this time, the devil's planes were all broken into pieces.

The devil officers and soldiers below the mountain road were shocked when they saw the plane in the sky being shot down.

"It's bad, the plane supporting us has crashed!!!"

"Baga, Lu, the weapons and equipment of the Chinese soldiers are so backward, how could they shoot down our plane?!"

The devil officers and soldiers panicked and shouted in collapse.

Originally, the little devils pinned their hopes of breaking through on the planes that came to support them. They thought that the support of planes could turn the tide of the battlefield. ,
However, what the enemy did not expect was that the two planes were reimbursed in a blink of an eye.

Without the fire support and cover of the aircraft, the devils' observation group had no hope of breaking through.

The devil officers thought of breaking the jade here, and they became extremely desperate, and some devils even began to prepare to cut their stomachs...

The enemy plane was shot down just now, which also surprised Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei.

Seeing the plane being shot down, Li Yunlong shouted excitedly: "Great, good fight, the doggy little devil's plane was shot down again!"

Immediately, Li Yunlong stood up from the bunker and loudly asked Wang Chengzhu not far away.

"Zhuzi, did your platoon shoot down the damn ghost plane?!"

Little Cannon King Wang Chengzhu touched his head in confusion, and replied in confusion: "Commander, we didn't shoot down the plane. Besides, our platoon has mortars, not anti-aircraft guns. How could we shoot down the plane?" Ghost plane..."

Li Yunlong glanced around, then asked the surrounding soldiers.

"Who shot down that enemy plane just now? When did our independent regiment produce such a talent? Why didn't I know?!"

Li Yunlong asked several times in a row, but no one answered.

The soldiers of the independent regiment were all fighting the enemy plane just now, and no one noticed who shot down the enemy plane.

"Damn it, it's really weird. Could it be that the little devil's plane will fall by itself?!"

Li Yunlong patted his head in doubt.

At this time, Chu Yunfei walked over and said, "Brother Yunlong, I seemed to see Brother Lin carrying some kind of weapon in ambush near the enemy plane. I think Brother Lin shot down the Devil's plane!"

Li Yunlong knew Lin Xiao's ability very well. He had once witnessed Lin Xiao shoot down a devil plane with his own eyes.

Li Yunlong had a second thought, besides Lin Xiao who is capable of shooting down enemy planes, it seems like no one else can do it, right?

"Why did Brother Lin shoot it down again? Damn it, it would be great if our independent regiment fighters had this ability."

Li Yunlong said cursingly.

After a while, Lin Xiao put away the bazooka and returned to Li Yunlong's command post.

When Li Yunlong saw Lin Xiao coming back, he hurried up to ask, but when he asked, Lin Xiao really shot down the plane.

After Lin Xiao answered Li Yunlong's words, he turned to pointing down the mountain and said, "Brother Yunlong, the plane that the devil came up to support has been killed. At this time, the enemies down the mountain road must be extremely desperate and have lost their fighting spirit."

"Now is a good opportunity to launch an all-out charge. We can completely wipe out the enemy in one go!"

Chu Yunfei next to him continued: "Brother Yunlong, Brother Lin is right, now is a good time for a general attack, and the enemy is almost dead or injured..."

Li Yunlong picked up the binoculars, and then glanced at the situation of the enemy down the mountain.

More than half of the devil officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain were killed or injured, the enemy's heavy firepower weapons and equipment were almost destroyed, and the devils who survived had no fighting power at all.

Lin Xiao and Chu Yunlong were right, this is indeed the best opportunity to attack.

Besides, Li Yunlong knew in his heart that the devil's reinforcements were rushing towards Wuya Ridge.

If we don't hurry up and make a quick decision, the battle of the All Devils Observation Group will be defeated, and the independent group will also fall into the enemy's anti-siege.

Li Yunlong is a decisive person. He looked away and put down the binoculars, and immediately gave orders to the messengers.

"The Order!!!"

Several messengers not far away heard Li Yunlong's loud voice and immediately ran to him to listen to the order.

"Immediately inform all companies and platoons, all of them put on bayonets and prepare to attack the devils down the mountain!!!"

"Also, order the machine gun team to advance me to establish a firepower point and cover the infantry charge!!!"

Li Yunlong shouted to the messenger repeatedly.

"Yes, Captain!!!"

The messenger took the order and turned to leave...

A few minutes later, the soldiers of the independent regiment and the soldiers of the reserve battalion received orders.

"All bayonets ready to attack!!!"

Upon hearing the order to attack immediately, the soldiers took out their bayonets one after another, and quickly put them on the guns.

Machine gunners and soldiers equipped with submachine guns, they all replaced the magazines filled with bullets to ensure the continuous output of firepower.

Soon, there was a passionate and resounding charge horn on the mountain.


As soon as the charge sounded, the soldiers were as excited as a pack of wild wolves preparing to prey.

I saw that the soldiers ambushing on the mountains and hills bravely jumped out of the bunker fortifications and shouted to charge.

"Brothers of the independent regiment, if we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win, follow me!!!"

The soldiers were like a group of howling wolves. They quickly charged towards the devil troops below the canyon with their weapons in hand.

"Soldiers of the reserve battalion, attack the enemy down the mountain and wipe out the little devils!!!"

The soldiers on both sides of the independent regiment and the reserve battalion rushed faster than the other, and they all rushed to kill the little devil.

After a while, the soldiers rushed down the mountain road aggressively.

The little devil was dizzy by the machine gun team and mortars on the mountain, and ran away with his head in his arms.

The enemy didn't react until the soldiers on both sides rushed to the devils.

"Baga, Lu, the Chinese soldiers are rushing over!!!"

"Hurry up and shoot, hurry up and shoot!!!"

Dozens of devil soldiers on the side of the road picked up their weapons and opened fire by surprise.

The nervous little devil fired a few shots with the rifle, and there was no bullet in the chamber.

The devil's [-] rifle only has five bullets, and it is a waste of time to load the bullets after firing them.

Especially in this kind of hand-to-hand combat situation, taking an extra second to reload the bullet would be courting death.

After the devil soldier finished firing the bullets in the gun, he hurriedly backed away while reloading the bullets.

"Brothers, rush over, these little devils are out of bullets!!!"

Soldiers from the Reserve Battalion and the Independent Regiment swarmed up, and they pounced on the devil soldiers in front of them like hungry wolves.

The ghost soldiers had no time to shoot again, only to see that cold bayonets pierced into their bodies, and the big knife slashed on the enemy's head...

(End of this chapter)

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