I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 48 Deploy firepower tactics!

Chapter 48 Deploy firepower tactics! (Please collect, please recommend tickets!)
Not long after, another communications soldier ran over.

"Report to the Battalion Commander, the Japanese army has broken into the front of Xiaowangzhuang, and the officers and soldiers of the Second Company and the Japanese army are on fire!"

Xiaowangzhuang is less than three kilometers away from Hushantun, the headquarters of the battalion. As long as the Japanese army breaks through Xiaowangzhuang, the devil troops can drive straight in and surround the headquarters of the independent battalion.

There are more than a thousand devils in the devil's army, and they are so fierce that the second company can't stop so many enemies.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable to the independent battalion, so Lin Xiao immediately gave instructions to his subordinates around him.

"Old Zhu, notify the logistical troops to transfer quickly, and the cavalry company, together assist the logistical troops to transfer supplies as soon as possible."

"Yes, battalion commander!"

Zhu Dachang and Ma Kui, the commander of the cavalry company, were ordered to quickly transfer various supplies.

Instead, Lin Xiao ran into the headquarters and contacted the chief officers of each company to make arrangements.

The first company and the third company received an order from the battalion commander, and the two infantry companies rushed to gather at Hushantun, the battalion headquarters.

The officers and soldiers of the second company are fighting against the devils, and have not yet contacted the battalion headquarters.

Unable to contact the troops, Lin Xiao hurriedly paced back and forth in the battalion headquarters.

The second company was busy fighting against the enemy, and the communications soldiers contacted the second company several times before they got in touch with the second company.

"Battalion Commander, the second company's call has been connected."

After the communicator finished speaking, he handed the phone to Lin Xiao.

As soon as Lin Xiao picked up the phone, he asked eagerly, "Shi Biao, how are the casualties in your second company?"

"Report to the battalion commander, the enemy's firepower is very fierce, but the devils are not familiar with the surrounding terrain, and our second company suffered few casualties." Shi Biao, the commander of the second company, told Lin Xiao about the battle situation.

"Listen, Shi Biao, your company should not confront the enemy head-on and stick to it. Use the favorable terrain everywhere to launch a blockade, try to delay the devil's troops, and cover the transfer of the logistics and artillery troops..."

"Understood, Battalion Commander!"

Shi Biao answered and hung up the phone quickly.

Despite the harsh sound of gunfire outside, Lin Xiao still stayed calmly in the headquarters.

He found a topographic map of Hutouling, spread it on the conference table, and stared at the map carefully to think.

Right now, although the devil's army has strong firepower and has more than a thousand people, the enemy is alone and not familiar with the terrain of Hutouling. It is not so easy to eat up the independent battalion in one bite.

Lin Xiao knew every terrain around Hutouling like the palm of his hand, and the officers and soldiers of the Independent Battalion could just use the dangerous terrain to deal with the enemy.

In such a weak situation, the general commander will only choose to transfer and evacuate when he sees that there are too many people.

But Lin Xiao did the opposite. He was going to concentrate his forces and choose a suitable place for an ambush near Hutouling to defeat the devils.

Lin Xiao was lying on the conference table, thinking while doing homework on the map with a pen.

After more than ten minutes of planning, he had already thought up the entire ambush plan in his mind.

Then, Lin Xiao exchanged 5 Maxim heavy machine guns and 50 boxes of grenades from the system.

After a while, the officers and soldiers of the first company and the third company arrived at the battalion headquarters.

Several chief officers got off their horses and rushed into the battalion headquarters in a hurry.

"Report to the battalion commander, a company of officers and soldiers has assembled, please give instructions!"

"Report to the battalion commander, the officers and soldiers of the third company have assembled, please give instructions!"

Lin Xiao glanced at the subordinates standing at the door, and quickly waved to them to come in.

The chief officers gathered around the conference table, waiting for the battalion commander's combat instructions.

Lin Xiao pointed to a route on the map, and said slowly, "It's about three kilometers from Hushantun to Lijia Village. The mountain road leading to Lijia Village is rugged and narrow, and the terrain is dangerous and complicated. It's an ideal ambush location."

"My battle plan is that the Second Company will pretend to be defeated to attract the enemy to this mountain road, and then the rest of the troops will ambush on the mountains and hills on both sides in advance, and then ambush and wipe out the enemy!"

"To wipe out the enemy???"

When the chief officers heard that they wanted to wipe out the enemy, they were all surprised.

Hu Ergou, the commander of the third company, came back to his senses and said in surprise: "Battle Commander, your appetite is too great. Even if we occupy a favorable terrain to ambush, the devils have an advantage in troops and strong combat effectiveness. It is not easy to defeat the enemy." How is it possible to completely annihilate the enemy?"

Deputy Battalion Commander Mei Wenhua said: "Yes, Battalion Commander, the number of little devils is twice as large as ours, equipped with a lot of heavy firepower weapons, it seems unrealistic to wipe out the enemy..."

The other chief officers shook their heads one after another, they also felt that they could not completely wipe out the devils' troops.

Without hesitation, Lin Xiao said confidently, "Of course we can't completely annihilate the enemy with ambushes and fierce firepower alone, so this battle must be outsmarted, understand?!"

"Battalion Commander, how do we outwit it???"

The subordinates collectively looked at Battalion Commander Lin Xiao and listened respectfully to his plans.

"I'm going to adjust the distribution of firepower in each company, and gather the weapons and ammunition of your two infantry companies, cavalry companies, and artillery companies to form two bombardment companies and two machine gun companies."

"The entire battalion has nearly a hundred light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns, and each company has several thousand grenades. With such firepower combined with ambushes, do you still think it is unrealistic to wipe out the enemy?" Lin Xiao told the battle plan of adjusting firepower the subordinates.

After hearing the battalion commander's firepower deployment, everyone was shocked for a while, and then the chief officers clapped their hands in praise.

"When the machine gun is fired, it will rain thousands of bullets. If thousands of grenades are dropped, there will be no grass. I am afraid that the devil's bones will not be found."

"Battalion Commander, what are you pretending to be in your head? How did you come up with such a clever firepower adjustment tactic? The humble officers really admire it!"

The chief officers began to have a little confidence in the total annihilation of the Devils.

Lin Xiao looked at his subordinates with distaste in his eyes, and said angrily, "Nonsense, of course I have brains in my head. Do you think that, like you idiots, my brains are full of paste and shit?"


The chief officials were ashamed of being hit by Lin Xiao, but they couldn't refute.

"Okay, don't be dazed, Mei, you can arrange the deployment according to my battle plan!"

"Yes, Battalion Commander!!!"

Deputy battalion commander Mei Wenhua and others left the battalion headquarters.

Just now Lin Xiao changed a batch of weapons and ammunition from the system and put them in the battalion headquarters, and he asked the guard platoon soldiers to carry them all out.

After leaving the battalion headquarters, Mei Wenhua immediately gathered all the weapons and equipment of the officers and soldiers of several companies, and quickly formed a new machine gun company and bombing company.

After some firepower adjustments, the soldiers of each company quickly went to the ambush site with a large amount of weapons and ammunition.

After the ambush troops set off, Lin Xiao called Shi Biao, the commander of the second company, and ordered the second company to evacuate in the direction of Lijiacun.

Subsequently, the officers and soldiers of the Second Company played guerrilla warfare with the enemy while fighting and retreating based on the favorable terrain.

The marching devil troops were constantly harassed by firepower, resulting in a slow march, which caused the devil artillery to use multiple mortars to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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