Chapter 457 The Millennium Reappearance (1)
"Don't worry, when the girl didn't know me, she entered the Halloween Forest and Warcraft training alone. She knows more about Warcraft than you. When I met her, she was only 12 years old, and she was not so tall at that time." , Moreover, her cultivation level is only a magician. Think about it, she is a 12-year-old girl who is going to enter the Wansheng Forest, the habitat of monsters, and has lived there for three months. Do you think she will be afraid of monsters?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Ah, the little uncle is so young, with such a weak cultivation, he dares to live in the habitat of monsters! Isn't she afraid?" Lu Qiqi looked shocked. When they were 12 years old, they were under the protection of their master and parents. After growing up, the little master unexpectedly trained himself in this way.

"The only way to improve your combat experience is to keep fighting. Although the girl is weak, her desire for cultivation is no less than yours. If she doesn't become stronger, she, together with her foster father and brother She will be bullied by others, so she can only constantly improve herself. If not, she would not go to the monster group, you really think that your little master is not afraid of anything!" Xiao Yun laughed.

After listening to Xiao Yun's explanation, everyone understood the situation of the little uncle. It turned out that she was not afraid, but had to. It seemed that the life of the little uncle was worse than theirs.Seeing them all filled with emotion, Xiao Yun continued: "Students in the Holy Devil Kingdom, every once in a while, the instructors will take the students into the forest to experience, let the students compete with the monsters, so as to strengthen the combat skills. Experience, this is why the warriors of the Holy Devil Kingdom are so brave. What you lack is this, if conditions permit, I would like to take you into the Ten Thousand Saints Forest to practice and practice."

"Master Xiao, aren't monsters ferocious?" Wen Bifan couldn't help but ask. She had never seen monsters since she was a child. She had only read about monsters in books. She had never seen a real monster.

"Warcraft is actually the same as us humans. We have our country, and Warcraft has a kingdom of Warcraft. Every kingdom has their king, that is, the king of beasts, and under the leadership of the king of beasts, there are also kings of beasts of all kinds. The levels are divided by their strength. Generally, they are divided into ordinary monsters, holy beasts, phantom beasts and divine beasts. The divine beasts are the strongest. The strength of the elementary divine beasts can compete with the magic gods, and the high-level divine beasts can rival the holy magic beasts. Respect. Warcraft generally do not take the initiative to attack humans, but once humans break into their territory, Warcraft will attack humans. Warcraft are huge in size, so their bodies have stronger aura than ours. Therefore, the cultivation base It’s no better than Warcraft, and you’ll suffer if you fight recklessly.” Xiao Yun explained.

"I see. By the way, Mr. Xiao, you seem to be very familiar with monsters? Who taught you these things?" Wen Bifan was a little curious. Xiao Yun was younger than them all, but he knew more than all of them combined. How did he remember so many things in such a short period of time? Could it be that his brain is different from theirs?
With a slight smile, Xiao Yun said: "A quarter of the territory of the Holy Devil Kingdom is the Ten Thousand Sacred Forest. I used to run to the Ten Thousand Sacred Forest when I had nothing to do. If you see more, you will know it."

"Ah, you also ran to the Wansheng Forest!" Everyone looked horrified.Everyone thought that the habitat of monsters was an extremely dangerous and evil place, but he just walked in there with nothing to do. This idea was too shocking.

"Don't think of monsters so scary. In fact, they are all kind. Your little uncle has a monster in his hand. If you want to see what a monster looks like, then you can find your little uncle." Xiao Yun said lightly .

Looking at these students, each face is full of anticipation and curiosity. You don't need to guess, they have never seen what a monster looks like since they were young.

"Little uncle has a monster? Mr. Xiao, is it true or not? Is the little uncle's monster good or bad?" Gao Mingxue hurriedly asked.

"Whether it's good or bad, you'll know when she's released?" Xiao Yun laughed.

Hearing what Xiao Yun said, the students of Lingxiao College were very excited.

Then I heard Liu Lingyun say: "Mr. Xiao, as far as I know, except for summoners, humans cannot control monsters, let alone make monsters obey. You said that junior sister has monsters, and so does junior sister." Summoner?" In their cognition, apart from summoners, human beings cannot mobilize monsters, let alone make them follow, so when Xiao Yun said that the junior sister has monsters, Liu Lingyun wanted a summoner.

"Senior Sister Liu, in fact, it is not necessary to be a summoner to mobilize monsters. The monsters are actually very friendly. As long as you are kind to them, they will find a way to repay your favor. Even if you are not a summoner, the monsters are willing to follow you, so , People with monsters must be summoners, this statement is not accurate." Xiao Yun hurriedly explained.

However, just as Xiao Yun finished speaking, Lu Qiqi hurriedly screamed: "Ah... everyone, look, then... what is that?"

Hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked towards the field, and saw a three-foot-long tiger with its head held high, looking down on everyone.There is a clearly visible king character on the huge tiger head, and the majesty of the king of beasts is admirable.The tiger's mouth was slightly opened, and the two long fangs, about a foot long, were exposed outside. Once bitten, there is no doubt that it will die.

"Master Xiao, is this a monster? It's so big, it's two or three times bigger than an ordinary tiger!" Wen Bifan was shocked.

"It's a phantom beast. This is the sixth-order phantom beast Pingyang Tiger. I never thought that Ding Hanhai would even bring out a contracted beast in order to win this competition." Xiao Yun said flatly.

"Young Master Xiao, do you want us to help Junior Sister? This Pingyang Tiger is probably not easy to deal with, and with Ding Hanhai as an expert, I'm worried that Junior Sister will suffer." Liu Lingyun hurriedly said. "This Ding Hanhai is really shameless. If he can't win, he will call out contract beasts. Don't worry, even if there are two more Pingming tigers, they will not be a match for the girl. It's just how she plays. Besides, the girl's contract beast can be any one." If you can destroy the Pingyang Tiger, you don’t have to worry, just watch the show.” Xiao Yun laughed.Compared with the contract beasts, once the girl releases them all, it will scare many people to death.

Seeing Ding Hanhai call out the contracted beast, Mo Zunhuang was stunned: "Li Yu, why is this Ding Hanhai so stingy, he released the contracted beast even if he couldn't win, you go and stop him, don't let her hurt the emperor's granddaughter."

"Your Majesty, Ding Hanhai only wants to win, and his purpose is for his Demon Academy. You can let him fight. Besides, if you really fight, your granddaughter may not lose, and she also has Her contracted beast! Ding Hanhai has always been proud, you can let him run into trouble." Li Yu said lightly.

Li Yu's explanation stunned Mo Zunhuang, and then he remembered that Li Yu had told him before that Qiao Feng had contracted three spirit snakes. Although Ding Hanhai's Pingyang tiger was not weak, Qiao Feng's three spirit snakes were comparable to Pingyang tiger Much stronger, it seems that I am supercilious.Just like her mother, this child is an unyielding master. If the third daughter knows that she has such an outstanding daughter, she must be very happy!
(End of this chapter)

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