The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 424 Nian Hedong, Nian Hexi

Chapter 424
Hearing Mo Zunhuang's question, Li Yu fell into deep thought immediately, but soon, a pair of people flashed in his mind, and the long brows twitched slightly, as if he was not sure.

He has known Li Yu very well for more than 9000 years with Li Yu, his ministers, and brothers. You can tell by his expression that he has the answer: "Tell me, do you think of who it is?"

"Your Majesty, I'm not sure."

"Tell me about it." Mozun Huang said lightly.

"Qiao Yun and Qiao Feng." Li Yu hesitated before speaking.

Looking at the entire Mo Zun Kingdom, there are very few people who he can't see through, and two of them are very impressive, and that is Qiao Yun and Qiao Feng.When they appeared in the Qisheng Building that day, the two of them were dressed in white and the other green. If they put aside their appearance and put on bamboo hats and veils for the two of them, they would be exactly the same as the two in front of him, so he dared to Do so guesswork.

"It's really those two children?" Mo Zunhuang was a little surprised.

He had seen all the people from Lingxiao Academy just now, and with their strength, he couldn't make that auspicious cloud at all. Even as a holy magician, he didn't have the confidence to make such auspicious cloud, so he was very surprised by the relationship between the two of them. strength.

Thinking about that day in the restaurant, the two of them didn't care about the pressure they exerted on themselves. This shows that their strength is not weak. Of course, he does not rule out that they have learned special formulas or are pregnant with treasures. The two of them can have such strength at their age, and they can be regarded as outstanding among the younger generations, which also gives Mo Zunhuang a little bit of self-confidence.After all, she was her own granddaughter. Although it was wrong for their mother to drive Chuta away, it was an honor to have such a grandson.

"Your Majesty, unless you take off their veils. Otherwise, the minister is not sure." Li Yu said hurriedly.

"The time is up, Li Aiqing, let the rookie competition begin."


When the Emperor Mozun gave the order, Li Yu hurriedly stepped aside, muttering a few words to the guard next to him.After listening to Li Yu's order, the guard hurriedly left the judges' area.

After a while, the sound of war drums sounded from the southwest square.

When the drums sounded, the people outside the stadium cheered, because it was the prelude to the beginning of the rookie game.After five years, this day has finally come.The students of the various colleges have their own minds, Mojie College looks at students, and Ling Xiao College is also eager to try.

A burst of war drums ended, followed by the sound of horns.

With the sound of the horn, Li Yu stepped onto the stage.Although Mo Zunhuang also came in this rookie competition, but the host was Li Yu, so he was naturally on stage.

The contestants are all very strong, so the competition platform will be bigger than before, with a radius of two miles.Those with poor eyesight will not be able to see who is standing on the stage.

The distance in a person is only two or three breaths for a magic venerable.

Li Yu came to the center of the field, raised his right hand slightly, and the sound of the horn stopped, and the scene was quiet again.

At this time, I heard Li Yu let go of his voice and said: "Everyone, it has been five years, and we are ushering in another five years. The five-year rookie game has begun. Students who participated, you have worked hard for many years, and after all you have learned What, and what did you get? Only you know these things. The rookie competition is not only a channel for the country to choose pillars, but also a stage to prove itself. Who among the people sitting here thinks he is a coward, and who dares to say that he is the best of the best? Dragon and phoenix. You will see the result on the big hand stage, and your hands are real. The rules of the competition, I believe the instructors of the various colleges have told the participants, and this old man is not only talking about this. The old man announces that the rookie competition has officially begun. "

With the end of Li Yu's words, the sound of war drums, horns and cheers of the people sounded at the same time.There was joy at the scene.

On the side of Lingxiao Academy, the bamboo hat moved slightly, and Feng Wuqing said: "Master, how is this competition distributed? Will it be unfair?" Such a huge competition, if it is arranged manually, it is easy to be tampered with .

"Little sister, you can rest assured about this. The name of each contestant is engraved on a small wooden ball and put into two big copper balls. There is a small hole under the big copper ball, which can just pass through a small ball. Every The rosters for the group competitions will come out of the copper balls, absolutely fair and just." Liu Lingyun said hastily.

"Then, will people from our academy meet? If we do, it will be a great loss." Feng Wuqing said hastily.

"You can rest assured about this. Our students will not meet until the finals or semi-finals. Because of the two big iron balls, one is led by Mojie Academy and the other is led by our academy, so the draw It is impossible for people who come out to meet each other," Liu Lingyun explained.After so many years of competition, except for the semi-finals or finals, their students have never met, so she is not worried.This time, there are seven of them participating, and they hope to have two enter the finals.

It turned out to be such an acceleration. No wonder he saw a big copper ball on each side of the competition platform when he just got off. It turned out that the list of contestants was already inside.Looking towards the Mojie Academy, Feng Wuqing quickly had a question: "Master, what are the names of those sitting in the Mojie Academy? Tell Wuqing."

"Oh, you mean five of them? Among the five, the one sitting at the front is their dean Ding Hanhai, and the four behind Ding Hanhai are his disciples, from left to right , namely Mao Zeyu, Liu Yingcai, Huang Yuanming and Ning Xiangrong."

"So it's them." Feng Wuqing suddenly realized, his eyes finally fell on Ding Hanhai, but a smile appeared on his face.It's just that no one noticed because it was covered by a veil.

When Li Yu stepped down, the two guards next to the two balls moved the iron ball slowly, turning it around several times in a row, and then pulled out the cloth blocking the small hole after the list of names inside was confused, and waited for the iron ball inside. The small wooden balls flowed out.

After the small wooden ball flowed out, the guard took the small wooden ball to the side for counting by the recorder, then put the small wooden ball aside, wrote the names of the selected players on a large white paper with a pen, and then pasted it on a wooden board. , and hung the plank high, showing it to everyone present.

The opponents of the first group were created, since it was fair and fair.

Seeing the two names hanging high on the wooden figures, everyone burst into joy.Because, soon there will be fun to watch.

Seeing that none of them are members of the Lingxiao Academy of the Demon Jie Academy, Liu Lingyun and the other four breathed a sigh of relief. Although they will have to play sooner or later, the sooner they play, the sooner they will reveal their strength. In this round of rookie competition, they Never lose.

As soon as the name was announced, two people came out from the crowd.

Both are men, one is a great swordsman and the other is a magic instructor.When the two got on stage, they exchanged names and began to fight.

Although Lingxiao Academy and Mojie Academy participated in the thirteen places this year, there are still three to enter the top sixteen, and they will fight for one of the three places no matter what they say.Therefore, they didn't hold back as soon as they came to the stage, they all showed their best stunts, and the two of them came and went and soon started fighting on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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