Chapter 405
"Envoy Ge, do you know why my brother disdains to play chess with you?" Qiao Feng asked back.

Slightly taken aback, Ge Meng looked bewildered, this Qiao Feng's thinking was jumping too fast, he could hardly keep up with his rhythm.I really don't know if she was unintentional or on purpose, such a person is really difficult to deal with.

"This Ge Meng doesn't know, so I ask Mr. Qiao to enlighten me." Ge Meng was at a loss again.

"Because you, Ge Meng, are the aunt who sells vegetables, so my brother doesn't bother to play chess with you, and you don't admire it either." Qiao Feng said word by word.It seemed to be intentional for everyone to hear clearly, but Qiao Feng amplified his voice intentionally.

"Nonsense, Ge Mou is an imposing envoy and the number one chess player in Wuzun. How can he be compared with an aunt who sells vegetables? It's absurd, extremely absurd." Ge Meng was a little angry.It turns out that Qiao Feng made such a big circle with the purpose of satirizing himself.

However, since Qiao Feng compared the envoy of Wuzun Kingdom to an aunt who sells vegetables, a trace of doubt flashed in Li Yu's eyes, while Li Han and Li Qiu couldn't help laughing, and the audience downstairs was noisy. Well, they have never seen Qiao Feng swearing like this, they just don't know why they use such a metaphor, and what is the purpose of using this metaphor.

With a faint smile, Qiao Feng said: "You are Ge Meng, Qiao Feng will ask again. How did you get such a high chess skill?"

"Of course it came from studying hard. Otherwise, do you think someone is born to play chess?" Ge Meng said angrily.Qiao Feng's thoughts jumped so fast that he couldn't keep up at all, let alone guess, so he could only passively follow his thoughts.

"Why does the aunt who sells vegetables sell so many vegetables than others?" Qiao Feng asked again.

"Of course it is..." What is it, Ge Meng hesitated to speak.He is not a fool, the aunt must have spent more time than others to sell so much.This happens to be similar to how high my own chess skills are.

Seeing that he didn't continue, Qiao Feng said: "Everyone understands this question. Envoy Ge is looking for people to challenge everywhere, looking for a defeat. Isn't this showing off your chess skills to the world? How is this different from the aunt who sells vegetables? ?”

"Of course there is a difference. Benshi's chess skills are elegant, but selling vegetables is unattractive. The two cannot be confused." Ge Meng hastily denied.It's abominable to fall into Qiao Feng's trap by accident.It is impossible to go on like this, he has to find a way to catch his breath, otherwise, he will have no face at all to see Wu Zun Huang.

"Oh, so envoy Ge ate delicacies that fell from the sky and drank nectar from the heavenly spring?" Qiao Feng asked back.

"Uh..." Ge Meng was speechless.

With a faint smile, Qiao Feng continued: "If Envoy Ge looks down on vegetable sellers, then Qiao Feng may ask, what do you Wuzun people use to satisfy your hunger and cover yourself? Could it be that what you eat is not grown by the common people, and what you wear? Isn’t it a tailor’s annual dress?”

When Qiao Feng asked, Ge Meng's expression turned ugly. All along, he only played chess except for chess, and someone prepared food for him.How these things came about, he had never thought about it, but now that Qiao Feng said it, he was speechless.

If there were no fields for their people to grow, vegetables to grow, fish to catch, hunt to hunt, and clothes to tailor, how would they, high-ranking officials and dignitaries, get food and clothing? What they used were the hard work of our people. , Why should they be looked down upon by them, why should they be inferior to them and wait.

No one has ever said such a thing for their people, but Qiao Feng said it, which left a good impression on everyone. Although she only appeared in front of everyone for the first time, many people remembered him His name... Qiao Feng, a beautiful young man who speaks for the common people.

Being questioned by Qiao Feng, Ge Meng's face was ashen, Gao Gui's head was lowered slowly, and he stopped talking.

"Envoy Ge, you don't have to accept it, but Qiao Feng will ask again. Learning literature can govern the country, practicing martial arts can bring peace to the country, what can you do for the country by learning chess? Can you rule the country well, can you bring peace to the world, and can you make the people have enough food and clothing? As long as you rely on your 360 black and white pieces? If you can really satisfy what Qiao Feng said, then what is the use of writing, what is the use of martial arts, why is the country using the army? Why do the people need to farm?" Qiao Feng said coldly.He already hated these self-righteous guys.If you don't understand this game of chess, you need to buy it like this.I can't get enough to eat, and I go around talking about how noble I am.

Qiao Feng's question made everyone speechless. No one would have thought that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy could speak such aggressive words.

After being silent for a long time, Ge Meng saluted respectfully: "Thank you, Mr. Qiao, for your teaching. Ge Meng is ashamed. It was Ge Meng who didn't see Mount Tai before, so I asked Mr. Qiao to be angry."

Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, Qiao Feng's words made him feel ashamed.To be honest, she is not as good as the aunt who buys vegetables.Looking back on his journey over the years, he seems to have nothing but playing chess. If he left playing chess, he really would have nothing.I have been stupid for more than 20 years.

With a faint smile, Qiao Feng said: "Ge Meng, Qiao Feng is very happy that you can let go of your airs. If you had done this earlier, Mozun's people would not hate you. However, if a prodigal son turns his back on money, he can correct his mistakes. You are a wise man. You must know the purpose of your mission to the Mozun Kingdom this time. If you go back like this, the Wuzun Emperor will definitely blame you and say that you are not good at doing things. Qiao Feng will give you a gift and ask you to hand over Yu Wuzunhuang, what do you think?"

He wants to give gifts to Wu Zunhuang?Everyone in the block, including Li Yu, Li Han, Li Qiu and Ge Meng in the attic, also looked shocked.Usually the monarch who gave gifts to the other party was given by the Mozunhuang, but Qiao Feng, a grassroots man, was giving gifts to the Wuzunhuang, which made it difficult to accept for a while.

Sensing everyone's astonishment, Qiao Feng smiled slightly: "Why, envoy Ge thinks that Qiao Feng's manners are light, and won't you ignore your Wuzun Emperor's eyes?"

", it's just that Ge Meng is a little curious, what kind of gift will Mr. Qiao give my emperor?" Ge Meng hurriedly came to his senses.

"Envoy Ge, Qiao Feng is just a commoner, and he can't bring out anything valuable. Qiao Feng has nothing like gold or jade. However, since your country beats our Demon Kingdom with chess, then our Demon Kingdom Naturally, they don't treat each other with courtesy, so Qiao Feng will send you a game of chess to bring you back to Wuzun. I hope that envoy Ge can spread such words for Qiao Feng." At this moment, Qiao Feng stopped and looked at Ge Meng, let's see how he reacts.

"Oh, I don't know where Mr. Qiao will send me, and what will I say?" Ge Meng looked puzzled, and he was both afraid and admired for the young man in front of him.His courage, talent and sharp mouth are beyond his ability to handle, so he dare not argue with his words, for fear of stepping into a trap again.

"If everyone in Wuzunhuang or Wuzun Kingdom can break Qiao Feng's chess game, then they are qualified to play chess." After saying this, Qiao Feng paused, and then glanced at everyone: "Envoy Ge, don't say that!" Qiao Feng is crazy, Qiao Feng just has his own capital to be crazy. I will trouble you to bring what Qiao Feng said truthfully. As for this game!" Having said this, Qiao Feng turned around and walked to the chess table, staring at it with his right eye, Black chess in a bamboo tube.

(End of this chapter)

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