The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 513 The Grand Finale

Chapter 513 The Grand Finale (3)
Sensing the murderous aura of the demon god, Xiao Yun took a deep breath, raised his hands up instantly, and his whole person's aura changed instantly. He was surrounded by magical aura, and at this moment, his blue fighting aura quickly released, instantly blocking the murderous aura of the demon god. .

Seeing Xiao Yun's blue fighting spirit, the old holy emperor looked puzzled.As a Juggernaut, the old sage Pharaoh knows very well about the battle qi. A fighter's battle qi is golden from the first to ninth ranks. After stepping into the sword god, the battle qi is red. After reaching the sword master, the battle qi is white. Now Xiao Yun's battle report is blue, which he has never seen in nearly ten thousand years of cultivation. Is this the new realm that Xiao Yun mentioned?Could it be that the strong man above the Juggernaut has blue fighting spirit?

"Boy, you turned out to be a dual cultivator of war and demons. I never expected that after 5 years, another genius with dual cultivation of war and demons would appear in the West Luo Continent. Not bad, it seems that this demon god has an opponent this time." The demon god said faintly. road.

A master is lonely. Although he was trapped in the Sealing Demon God, breaking out of the seal was what the Demon God wanted to do together, but after he came out, no one in this world could be his opponent, so he did not summon his magic flute so quickly , just rushed to the ending from time to time, making the masters of the West Luo Continent who were guarding outside Fengmo Mountain nervous.

Of course, in order to find the opponent, Demon God weakened most of the power of the seal in 12 years, to see if there are any new masters in the West Luo Continent. Unexpectedly, there were only two sword masters and one holy magic master at that time.Of course, one of the young sword masters barely caught his eye. In fact, the two of them were not very good, so he chose to stay in Fengmo Mountain and wait for new masters to appear.

Just as the demon god was sleeping under the seal of money, his magic flute suddenly flew back, which surprised him who was in a deep sleep.

In fact, he left the magic flute outside on purpose at that time, so he has seen the strength of those masters in the West Luo Continent, and it is not difficult to defeat them, so he left without any fear of the seal they set go in.

Although the sealing barrier is very strong, it is not enough to trap him, so he stays inside to rest, to see if there are new masters appearing in the West Luo Continent.However, Moyindi came back and told him that the Tianwei Saber was about to be born, and a new strong man was about to be born.

Although the Demon God is very conceited, the strength of the masters of the previous generation of Tianwei Saber is not inferior to him. If the new owner of the Heavenly Mighty Saber appears today, his strength must be extraordinary, so the Demon God rushed out of the seal and planned to recover his strength before going to find that person The owner of the Tianwei Saber, Bibi, has been the number one for so many years. She is very boring. She only hopes that someone can replace him.However, as soon as he came out of the seal, those masters from the West Luo Continent guarding Fengmo Mountain chased after him.

In order to avoid those masters, the demon god ran towards this side, but met Xiao Yun on the way, and realized that Xiao Yun's strength was good, so he planned to fight him a few tricks.As a result, after the two moves, the demon god found that Xiao Yun in front of him was not simple enough to fight him, but it was a pity that he didn't want to be his disciple.

Just as the demon god was confronting Xiao Yun, more than a dozen familiar breaths quickly broke into his survey range, his eyes turned sharply, and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face: "Xiao Yun boy, this demon god still has something to do, so I will leave today." Don't compare, I will compare with you another day."

As soon as the voice fell, the demon god fled in a black robe and fled in another direction.Although the figure of the demon god disappeared, the thick murderous aura before also disappeared instantly, as if it didn't exist.

Seeing that the demon god left suddenly, Feng Wuqing and the old holy emperor were startled and flew over in a hurry.

"Brother Xiao, why did this demon god leave suddenly? Is he afraid of losing?" Feng Wuqing asked hastily.

With a slight smile, Xiao Yun said: "No, the Demon God is not afraid of defeat, but seeks defeat. He has been in the West Luo Continent for tens of thousands of years and no one is his opponent. Now he only seeks defeat. The reason why he escaped was Because the masters from Fengmo Mountain are coming this way. He has just rushed out of the seal and has not yet recovered his strength. So many masters besieged him, he will definitely die, so before he recovers his strength, he will not suffer such a loss."

"I see!" Feng Wuqing nodded.

Soon, more than a dozen powerful breaths broke into her mental range.After careful attention to the situation ahead, Feng Wuqing found that there were fifteen powerful auras coming towards him, except for one of which was slightly weaker than himself, in fact, all 14-year-olds were stronger than himself.

This is the first time that Feng Wuqing has met so many masters since his debut. It seems that these people are the seniors of Fengmoshan who are coming here. No wonder the demon god chose to run away.With so many masters and such strength, if he doesn't run, he will definitely die here.The old holy emperor said that his parents were all in Fengmo Mountain, so he wondered if there were any of his parents among the masters who came here.

Although many people say that she looks exactly like her mother, she has never seen her before, and she has no idea what that mysterious father, Yu Chen, who is known as the number one expert in the West Luo Continent, looks like. He had never seen it before. Thinking of this, Feng Wuqing looked forward to it.

Soon, the old holy emperor noticed the dozens of powerful auras in front of him, and a trace of interest appeared on his face: "Xiao Yun, Xiao Wuqing, the masters of Fengmo Mountain are here."

As soon as the voice of the old holy emperor fell, dozens of rays of light approached from far away, and soon came to the three of them.

When the crowd arrived, Feng Wuqing found that among the fifteen masters, thirteen had white hair and wrinkled faces, while the other two were about the same age, handsome and handsome, about three years old. About ten years old, the woman is all over the country, and she looks like 21 or [-] years old.

After sizing up the fifteen masters in front of him, Feng Wuqing's eyes finally stopped on the 21-year-old woman.Not because of her dress, not because of her cultivation, but because of that face that is exactly the same as her own.She should be the legendary Li Lingxiao, the mother of one of the four great magic gods in the West Luo Continent, right?

However, when Feng ruthlessly looked at Li Lingxiao, Li Lingxiao was also looking at her. 13 years ago, she gave her daughter to a couple to raise her for Yu Chen. For these 13 years, she has been thinking about her daughter every day and fantasizing about her. Seeing that the little girl in front of him looks exactly like him today, Li Lingxiao was stunned.

In terms of age, his daughter is only 13 years old. The woman in front of him looks older than his daughter. The two of them stopped here. If it wasn't for the mother and daughter, no one would believe it. Li Lingxiao remembered that his father only had her as a daughter, and There is no one among my sisters who looks like me, so who is this little girl.

However, seeing everything about Feng Wuqing, the handsome man and the thirteen elders were taken aback for a moment. They first looked at Feng Wuqing, then at Li Lingxiao, with doubts on their faces.

At this time, I heard the old holy emperor say: "Seniors, junior Yu Guangyuan is late in moving troops, please seniors be angry."

(End of this chapter)

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