Chapter 425
As far as Lingxiao Academy and Mojie Academy are concerned, the cultivation of their students is not at the same level as these people, so for their fights, they just watched the excitement and didn't pay close attention to it.But those ordinary people are different, they usually don't see the master duel, so today's rookie competition, they are more excited than usual.

However, the two students' mentors and students from their colleges cheered their shouts.The game went on like this one game at a time.

Although there are only 32 people participating in the rookie competition this year, it should have been more than 32 games, and every game will be played for half an hour if not an hour, but it is strange to say that in the first round of this year, Mojie People from the academy and Lingxiao Academy didn't even meet each other, and any students who met Lingxiao Academy and other academies of Mojie Academy would automatically abstain.Therefore, only three games were actually played in the [-]th group of [-] people.In fact, in those thirteen matches, one party conceded defeat.However, even though there were only three competitions, it took nearly four hours for these three competitions and the selection of players for each competition, and the competition went from morning to afternoon unconsciously.

The 32 people have produced [-] people. If they want to continue, it is not too late.After seeking Mozunhuang's opinion, Li Yu decided to stop here today and continue tomorrow.

Although the people were a little disappointed that they hadn't seen the duel between Lingxiao Academy and Mojie Academy, but the duel between the two colleges was even more exciting until the end.Therefore, hearing Li Yu say that the game will continue tomorrow, everyone left the Southwest Plaza one after another.Seeing the end of the first day of the competition, Feng Wuqing and Xiao Yun followed Liu Lingyun and others back to Lingxiao Academy.

All the seven contestants of today's school entered the next round. All the students of Lingxiao Academy were very happy and returned to the academy one after another. People, students are very curious.

Back at the academy, before Feng Wuqing could speak, Liu Lingyun said, "Junior Sister, are you not leaving tonight?"

"Uh... Elder Sister, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me to stay here?" Feng Wuqing said indifferently.

"This is your home, so what's the inconvenience?" Song Yanan said hastily.This time, she made their college look good, how could she let her go.

"Girl, some senior sisters are so kind, you can stay." Xiao Yun smiled.

Seeing that Xiao Yun was also interceding, Feng Wuqing said: "Brother Xiao, I will stay, what about you? The academy is full of women, so it might be inconvenient for you to stay here?"

"I didn't say I would stay here tonight, I still have things to do. And you should stay here today." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Hearing that there seemed to be something hidden in Xiao Yun's words, Feng Wuqing looked puzzled: "Brother Xiao, do you have something to do?"

"I'm going to visit someone. You should stay here tonight. Maybe people from the Magic Academy will come tonight, so it's best for you to stay here." Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Visiting someone? Brother Xiao, do you have any friends in the Mozun Kingdom? Who are you going to visit?" Feng Wuqing was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he knew people from the Mozun Kingdom thousands of miles away in the Mozun Kingdom.

With a faint smile, Feng Wuqing said: "Girl, this is the first time I have come to Mozun Country, and I don't have any friends. I want to see this person is my grandfather's friend. I remember Grandpa told me that one day I will come to Mozun Country , must go to see that person for him. Now that grandpa is gone, the old man should know this news. Girl, the two of us appeared in the rookie competition today. , and your grandfather and Earl Li have found us, and it is estimated that some of them will be unable to bear it tonight, so we cannot live without you here."

"But, you left me here alone, aren't you worried?" Feng Wuqing said coquettishly.For so many days, the two of them have been together every day, and they suddenly acted alone, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Girl, you are self-willed again! With your strength, looking at the entire Mozun Kingdom, I am afraid that only your grandfather has the strength to fight you. I am afraid that other people who can defeat you will not be found. I don't need to worry! Be obedient and stay in the academy obediently, I will be back tomorrow morning." Xiao Yun coaxed, this girl always looks like a child in front of her!
"Okay, then be careful yourself, go and come back quickly." Feng Wuqing urged.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Four senior sisters, please look at the girl, it's best not to let her cause trouble." Xiao Yun said to Liu Lingyun and the others.

Understanding Xiao Yun's thoughts, Liu Lingyun said, "Young Master Xiao, don't worry, we will take good care of Junior Sister, you can rest assured."

"If that's the case, then I'll ask you four." Xiao Yun said, saluted, and then glanced at Feng Wuqing: "Girl, to be a strong person, you must behave like a strong person, and I want students to accept your edge. Alright , I'm leaving, be careful." After saying that, Xiao Yun disappeared in a flash.

As soon as Xiao Yun left, Meng Yiran said, "Junior Junior Sister, I can see that Xiao Yun is very careful with you. What is the relationship between you two?"

"Uh... friend." Feng Wuqing paused slightly.

"Friend? Since you are a friend, why are you blushing?" Su Yahui hastily added.

"Ah, no way." Feng Wuqing was surprised, and hastily stretched out his hands to pat his own face, feeling inexplicably flustered.

Seeing the panic on her face, the four of them laughed at the same time.

Hearing the laughter of the four, Feng Wuqing immediately realized that he had been duped, and was both happy and annoyed.

In Qingxiu Hall, Liu Lingyun, Song Yanan, Su Yahui, Meng Yiran, Feng Wuqing and seven students were sitting inside.Today, the seven students successfully entered the next round without making a move. Although this is something to be happy about, the more this is the case, the more dangerous the competition will be tomorrow, so tonight they have to discuss how to deal with it tomorrow. An inevitable part of the rookie game.

"Junior Sister, your cultivation is higher than ours, tell me, what should they do tomorrow?" Liu Lingyun hurriedly said.Although the seven students were all taught by them, it was all due to her that the cultivation of the seven could improve so quickly, so she had to raise this opinion.

"Big sister, to be honest, there is a second-level sword god and a second-level holy magician in the Demon Jie Academy, so it is impossible for all of our people to enter the quarterfinals. After they have been promoted these days, the university must have adapted Brother Xiao also told them something about their current strength yesterday. As for how much they can learn, they can only rely on themselves. However, this time, the people of Mojie Academy are not easy to deal with. They are more advanced than our people. Early on, the use of spiritual energy and combat energy will naturally be stronger than ours. So tomorrow's battle, how many of us will be able to enter, Wuqing is not sure." Feng Wuqing said lightly.In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to help them improve their strength, but because of their physique, forcibly improving them will only affect their future development, and it will also damage their bodies, so it's not worth doing for a temporary victory.

(End of this chapter)

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