The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 456 Ding Hanhai's Hole Card

Chapter 456 Ding Hanhai's Hole Card (2)
"Master Li, Han Hai underestimated the enemy just now. Don't worry, Han Hai is just exchanging ideas and has no malicious intentions. Please allow Master Li." Ding Hanhai said hastily.Li Yu, the more you don't let me fight, I want to fight, I can't let the reputation of Mojie Academy be ruined in my hands.

Seeing that Ding Hanhai couldn't move, Li Yu turned his head away: "Little girl, do you really want to compare?"

"Grandpa Li, Qiao Feng didn't want this. It was Dean Ding who insisted on holding on. However, he really wanted to compare it to Qiao Feng's company. It's just that Qiao Feng has no eyes. In order to protect himself, Qiao Feng might hurt him. Man, this is none of Qiao Feng's business." Feng Wuqing said lightly.Li Yu came forward, but she didn't want to lose face, so she chose to retreat.

"Hey, look at you, what are you doing! Little girl, restrain yourself, don't go too far. Ding Hanhai, you too, it's almost enough." Li Yu said, then turned and walked towards the judges area, the implication was very Obviously, if you like to compare, just do it, but don't fight so hard that you just accept it when you see it.

Seeing that Li Yu was no longer stopping her, Liu Yingcai said with a worried expression on her face at Mojie Academy: "Brother, is Master sure that he can beat Qiao Feng? Her move just now was very powerful!" Such a big mountain crushed Come down, it would be unbearable for me.Looking at Qiao Feng's strength, it seems that he is not inferior to the master. Why does the master insist on competing with Qiao Feng? Isn't he worried that he will lose?

"Master is always cautious. He doesn't fight uncertain battles. Judging from the contest just now, Qiao Feng seems to be stronger than the master, but if the master dares to fight, it means that he is sure of victory. But, Qiao Feng has not revealed her full strength from the beginning to the end. We only know that she is a magician of the third line. The battle is actually for the academy. The academy has lost so many games, the master just wants to save some face." Mao Zeyu said lightly.

"Brother, don't worry, the master can be ranked fourth among all the masters of the Mozun Kingdom. His strength is not limited to this. Don't you forget that the master still has a hole card?" Huang Yuanming said hastily.The master is the pride of their academy, as their disciples, how could they forget the master's hole card!
When Huang Yuanming said this, the four of them were taken aback, only to hear Ning Xiangrong say: "That's right, why did we forget the master's hole card? But, will the master really show his hole card this time?"

"It's hard to say. In order to regain the honor of the academy, I guess the master will do this." Mao Zeyu said lightly.If it were my former self, I would do the same.

Speaking of Feng Wuqing on the stage, looking at Ding Hanhai's confident face, a trace of helplessness appeared on his beautiful face: "Dean Ding, do you really want to win or lose?"

"Otherwise, why does this court spend so much time talking. Qiao Feng, if you are afraid, you can admit defeat, so there is no need to compete." Ding Hanhai laughed.She almost crushed herself to death just now, and he must teach her a lesson later.

"Well, since you are determined, then Qiao Feng can't postpone it, otherwise others will think that Qiao Feng is afraid and won't fight. Dean Ding, with your strength just now, it is impossible for you to defeat Qiao Feng. I know you should have something you are proud of that you haven't brought out?" Feng Wuqing said lightly.

Ding Hanhai is not a fool. He feels that he will not try a contest that he is not sure about. Therefore, his loss is not only for himself, but for the honor of the entire Devil Academy. It is impossible not to consider these.

"That's self-confidence. Otherwise, how could this old man be the dean of the Mojie Academy. Qiao Feng, today I will show you the strengths and weaknesses of this old man." Ding Hanhai put his right hand out of his pocket and took out a blue ring sleeve On the middle finger of the left hand.

Seeing Ding Hanhai take out a strange ring, Feng Wuqing suddenly realized: "Summoning ring, Dean Ding, it turns out that you are not only a magician, but also a summoner! Very good, no wonder you can become a demon king Ranked fourth master."

"Qiao Feng, you are young, but you have extraordinary knowledge. That's right, this old man is indeed a summoning ring. With my strength and this contracted beast, I wonder if you can resist it?" Ding Hanhai laughed.He is one of the two summoners in the Demon Kingdom.Few people know this identity, if it wasn't for Mojie Academy, he really didn't want to show this identity.

It turns out that Ding Hanhai's self-confidence is because of this. I can't tell that this guy still has a good hole card, but the Summoner Master is very amazing to others, but to me, Feng Wuqing, that's a big house in a small house, aren't you Like to show off?Don't worry, Miss Ben will piss you off in a while.

Thinking of the summoner, Feng Wuqing had a strange look in his eyes, and then said: "I heard that there are only two summoners in the Mozun Kingdom, are you one of them?"

"That's right, this old man is one of them." Ding Hanhai looked proud.

"The other one is a summoner, is there a Gale Wolf?" Feng Wuqing said indifferently.

Slightly taken aback, Ding Hanhai said: "How do you know? Could it be that you know him?"

The contract beast of another summoner in Mozun Kingdom is indeed a Gale Wolf, but this summoner is said to have left Mozun Kingdom for many years, and no one knows his whereabouts so far. Could it be that Qiao Feng has seen him?
"It's not a matter of knowing each other, but that guy relied on his own cultivation and a contract beast to commit crimes and killed many innocent people. Not long ago, he and his Gale Wolf were killed by me." Feng Wuqing Said lightly.If her uncle Meng Tian'en hadn't told her, she would not have known that the manipulator behind Qianshi Ridge was one of the two great summoners of Mozun Kingdom.Today Ding Hanhai used his identity as a summoner to show off, so Feng Wuqing reminded him to bring this matter up and reminded him.

"Young Master Xiao, Junior Sister really killed another summoner from Mozun Kingdom? When did this happen?" Liu Lingyun was surprised.Although she seldom saw monsters, it was said that monsters were very powerful and ferocious. It must have taken a lot of effort for my junior sister to be able to kill monsters and summoners.

With a slight smile, Xiao Yun said: "I also heard from Uncle Tian En about this matter. I don't know the specific situation when I was not with the girl. I have heard the girl say that the summoner Zhanling is the king and uses his own The mental power controlled more than 1000 skeletons to kill passers-by, the girl couldn't understand his behavior, so she killed the harm for the people."

Oh my god, this little junior sister has encountered a lot of masters. She can even kill summoners and contract monsters. It's too scary.

"If Ding Hanhai had just retreated obediently, nothing would happen to him, but he is too conceited for being a summoner, and this time he fell into the hands of the girl." Xiao Yun sighed.

"Young Master Xiao, the power of this contracted beast should not be underestimated. Is Junior Sister sure to win?" Meng Yiran asked hastily.The forest in Mozun Kingdom is very small, so there are very few monsters. Ding Hanhai, the contracted beast, was contracted by him in the Forest of All Saints thousands of years ago.Without this contracted beast, it would be impossible for him to rank fourth among the masters of Mozun Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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