The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 404: Qiao Feng Goes Upstairs

Chapter 404: Qiao Feng Goes Upstairs (3)
When he came to the pillar, Feng Wuqing put the fan in his hand on the table, then picked up the pen beside the table, dipped it in ink, touched the ground with one foot, his body soared into the air, and the pen in his hand left a mark like this on the white pad. A famous sentence: Thunder is the battle, drums and electricity are the flag, and the wind and the cloud meet, and the ghosts and gods are difficult to distinguish.Putting down the pen in his hand, picking up his fan, Feng Wuqing tapped the ground again with one foot, and his whole body rose slowly like a light smoke, with his eyes behind his back: "It's so difficult to dance with a dragon and a mouse. I don't know if you are a dragon or a dragon." mouse?"

The sound startled everyone present, and everyone looked at the slowly rising white shadow with surprise on their faces.

Seeing someone flying towards the Chess Sage Tower, under a big tree not far from the Chess Sage Pavilion, a voice was a little excited: "Master Wang, someone has gone upstairs."

It was a burly man who spoke, however, beside the man was a white-haired old man. The old man was wearing a gray robe, which gave him a sense of immortality.

The old man didn't speak, but his eyes were fixed on the figure flying towards the attic, and there was a hint of excitement on his old face.

Both feet landed firmly on the attic on the third floor, Feng Wuqing smiled slightly, and saluted Li Yu respectfully: "Master Li is polite."

Seeing the young man in white clothes in front of him was only sixteen years old, with a face like a crown of jade, but it gave people a sense of cynicism.Seeing this young man, Li Yu, Li Han, and Li Qiu were taken aback. Qiao Yun and the others had seen him yesterday, and he didn't look like this at all, but this face was somewhat familiar.Who is he, is the other the real Qiao Yun?Or is there another Qiao Yun?
"You..." Li Qiu hesitated to speak.

Sensing the surprise in the eyes of the three of them, Feng Wuqing smiled slightly: "I'm Qiao Feng, brother doesn't want to play chess with arrogant and ignorant people, so let me come to Mr. Li, Miss Li, don't come here without illness."

"Qiao Feng? You are not..." Li Qiu was startled, but soon understood what was going on, and then smiled, "Is your brother okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, brother is fine." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

Just now Feng Wuqing was flying in the sky, everyone didn't see clearly and pay attention, now he is standing in the attic, and the window of the attic is open, everyone can see her face clearly, they are all shocked by her incomparably handsome appearance .Qiao Feng, this name is so strange, but when such a handsome man appeared in the magic city, why they have never seen it before, it is really strange.

And all the girls of Lingxiao Academy screamed in surprise when they saw such a handsome little brother appearing in the attic.Not only because of her appearance, but also because of his cultivation.

Judging from the situation when he flew up to the attic just now, his strength is definitely not inferior to that of a holy magician. It is really rare to see him at such an age with such a cultivation level.

"Strange, who is this Qiao Feng? He doesn't seem to be a student of Mojie Academy?" Among the women, the woman standing at the front looked puzzled.

They had a lot of dealings with Lingxiao Academy and Mojie Academy. They knew how many outstanding students there were in Mojie Academy, but they had never seen or heard of this Qiao Feng, so they were very puzzled.It's the first time I've met someone, but it's strange how I feel like I've met them somewhere.

"Qiao Feng? He doesn't seem to be a student of our academy. Judging by his cultivation, it seems that he has been a holy magician for a long time. If this person participates in the rookie competition, it will be difficult to say how he will be ranked this year." the way.I don't know why, although he didn't compete with the other party, but the other party always gave him a sense of being out of reach.

"Brother, is Qiao Feng really as powerful as you say?" A thinner man looked puzzled.

"It's hard to say, his aura doesn't disperse. I can't do it based on this alone. Do you think he is a master?" The man called the elder brother had a serious face. But it was carefully observed.Although they are very proud, they have to admit each other's strength.Moreover, he had the courage to challenge the envoy of the Wuzun Kingdom, and he also met the opponent's pair. From this, it can be seen that this person is both civil and military.

In the attic, Ge Meng was shocked when he saw the young man in white flying up suddenly.Seeing that the other party is only 16 years old, but his cultivation base is on the level of a holy magician, this kind of talent can be described as outstanding.I really didn't expect there to be such an outstanding person in Mozun Kingdom, but I just don't know how his chess skills are.

"Your Excellency is Mr. Qiao, who has long admired his name." Ge Meng said indifferently.Although he is older than the opponent, it is estimated that the chess skills of the person who can win Li Yu's fancy will not be bad, so he has to respect it.What's more, the two haven't competed yet, and I'm not sure yet. If I lose and I'm rude to him, I'll offend the other party indirectly. Therefore, he came first with Wen and then with Wu.

However, facing the defiant Ge Meng, Feng Wuqing smiled and said: "Emissary Ge, right? Qiao, please correct me, Mr. Qiao is not a famous person in the Mozun Kingdom, and few people know his name. You have been famous for a long time, Qiao People can't bear it. However, Qiao Fengyi understood something, and asked Envoy Ge to enlighten him."

Seeing that Qiao Feng didn't give Ge Meng any face, everyone was taken aback, and suddenly there was a desire to look forward to a good show.

However, Ge Meng is not a fool, it is impossible not to hear the rudeness in Qiao Feng's words, but he is not easy to get angry, so he smiled stiffly and said: "I don't dare to teach you, Mr. Qiao, please tell me something."

"Envoy Ge, the thing is like this. Once upon a time, there was an aunt who bought vegetables very well. She could sell five hundred catties of white vegetables every day. Besides, other people could only sell two hundred catties at most. She thought that she could sell her vegetables in a day. I am very proud of having so many vegetables, and I always tell others about it. At first, many vegetable sellers admired her, but after a long time, people who bought vegetables with her ignored her and thought she was a There is something wrong with her brain. Seeing that people are gradually ignoring her, the aunt is puzzled. Except that everything is normal to her, why others would call her a lunatic. Not only that, even her husband and children gradually hate her. She often quarrels with her. Envoy Ge, do you know why?" Qiao Feng asked back.

This sudden and unexpected story made everyone confused, and they couldn't figure out what Qiao Feng was trying to express.Naturally, Ge Meng was also included.He frowned tightly and said after a long time: "Ge Meng is stupid, please speak clearly, Mr. Qiao."

"Because that aunt got up earlier and came back later than others every day in order to buy more vegetables every day. She spent all her time selling vegetables and didn't care about other things. Even the family members Even when she was sick, she was reluctant to take time to take care of her. In her heart, besides selling vegetables, she couldn't hold anything else. Messenger Ge, do you think this aunt's fate is her own fault?" Qiao Feng asked back.

"The aunt you talk about is focusing on selling vegetables and disregarding everything around her. It is indeed her own fault. But what does this have to do with you?" Ge Meng looked puzzled.This Qiao Feng is really weird, since he talked about some irrelevant things with him.

(End of this chapter)

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