I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 390 The puppet army passed false information to the devils

Chapter 390 The puppet army passed false information to the devils

Zhang Dabiao took a closer look at the puppet troops firing down the mountain.

"Regimental Commander, the puppet army at the foot of the mountain did not open fire on us."

Zhang Dabiao thought for a while with confusion in his heart, and then said to Li Yunlong: "Regimental Commander, since the puppet army is not against us, shall we continue to attack the puppet army?"

Li Yunlong put down the binoculars and said cursingly: "You still attack the puppet army of P. What if the puppet army is cornered and they come to us desperately?"

"Notify the brothers immediately, don't take the initiative to attack the puppet army, and shoot empty guns into the sky!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Zhang Dabiao responded, and immediately conveyed Li Yunlong's order to each company.

It didn't take long for the soldiers of the Independent Regiment to receive orders from Li Yunlong.

The independent regiment and the puppet army secretly reached a tacit agreement that neither side would attack or hurt the other.

"Da da da, da da da!!!"

"Tut, chug, chug..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Bursts of gunshots and explosions resounded one after another.

From the sound of the two sides exchanging fire, it sounds that the battle is very fierce.

However, the actual combat situation is that there is loud thunder and little rain.

Both the puppet army and the soldiers of the independent regiment were shooting aimlessly, and they partnered to deceive the little devil's attention...

The puppet troops at the foot of the mountain saw that the soldiers of the independent regiment did not attack again, so they quickly withdrew from the ambush circle of the independent regiment.

After withdrawing from the encirclement, the puppet army received a telegram from the Devils to inquire.

"Head, a telegram from the Taijun!"

A puppet soldier handed the telegram to Wu Liangxing.

Wu Liangxing quickly glanced at the telegram.

The contents of the telegram were similar to what Wu Liangxing had guessed.

Several puppet army officers surrounded the regiment leader Wu Liangxing and asked in a low voice: "Commander, what did the Taijun say in the telegram? Did they hold us accountable for discarding weapons and equipment?"

Wu Liangxing said slowly: "The little devils did ask us why we abandoned our weapons and equipment, but they are more concerned about whether the Eighth Route Army that ambushed us is the main force of the Independent Regiment!"

Soon, a major of the puppet army suggested: "Commander, the little devils are quite far away from us, they can't fully understand the situation on the battlefield, besides, we don't have little devils around us to supervise the battle, so it's not up to us to talk nonsense." Open your mouth?"

"You kid is right!"

Wu Liangxing nodded, thought for a while, and soon thought of a perfunctory trick to deceive the little devil.

Immediately, Wu Liangxing radio soldiers instructed: "Give the Taijun a power immediately, and say that we encountered an ambush from the main force of the Independent Regiment and guerrillas. Their strength is at least 3000..."

"Yes, Captain!"

According to Wu Liangxing's instructions, the radio soldiers immediately sent electricity to the command post of the Devil's 36th Brigade.

After the puppet army left the ambush site, Li Yunlong began to order the regiment headquarters to transfer.

The regiment headquarters of the independent regiment was not really transferred, it was just a cover-up by Li Yunlong, the purpose was just to confuse and attract the enemy.

The officers and soldiers of the Independence Regiment carried the radio station and various communication equipment, deliberately exposing it to a place where the little devil could observe...


10 minute later.

Xiaoyun Mountain, the command post of the 36th Brigade.

Ushijima Mitsu and his subordinates stood on the commanding heights of Xiaoyun Mountain, holding binoculars in their hands, observing the battlefield in the distance.

"Baga, these imperial association troops have abandoned so many weapons and equipment since the beginning of the battle, they really deserve to die!" Ushishima said angrily.

A ghost commander next to him echoed: "General, we have equipped the Imperial Association Army with a lot of advanced weapons and equipment, but their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of some guerrillas. They are simply a bunch of stupid pigs."

It was precisely because Ushijima could not trust the combat effectiveness of the puppet army that he let them serve as cannon fodder for bait.

Not long after, a devil officer ran out of the command post.

The devil officer took the telegram and hurried to Niu Daoman.

"Report to the general, a telegram from the Wu Liangxing Department of the Imperial Association Army!"

"Hurry up!"

The devil officer picked up the telegram and read: "Wu Liangxing's department encountered an ambush by the main force of the Eighth Route Army and guerrillas in the valley ahead. According to Wu Liangxing's report and analysis, the number of the Eighth Route Army is at least 3000 or more."

"Nani? There are so many people in the Eighth Route Army?!"

When Niu Daoman heard the news, he couldn't believe it.

Niu Daoman shook his head, and said in confusion, "The Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army is just a regiment. How come there are so many troops in Li Yunlong's department?"

The devil intelligence officer next to him stood up and explained: "General, it is not uncommon for them to have more than 3000 people in a regiment. The Eighth Route Army has grown rapidly in recent years, and some of their regiments and brigades have seriously inflated the number of first-level organizations. , there are quite a few irregular guerrillas..."

"Yo Xi, whoosh Si Nai..."

Mitsuru Ushijima and his subordinates suddenly nodded.

Ushijima Mitsuru and his subordinates moved the binoculars in their hands one after another, looking at the situation on the side of the independent regiment.

The gunpowder smoke on the battlefield hadn't dissipated yet, and the devil officers' vision was a bit blurred, and they couldn't see clearly the fighting situation on the battlefield.

In the distance, you can only see bullets flying across the battlefield, as well as bursts of gunshots and explosions.

The devil officers observed for a while, but did not detect clearly the changes in the battlefield situation.

"General, from the intensity of the exchange of fire between the two sides, the number of enemies ambushing the Imperial Association Army should be at least two or three regiments in size."

"Also, judging from the weapons and equipment of the Chinese soldiers, the ambush troops are equipped with excellent weapons and equipment, while the guerrillas do not have such good equipment. Therefore, the valley ahead should undoubtedly be the main force of the independent regiment."


Ushijima nodded, and the guess in his heart was the same as that of his subordinates.

Of course, although Ushijima Man is arrogant and arrogant, he is a very cautious person on the battlefield.

Niu Daoman knew that the terrain ahead was dangerous and suitable for ambushes.

Without scouting out the enemy situation on the other side of the valley, he would not rush to send troops.

Just when Niu Daoman was hesitating, the subordinate next to him seemed to have discovered something.

"General, look at the mountains over there. It seems that the headquarters of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army is moving!"

When Ushijima heard it, he immediately moved the binoculars to look in the direction of his subordinate's fingers.

On the mountain ten kilometers away, a flag with the designation of the independent regiment was flying.

A group of Eighth Route Army officers and soldiers are dismantling the command post, busy moving communication equipment, and moving quickly.

Soon, a devil officer said: "General, there is an antenna on the roof not far from the command post. The Eighth Route Army commands all the radio stations. It should be Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters."

"General, the Independence Regiment has just ambushed the Imperial Association Army, and they are busy cleaning up the battlefield weapons and equipment. We should quickly surround them before they notice us!"

"General, hurry up and give an order, otherwise, our bait will be eaten by the independent regiment, and we will fall short..."

After listening to his subordinates, Ushijima finally made up his mind to pursue the Independence Regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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