I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 391 Leading the Devil 36 Brigadier into the Ambush Site

Chapter 391 Leading the Devil 36 Brigadier into the Ambush Site

Niu Daoman turned around, and immediately ordered to his subordinates: "Notify the troops in front to march to the valley ahead, bite the main force of the independent regiment for me, and the rest of the troops will quickly surround them, and don't let any one go!"


The ghost messenger nodded, and then conveyed Ushijima Mitsuru's order.

The devil's cavalry and armored units rushed to the ambush site of the independent regiment as quickly as possible upon receiving the order from the brigade commander.

The rest of the devil infantry followed closely behind and quickly marched on the mountain road.

As soon as the Devil's 36th Brigade captured the fighter plane, it immediately dispatched all combat troops.

The devil's army was numerous, and the team stretched for several kilometers. The enemy entered Calabash Mountain one by one.

The devil was preoccupied with destroying the Independence Regiment, but he didn't even notice that the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment were ambushing near Calabash Mountain.

Moreover, the puppet army had scouted the enemy's situation in the Calabash Mountain area before.

Therefore, the devil troops thought that the surrounding area of ​​Calabash Mountain was safe, and they only cared about chasing the independent regiment.

After the devil's front troops entered Calabash Mountain, the officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment ambushing in the forest were secretly watching the enemy.

The troop in front of the devil moved very fast, and the enemy marched several hundred meters on the road of Calabash Mountain in a short while.

The officers and soldiers of the Wild Wolf Regiment quietly lay in ambush in the dark. Without the order of the regiment leader Lin Xiao, none of the officers and soldiers dared to act rashly.

Lin Xiao sat in the command post for a while, and the communications soldier came over to report.

"Reporting to the group seat, the forward observation post is reporting that the Japanese troops have entered Calabash Mountain!"

Lin Xiao nodded, and then said: "Let the sentinels continue to observe, and then inform the various ministries that they are not allowed to fire on the devil's troops without my order, so as not to overwhelm the enemy."

"Yes, group seat!"

Lin Xiao picked up the binoculars on the table and quickly walked out of the command post.

He walked to a commanding height with a wide view, raised the binoculars, and observed the Japanese troops below the mountain.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere under the mountain road, and the roar of vehicles' engines echoed on the mountain road.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Driving in front of the road was the devil's motorcycle troops, followed by the devil's armored troops and dozens of personnel carriers.

There are thousands of devil soldiers on the mountain road.

The devil's team and convoy were very long. After marching for more than an hour, the devil troops behind did not walk out of Calabash Mountain.

"Communication soldier!"


The communications soldier ran to Lin Xiao to listen to the order.

"Give power to the 358th Regiment, the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, and the New Second Regiment immediately. The Devil's 36th Brigade will all enter Calabash Mountain and remind them to prepare for battle!"


The communications soldier quickly returned to the command post, and then passed the news to the friendly army.

Li Yunlong was worried that the transfer of the headquarters was too fast, so he gave orders to his subordinates to deliberately slow down the transfer of the headquarters.

Li Yunlong withdrew so slowly because he wanted to use his headquarters as a bait to firmly attract the enemy.

The enemy wanted to annihilate the independent regiment, completely ignoring the ambush on the road.

The little devil was really fooled, and the enemy troops were led by the nose by Li Yunlong, step by step into the ambush circle carefully arranged by the independent regiment.

When the little devil arrived at the ambush site, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who cleaned up the battlefield under the mountain road had already picked up the spoils and moved them.

The devil troops in front quickly marched to the ambush site of the independent regiment, and surrounded them in the direction of the independent regiment headquarters.

"Imperial soldiers move forward quickly, the Independence Regiment Headquarters is ahead!"

"Surround the Independence Regiment, and don't let even the Eighth Route Army let it go!"

The devil officers and soldiers shouted the slogan of annihilating the Independence Regiment and capturing Li Yunlong alive.

Li Yunlong saw so many enemies approaching his regiment headquarters from the foot of the mountain, he was not in a hurry, instead he showed a sly smile.

The little devil thought that the independent regiment was surrounded, but in fact, it was the little devil who was really surrounded.

Li Yunlong's independent regiment is just a bait, and there are 358 regiments, new first regiment and new second regiment outside the encirclement.

If Li Yunlong didn't use his own independent regiment as bait, the little devil would not be easily fooled into the ambush circle.

At this time, Xing Zhiguo, the deputy head of the regiment, hurried to Li Yunlong's side.

"Old Li, the little devil's pursuers have entered our ambush, shall we fight?"

What Xing Zhiguo was worried about was letting too many enemies into the ambush circle, and he would not be able to eat the enemies all at once, but would be entangled by the enemies instead.

Li Yunlong continued to observe the enemy's situation with his binoculars.

Seeing more than 1000 enemies entering the ambush circle of the independent regiment, Li Yunlong still looked very calm.

Immediately, Li Yunlong said slowly: "Lao Xing, let's not be anxious, the devil will become a bastard in the urn when he enters the ambush, and there are our friendly troops on the periphery. The little devil can't make any big waves!"

Xing Zhiguo reminded: "Lao Li, don't underestimate the enemy. The enemy we ambush is not an ordinary army of devils. These devils are the elite Sixth Division A troops of the Japanese army. Their soldiers are very powerful..."

Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Old Xing, what you said reminded me that the bastards of the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army slaughtered all over China and committed heinous crimes. I want to wipe out these inhumane gangs today. beast!"

Xing Zhiguo was a little worried, and he dissuaded him: "Lao Li, although the Sixth Division of the Japanese Army deserves to die, their fighting power is really not comparable to that of ordinary Japanese troops. If too many Japanese troops are sent in, the enemy will all surround our headquarters. You will be in danger too!"

Xing Zhiguo is not timid, he is also a tough man.

However, as the deputy head of the independent regiment, he must remind Li Yunlong all the time to think about the damage of the whole regiment.

Li Yunlong has always been arbitrary and overbearing when he started fighting. He didn't listen to the words of Xing Zhiguo, the deputy head of the regiment.

"Old Xing, don't fucking talk nonsense with me, are you the head of the independent group, or am I the head?!"

Li Yunlong glanced at Xing Zhiguo angrily, then smiled and apologized to Xing Zhiguo.

"Hey, Lao Xing, don't worry, I, Li Yunlong, know exactly what to do in this ambush, and I will definitely not fight the little devil head-on."

"Old Li, we have been comrades in arms for many years, how can I not know your dog temper?" Xing Zhiguo shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Li Yunlong's face became serious, and he continued to say to Xing Zhiguo: "Old Xing, brother Lin's pockets haven't been tightened yet, so if you open fire to attack the enemy now, this will destroy the battle plan of brother Lin to wipe out the Japanese army..."

Xing Zhiguo nodded, and then he returned to his battle command position.

More and more devil troops entered the ambush site of the independent regiment, and the devil soldiers surrounded the headquarters of the independent regiment from all directions.

The soldiers of the independent regiment in ambush pointed their weapons at the enemy one by one, waiting for Li Yunlong's order to fire.

Li Yunlong did not give the order to fire for a long time, and he was also waiting for Lin Xiao's order.

Just when Li Yunlong was a little anxious, suddenly, several signal flares shot up in the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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