I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 49 1 Everything is in the calculation

Chapter 49 Everything is in the calculation
"Boom, boom, boom..."

The shells fired by the Devil Artillery exploded in various mountains.

Wherever there is the firing point of the second company's gunfire, the devil's artillery and machine gunners will attack in whichever direction.

The enemy's style of play is very passive, and they have been led by the nose by the soldiers of the independent battalion, which not only wastes time, but also wastes ammunition.

Soon, the devil commander Nohara Sanzhi saw that the officers and soldiers of the second company were deliberately delaying time.

"Baga Road, don't worry about the harassment of these small groups of enemies, quickly attack the independent battalion station!"

After the devil soldiers heard the order, they no longer entangled with the officers and soldiers of the second company, and accelerated their marching speed.

The officers and soldiers of the second company blocked the devil's troops along the way, disrupting the enemy's attack plan and effectively consuming the enemy.

The devil's army is only a few kilometers away from the headquarters of the independent battalion, but it is very difficult for the enemy to advance every step, and some casualties will be paid.

The officers and soldiers of the Second Company had been entangled with the Japanese army for half an hour, and the various departments of the independent battalion had already moved.

Immediately, Shi Biao, the commander of the second company, led the officers and soldiers of the whole company to retreat while fighting, and slowly retreated to the mountain road of Lijiacun.

After a lot of effort, the Devils finally broke through Xiaowangzhuang's line of defense.

Nohara Mitsuchi stood on the high ground of Xiaowangzhuang, raised his binoculars with both hands, and observed the independent camp not far away.

At this time, the fog in the mountains has not completely dissipated, and only the barracks of the independent camp can be vaguely seen.

The enemy didn't know that all the people in the independent battalion headquarters had been evacuated.

"The messenger!"

The ghost messenger heard the captain's voice and hurriedly stood in front of the commander to wait for instructions.

"Your Excellency, Captain, please give instructions!"

Nohara Mitsuchi put down the binoculars and ordered: "Immediately order the mortar troops to attack the independent battalion in front."

"Hi Yi!!!"

The devils ordered the soldiers to run away.

After a few minutes, the Devil's mortar unit received an attack order.

The Devil Artillery set up artillery on suitable terrain and quickly established a mortar position.

The devil's mortar squadron is all equipped with 90mm mortars, and the firepower is quite terrifying.

The leader of the Devil Artillery Squadron raised his command knife and shouted: "Target, the headquarters of the Independent Battalion ahead, artillery attack!!!"

The ghost gunners picked up the grenade and loaded it into the barrel.

"Tom, tom, tom!!!"

"Tom, tom, tom..."

The sound of shelling continued, and more than a dozen mortars fired in salvo.

The dense shells were like a meteorite rain, falling overwhelmingly around the headquarters of the Independent Battalion.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The explosion was accompanied by flames.

Mortar grenades exploded everywhere, and rows of barracks and buildings with earthen walls were destroyed by artillery fire and turned into ruins.

The artillery shells rained down one after another, and the independent battalion garrison was devastated, with shell craters everywhere.

Seeing the Independence Camp resident turned into a sea of ​​flames, Nohara Sanzhi showed a tinge of satisfaction on his grim face.

If the independent battalion can be destroyed in one fell swoop this time, Nohara Mitsuchi will become a hero in the Japanese army, who can be promoted and avenge the shame of the unit.

"Imperial soldiers, attack the headquarters of the independent battalion, stab it!!!"

As soon as the devil infantry heard the order to attack, they rushed towards the independent battalion in groups.

"Kill all the Chinese soldiers, go!!!"

The charging devil soldiers showed a brutal fighting style, and the enemies shouted like a pack of mad dogs.

The devil's infantry rushed up, but the devil's artillery continued to attack.

As we all know, the Japanese army's infantry and artillery coordination tactics are very mature. Wherever the infantry rushes, the artillery shells follow, and there are very few accidental injuries.

The fierce artillery fire lasted for a while, and gradually, the sound of the artillery stopped.

As soon as the cannons stopped, the Japanese infantry rushed to the Independence Battalion.

Under the bombardment of the independent battalion in turn, it was almost razed to the ground, and clusters of flames burned on the collapsed buildings.

Devil soldiers occupied the independent battalion station, but searched everywhere, but the huge station was empty.

The leader of the Devil Squadron on the front line immediately reported the situation at the station to the team leader Sankei Nohara.

"Report to the captain, all the people in the independent battalion have been transferred!"

Nohara Sanzhi was very annoyed that so many shells were wasted in vain, but what was occupied was a worthless empty garrison.

"Baga, the road, the damn independent battalion runs really fast!"

Just when Nohara Sanzhi was still angry, suddenly, there was a burst of shelling in the distance.

"Tom, tom, tom..."

I saw that more than a dozen shells fell from the sky and hit the independent battalion garrison.

The devil troops who had just captured the Independence Battalion were shelled before they could withdraw.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The shell exploded on the ground, and the blasted masonry splashed everywhere, and the sky was filled with flames.

There were several types of shells that fell, in addition to mortar shells of various calibers, there were also shells from powerful field artillery.

The devil soldiers at the center of the explosion were smashed to pieces by the shells on the spot.

Dozens of little devils instantly turned into pieces of shattered meat, without even a chance to scream.

The killing range of the field artillery was tens of meters, and none of the Japanese soldiers near the explosion point was spared. They were either killed by the shock wave of the artillery shell or injured by shrapnel.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

The unguarded devil soldiers were blown to pieces, and all kinds of shrill screams could be heard endlessly.

A sudden burst of artillery fire stunned the little devil who had just occupied the garrison.

"Baga, where did the shells come from???!!!"

"Baga, those stupid artillerymen in the back bombed our own people..."

The devil soldiers in front were so dizzy that they cursed one by one.

The artillery shells were fired from the direction of Lijia Village. It was not the devil artillery that caused the accidental injury, but the artillery shells fired by the artillery of the independent battalion a few kilometers away.

Lin Xiao knew that this group of enemies came for the independent battalion, so he left the empty garrison for the enemy.

As soon as the devil troops occupy the garrison, the independent battalion can take advantage of the artillery fire to attack the enemy.

All the offensive methods and steps of the devil army were within Lin Xiao's calculations.

The independent battalion has more than a dozen mortars, as well as field Italian artillery assists. The powerful firepower is definitely enough for the little devil soldiers to drink a pot.

As soon as the artillery unit of the independent battalion seized the opportunity, they bombarded the enemy to death.

"Hurricane, hurricane, hurricane..."

The dense shells came with a howling sound, flying like a swarm of locusts.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Cannonballs rained down and exploded everywhere.

Before, the base of the Independence Battalion was plowed by the devil's artillery fire, destroying barracks and buildings everywhere. These unlucky devil soldiers didn't even have a bunker to hide from.

(End of this chapter)

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