I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 47 Devil's Raid?

Chapter 47 Devil's Raid?

After a while, several devil scouts ran to Nohara Sanzhi.

The leading devil scout reported: "Report to Your Excellency, Captain, we have carefully scouted the terrain around Hutouling, and found nothing abnormal. We have also found out all the guard posts set up by the independent battalion."

"How is the situation at the Independence Battalion?"

The devil scout continued to answer: "Reporting to the captain, we only found a small number of sentries and patrols near the independent battalion station, and the rest of the soldiers should still be sleeping."

"Yoxi, the people in the independent camp are still sleeping when they are about to die. They are like a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered..."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Nohara Sanzhi's mouth, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

At this time, a staff officer of the Devil Major next to him said cautiously: "Captain, our team has gone deep into the hinterland of Hutouling. You can see that the terrain around here is complicated. We can send a squadron as the vanguard to attack."

Nohara Mitsuchi smiled disapprovingly, and did not accept the suggestion of his subordinates.

He confidently said to the major staff officer: "Mr. Murakami, you are too cautious. We are in control of everything in the Independent Battalion. At this time, there is morning fog everywhere, which is more conducive to the concealment and surprise attack of our entire army."

"The captain's words are reasonable. It seems that he is too worried about his humble position." The major staff officer nodded.

Immediately, Nohara Mitsuchi ordered to the subordinates behind him: "All squadrons obey the order, and you immediately lead the officers and soldiers of your headquarters through the front pass and quietly form a siege to the independent battalion station."

"Remember, ministries must march quietly, avoiding the sentinel posts of the Independence Battalion."

"Ha Yi, the lowly ones understand!!!"

The devil officers nodded, turned and left with orders.

The devil troops on standby at the pass received an action order from their superiors.

More than 1000 devil soldiers took advantage of the cover of morning fog and quietly moved towards the independent battalion.


Lin Xiao not only has strict requirements for training troops, but also has strict arrangements for various guard posts.

In addition to the clear sentries, there are also many hidden secret sentries arranged on the main roads of Hutouling.

It is less than five kilometers away from the Independence Camp station, on an inconspicuous low hill.

Several sentinels from the Independent Battalion secretly hid on the hill, and they seemed to find someone walking on the mountain road ahead.

The devil scouts lead the way in front, and the devil's large troops follow behind.

After discovering the situation, the sentinels immediately cheered up.

"The people in front stop, password!"

A sentinel squad leader loudly questioned the suspicious person in front of him.

Several other sentries took up their weapons and flashed out from the corner, aiming their guns at the figure on the side of the road.

The two sides were tens of meters apart, and because of the fog surrounding them, only human figures could be seen, and it was difficult to distinguish whether it was the enemy or the people from the independent battalion.

Therefore, in this special case, both parties need to pair the password.

The password code of the independent battalion changes every day, and the devil scouts know a hammer password.

Soon, the ghost scout responded in Chinese: "Brothers on the opposite side don't misunderstand, we are ordinary people on the road, and a few of us got lost..."

"get lost?"

The squad leader of the sentinel kept an eye in his heart and was wary of the person opposite.

"Come on, you guys, go and search!"

"Yes, squad leader!"

Several sentries led the order and walked down from the hill.

As soon as the sentinels come up to search, the weapons carried by the devil scouts will be exposed immediately, and the large army of devils behind will also be found.

The devil scouts exchanged glances, suddenly pulled out their short guns, and shot at the oncoming sentries of the Independence Battalion.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

There was a burst of pistol shots, and the sentries were caught off guard and fell down.

"Damn it, it's the enemy, brothers, shoot!"

Under the order of the squad leader, the sentries hurriedly shot the enemy in front of them.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The sound of gunshots continued, and the line of bullets flew across the fog, and the two sides started an exchange of fire.

The devil troops behind rushed up, quickly set up their machine guns and began to shoot.

There are only a few people and a few rifles left in the sentinel squad, which can't stop the devil's fire suppression at all.

"Brothers, hold on first, I'll report the situation!"

The sentinel squad leader turned around and ran back to the post to call the battalion headquarters...

As soon as the gunfire of the exchange of fire rang out, Lin Xiao noticed it.

From the noisy gunshots, he could clearly hear the devil's three-eighth cover and the sound of a crooked machine gun.

Judging from the gunshots, there should be quite a few devils.

Strange, why did the devil army suddenly appear in Hutouling? How did the enemy infiltrate it?

With the enemy at hand, Lin Xiao didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly ordered the soldiers to assemble.

"Everyone, gather urgently!!!"

Soon, the trumpeter of the independent battalion blew the emergency assembly whistle.

The soldiers packed their bags in the fastest time, picked up their weapons and ran out of the barracks to assemble.

The soldiers were no longer a mob with loose military discipline. In just a few minutes, the troops directly under the battalion headquarters had assembled.

Lin Xiao came out of the barracks in full armor, and the communications soldiers from the battalion headquarters rushed to report.

"Report to the battalion commander, just now there was an exchange of fire between our frontline observation post and the Devil's troops!"

"How many devils are there?"

The communications soldier replied: "Report to the battalion commander. According to the report from the forward sentry squad, the mountain road is full of devil troops. The number should be more than a thousand people, and the enemy is also carrying a lot of heavy weapons."

Lin Xiao frowned when he heard that, he didn't expect so many devils to raid.

The enemy's sudden attack was a bit too sudden, Lin Xiao was not prepared for it.

The battalion headquarters of the independent battalion is stationed, and the combat troops have only one cavalry company and the guard troops directly under the battalion headquarters.

The fog outside was too thick, and the artillery company could not exert its firepower.

Several other infantry companies were stationed in several nearby villages, and it would be difficult for Lin Xiao to gather troops for combat deployment for a while.

Zhu Dachang came over and asked suspiciously: "Battle Commander, did the Japanese troops get lost? Why did they come to our Hutouling defense area in a daze?"

Lin Xiao thought about it calmly, and said slowly, "Old Zhu, the devil's army did not go the wrong way. The enemy came for our independent battalion. If the sentry hadn't discovered it, the devil's surprise attack would have been successful."

"Battalion Commander, our Hutouling is not the front line, and the surrounding area is the defense zone of the Jinsui Army. How can the Japanese army of more than a thousand people infiltrate in silently? The enemy must not have fallen from the sky, right?"

At this time, the question that Zhu Dachang asked was also something that confused Lin Xiao.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out how the enemy entered the defense area of ​​the independent battalion.

The gunfire in the Hutouling defense area was getting closer and closer, and the dense gunfire continued to sound.

The first thing to do was, Lin Xiao didn't have time to think about how the devils entered the defense zone. He had to find a way to deal with the invading devils.

(End of this chapter)

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